I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [299] Assassination

Red Boat Tavern?

Zhang Ping stood at the door of the tavern and looked up at the tavern's sign.

Suddenly, he felt that the name was a bit familiar. He must have heard someone say this name at some time.

Zhang Ping was quite confident in his memory, so while following the nine killers into the Hongfang Tavern, he recalled when he had heard this name.

"I remembered!"

The moment Zhang Ping entered the tavern, he found the information about the Hongfang Tavern in his memory.

He heard this name from Zhang Shouzhong. At that time, they were discussing who the four beauties of Pearl City were. Zhang Shouzhong casually mentioned that Zhuge Hongfang, the red pearl among the four beauties, opened a tavern called Hongfang. Tavern, and this woman is also an information dealer!

"Hahahaha, Qian Su, where is Zhang Ping's head? Didn't you agree to bring it up to see him?" A big man shouted loudly when he saw the killers coming in.

Among the nine killers, one of them pulled off the scarf on his face and said calmly: "Zhang Ping is dead, but just in case, his body was also burned by us!"

"If Mr. Qian Su really killed Zhang Ping and destroyed the body, it will probably take some time for the reward to be paid out." A waiter said.

Qian Su nodded lightly and said, "I know the rules."

Because the Red Boat Tavern needs time to verify whether the target of the assassination is really dead, the commission money can only be handed over if it is confirmed that the target is dead.

"Hahahaha, Qian Su, treat me, I must treat you!" the meddler shouted.

Qian Su said helplessly: "We haven't received the bounty yet. We'll wait until we get it."

"You miser, you say this every time, and you quietly collect the bounty every time." Someone snorted and then said with disdain.

Qian Su sat at the bar with a calm expression, ordered a glass of explosive lemon beer, and then drank leisurely. Several other killers also ordered their favorite drinks.

"I want to explode lemon beer too!" Zhang Ping said calmly, sitting in the last position.

The dim lighting makes Zhang Ping's Night Walker still effective, but the effect is much weakened.

The waiter brought the drinks and silently counted in his mind, 'One cup, two cups, three cups, four cups, five cups, six cups, seven cups, eight cups, nine cups, ten cups.' After serving the drinks, he turned back. Walk.

He walked and suddenly stopped again, frowning slightly.

There seemed to be only nine people when Qian Su and the others went there.

Why did you just have ten glasses of wine?

The waiter looked back subconsciously. Because his concentration was unprecedentedly concentrated, he saw Zhang


At this time, Zhang Ping was sitting at the end of the bar, drinking Explosive Lemon Beer. His squinted eyes were slightly opened with a thin line, and his pupils were overflowing with murderous intent.

Through the conversations of the people around him, he was basically certain that if a meteorite fell, nine out of ten people present would be dead.

"Did you notice me? Let's start cleaning up!"

Zhang Ping noticed the trembling waiter, couldn't help but sigh, and said to himself.

The cleaning team must of course clean up all the dirty things in Pearl City.

Although this is the Pearl City of the world, he actually has no law enforcement power.


Zhang Ping drank the Explosive Lemon Beer in one gulp, and then slowly stood up.

He was not very conspicuous, but when he walked to the brightest light, the effect of the night crawler naturally disappeared.

The originally noisy tavern suddenly fell silent, and all the killers and mercenaries noticed the sudden appearance of the man.

"Sorry, it seems I disturbed your rest." Zhang Ping smiled with his eyes narrowed.

The next moment, a killer stood up suddenly, and was hit by two beams of light, and his head exploded.

This explosion was like a signal from a signal gun.

Everyone immediately ran away, fought back, and all took action.

The dark fog on Zhang Ping's body began to spin, and suddenly blades made of the dark fog protruded from the dark fog. The killers who rushed up were strangled in an instant.

It is impossible for these killers to know more information about their employers.

Zhang Ping had no need to keep them.

Now that we have found the Hongfang Tavern, the easiest and most direct way is to ask Zhuge Hongfang directly.

have to say.

These killers are of good quality.

Except for some killers and mercenaries who wanted to escape, the rest all used their own methods to continuously attack Zhang Ping.

Shadow Thorn!

A killer squatted in the dark, pressed his hands on the ground, and directly controlled his shadow to stab Zhang Ping.

But the next second he showed a shocked expression. His attack hit Mingwu, but failed to break through Mingwu's defense at all.

Then a dark mist swept across like a whip, and the killer fell immediately, his whole body split in two.

Not far away, a killer saw this scene, gritted his teeth, took out a potion and drank it, then opened his mouth and launched an ultrasonic beam attack at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping avoided the attack of the ultrasonic beam and said with a smile: "You are the one who shot my head in a sneak attack today, right?"

The killer's expression changed, and then his eyes were pierced by two beams of light.

People fell to the ground.

The person who shot Zhang Ping's head off at noon and the killer who wanted to snatch Zhang Ping's body were not the same person.

Zhang Ping has the skill of identification and can naturally see through this.

So while he was going on a killing spree just now, he was actually preparing for the killer's attack.

Although he had just identified all the killers without them noticing him, it was difficult to guess what the actual performance of that ability was just by looking at the text.

Therefore, Zhang Ping waited for him to attack and took a look first before speaking.

"Okay, it's time to clear the place!"

After Zhang Ping solved the most threatening killer, the dark fog in his body instantly erupted, and the entire tavern was plunged into the dark fog.

It can be said that in a narrow space, Mingwu's combat effectiveness is off the charts.

When he took back the Mingwu, all the killers had been killed, and all of them had been pierced between the eyebrows with sharp weapons, and died neatly.

Zhang Ping doesn't like to torture other people, unless the other person's crime is so heinous that God cannot tolerate it.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would give the damn person a good time.

After dealing with the killers present, he walked towards the inside of the tavern. He had already heard the panicked sounds of the people inside the Red Boat Tavern.

Zhuge Hongfang stayed in the Hongfang Tavern during this period, mainly to avoid Zhu Taihao's liquidation.

The current beast-controlling Zhu family is even more dangerous than Pearl City.

But she never expected that Zhang Ping would knock on the door after she took a nice bath in the tavern and was about to go to bed.

Before today, she had never heard of Zhang Ping.

But after noon, everyone who is awakened knows Zhang Ping.

After all, Zhang Ping single-handedly defeated most of the martial arts schools in Pearl City. His fighting power was simply terrifying.

Especially the assassination show at noon made Zhang Ping directly become a god.

So many killers did not kill Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping left a lot of killer corpses behind.

There are already many awakened people who respect Zhang Ping as the God of Killing.

Zhu Hongfang knew very well that the killers in the tavern could not stop Zhang Ping.

Therefore, Zhu Hongfang must escape.

Fortunately, she had foreseen that such a situation might occur, so she prepared a secret escape passage in the Red Boat Tavern.

At this time, she called several very capable maids and quickly escaped from the tavern through the secret passage in the wine cellar.

But after taking a few steps, she saw a masked man standing in front of her.

This man also has a strange eye pendant hanging on his chest.

"No life!"

Zhu Hongfang said with an ugly expression.

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