I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [296] One Punch

In front of Lieyang Martial Arts School.

Zhang Ping and others came out of the door and looked at each other for a moment.

"Is he trying to fool us?" Zhang Shouzhong said suspiciously.

Zhang Ping frowned and said: "Since he said so, let's just go to other martial arts schools first, wait until all the forces are convinced, and then see if he is convinced!"

Although Wu Ruoyu said it very sincerely, everyone still didn't believe him because of his arrogant and respectful attitude.

If he still refuses.

Then let's see the real rules under your hands, the strong will be superior and the weak will be inferior.

The problem is that Wu Ruoyu has already said what he said, so he can't beat him up for no reason. This doesn't make sense.

"Then go to the next martial arts gym!" Su Jingyao thought for a while and directly agreed with Zhang Ping's statement.

Since Wu Ruoyu shied away, they would fight each martial arts hall one by one, and finally come back to see what Wu Ruoyu had to say.

If he is still not finished by then, he will inevitably receive a fat beating.

About thirty minutes later, Zhang Ping and the others arrived at Qilin Martial Arts Hall.

The name of the owner of the Qilin Martial Arts School is Nangong Qilin. Although his name is very domineering, he is already an old man in his seventies or eighties. He rarely takes action. The real person in charge of the Qilin Martial Arts School is his eldest disciple Wu Tian.

Zhang Ping and others entered the reception room, and a moment later Nangong Qilin appeared with Wu Tian.

"Master Nangong, this unpretentious visit is the same as last time." Su Jingyao said with a serious expression after greeting the other party.

Nangong Qilin was holding the teacup. He looked at the tea in the teacup and said calmly: "Miss Su, what did Wu Ruoyu from Lieyang Martial Arts School say?"

"He said that if you all agree, then he will also agree!" Su Jingyao said.

Nangong Qilin's hand holding the tea cup shook slightly. He originally thought Wu Ruoyu would still resist, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed.

This Wu Ruoyu, what on earth is he thinking?

Nangong Qilin quickly regained his composure and said with a smile: "Well, since Master Wu means this, then I also want this. As long as the other masters agree, then I will agree too."


Zhang Ping and others stopped talking.

A few minutes later.

Zhang Ping and the others stood outside Qilin Martial Arts School and continued to visit other martial arts schools for a while.


After visiting all the martial arts schools, it was already 8:50 pm.

Without exception.

All the martial arts schools in Pearl City shied away and said that they would agree if other martial arts schools agreed.

"After one round, everyone agreed, but no one seemed to agree." Zhang Shouzhong yawned and then complained.

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and bent slightly, and said with a smile: "It's okay, then we will treat them as if they have agreed."

"What do you want to do?" Su Jingyao asked.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "I will go to the martial arts gym tomorrow. I will play in each martial arts gym and the problem will be solved naturally."

"Good idea!" Zhang Shouzhong's eyes lit up and he immediately supported.

Those people are obviously practicing Tai Chi, so just use force to defeat skill and leave them speechless.

Everyone returned to Guilou, rested for a night, and then set off again.

They did not go to Wu Ruoyu, but started the challenge from the last martial arts gym yesterday.

Zhang Ping knocked on the door, and the martial arts students opened the door and saw Zhang Ping again, so they said, "Excuse me, what do you want?"

"It's okay this time, I just came... to have fun playing in the gym!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

The student just wanted to say, 'Oh, it's okay, I'll close the door then', but the next second he realized something was wrong. What did he just say?

His eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Zhang Ping in disbelief. After a while, he said, "I'm going to inform the owner of the museum, please wait!"

"Why is this student so weird?" Zhang Ping complained.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "Maybe I didn't expect that I had a good visit yesterday, and then I came to play in the gym in a blink of an eye."

"Isn't it a little bad to do this?" Zhang Ping scratched his cheek and asked.

At this time, the door opened and many students stood in a row. The master of the martial arts hall frowned and walked out. When he saw Zhang Ping and others, he said displeasedly: "Didn't I reply to you yesterday? You guys came here to kick the gym today. What means?"

"It's not interesting. Isn't it just that there are rules in Pearl City that don't allow playing in the gym?" Zhang Shouzhong asked with a smile.

The master of the martial arts gym glanced at Zhang Ping and others, and finally sneered: "Very good, since you are here to compete in the gym, if I, Zhao, don't dare to continue, how can I hang out in Pearl City in the future and come to the martial arts competition with me!"

This martial arts hall is called Lianlian Dao Hall, and the owner is named Zhao Wu.

He has thick arms but not a tall body. Because his ability is very compatible with the serial sword, he finally stood out among many disciples and officially inherited this sword studio thirty years ago.

Zhao Wu walked to the competition ground, took off his mandarin duck swords, and said calmly: "There are weapons over there, you can take whatever you like. Don't blame Zhao for his missing arms and legs later!"

"No, I like to be empty-handed!" Zhang Ping walked up with a smile, looked at the other person and said.

In fact, he doesn't mind using weapons, but the weapons are not as powerful as his body now. Unless he really gets a magic weapon, it is better for him to use bare hands.

"You asked for that!" Zhao Wu sneered.

At this time, a student walked out under Zhao Wu's eyes and said: "Then I will be the referee for this competition. No human life is allowed. Everything else is fine. Is there any problem?"

He only looked at Zhang Ping, who nodded naturally, indicating that there was no problem.

"Then the competition begins!"

After Zhang Ping agreed, the student slowly stepped back and spoke.

In an instant, Zhao Wu approached Zhang Ping at a very fast speed, and at the same time, two knives stabbed Zhang Ping's two vital points from two angles.


Zhang Ping stood in place and punched out the next second.

He was still behind Zhao Wu when he launched the attack, but he hit Zhao Wu's face first. Zhao Wu's whole face suddenly sank, and he flew backwards and finally hit the wall behind the arena.

For a while, the entire arena was silent.

Many students couldn't help but swallow their saliva secretly. They didn't see what happened clearly at all. Everything was too fast.

The student who acted as the referee hurried forward to check Zhao Wu's injuries. After confirming that Zhao Wu was unconscious and could not fight again, he stood up palely and said, "Yes... this guy won."

"Then... I have the final say in Mingzhu City in the future. Who agrees and who opposes?" Zhang Ping glanced at everyone, then looked at the unconscious Zhao Wu and asked loudly.

No one dared to speak, as they were all very clear about Zhao Wu's strength.

As a top awakener, once the Phantom Dual Blades cut the target, they could kill the target within ten seconds. At the same time, Zhao Wu's ability was called 'Blood Punishment', which meant that the enemy cut by him would continue to bleed, and in the end, the blood would turn into countless blades, permanently chasing the target.

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