I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [300] No Life

No life!

The former third ranked killer in Pearl City.

In addition to the number one killer Gui Fen who has not appeared all year round, and the second killer who died suddenly some time ago, it can be said that Wu Ming is the number one killer in Pearl City today.

Zhu Hongfang realized one thing when she saw Wu Ming, Zhu Taihao still wasn't ready to let her go.

She formed a clique in the Zhu family for personal gain, and many talented people with great potential had good friendships with her.

If Zhu Chengmian had not died, Zhu Taihao would not have touched her because Zhu Chengmian could suppress her.

But Zhu Chengmian died.

Now that Zhu Taihao was bent on cultivating Zhu Chongba to become the head of the family, her presence seemed too annoying.

"Zhu Taihao...this old man...hehe."

Zhu Hongfang smiled sadly, and then saw a flash of purple sword light coming like thunder and lightning.

She was ready to close her eyes and accept death, but a black mist as thin as a ribbon instantly pierced out from her back, blocking the purple sword light.

"Hey, don't mess with other people's trophies. She is mine now." Zhang Ping walked slowly from behind Zhu Hongfang and looked at Wu Ming with a smile.

He just heard Zhu Hongfang telling the masked man in front of him to die.

Although he didn't know most of the killers in Pearl City, he still had some knowledge of the ones in front of him.

Ghost Judge never kills innocent people indiscriminately, only those who have committed serious crimes. Therefore, although he is a killer, in Zhang Ping's opinion, he is more like a vigilante like Batman.

But the Wu Ming in front of him is the real killer.

He didn't care who he killed.

As long as the price is high enough, even the city lord would dare to take action.

Liu Sishan actually considered hiring Wu Ming to assassinate Prince Moon, but in the end he gave up because the price was too high. Instead, he chose the slightly lower-priced but equally notorious assassin Black Death Star.

The assassination ring Zhang Ping picked up was the equipment of the Black Death Star.

Because of this piece of equipment, Zhang Ping was inspected by Prince Yue, so Zhang Ping still remembers these killers and cannot forget them.

Wu Ming is a silent killer.

Without saying a word, he suddenly struck again.

But no matter from which angle, his attack was blocked by Zhang Ping's Mist.

Zhu Hongfang always thought that she was fearless, but when she saw the light of the sword coming at her again and again, she finally couldn't bear the pressure, her legs suddenly went weak, and she slumped down.

on the ground.

The most dangerous time was when the tip of the dagger was only one millimeter away from her eyebrows.

The sharp aura made her eyebrows ache, as if her skin had been cut.

After a series of attacks, Wu Ming realized that he had no chance to deal with Zhu Hongfang unless he dealt with Zhang Ping.

His eyes changed slightly.

The originally dark dagger turned purple, and his body was also wrapped with thunder and lightning.

Like thunder!

In an instant, a terrifying loud noise erupted from the secret passage.

Zhu Hongfang and several maids immediately covered their ears and fell down.

At the same time, the dagger in the lightning struck Zhang Ping's ear.


Zhang Ping's palm was wrapped around Ming Wu, blocking the dagger's thrust.

Then he grabbed the dagger and pulled it sharply. Wu Ming decisively gave up the dagger and retreated quickly. When he retreated to a safe distance, he looked at his abdomen, where dozens of fine wounds were bleeding.

Zhang Ping's dark mist can be soft or hard, blunt or sharp.

At the moment when the two sides were in close combat, the mist spread out like thin lines in all directions. Wu Ming realized the danger of the mist, so he gave up the dagger.

"This knife is good, but it's a pity. If I hadn't killed too many people, I would definitely have kept it...to make a fruit knife." Zhang Ping played with the lifeless dagger and said with a smile.

At this moment, Wu Ming also realized that he was no match for the man in black in front of him.

He stepped back without saying a word, preparing to retreat temporarily.

Or give up on the mission entirely.

Or look for better opportunities before taking action!

"Want to leave?"

When Zhang Ping saw this, the dark mist on his body suddenly erupted.

When Wu Ming saw the billowing black smoke coming out of Zhang Ping's body, his pupils shrank instantly, and he turned around and ran away. At the same time, thunder and lightning appeared under his feet, and his speed increased dozens of times.

The problem is that the dark passage is not an open environment. The narrower the environment, the more terrifying the mist is.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Ming, who ran dozens of meters away, was caught up by Ming Wu behind him.

Then he felt danger, and immediately crossed his hands in front of his head. The sharp mist pierced his palms, but he used the force to flip back.

As soon as he hit the ground and tried to run again, the dense spikes attacked from 360 degrees. There were countless big holes in his body, and he was bleeding profusely.

Zhang Ping sighed,

He wanted to give Wu Ming a happy ending.

But Wu Ming didn't seem to want to die too happily, so he had no choice but to help the other party.

After dealing with Wu Ming, Zhang Ping slowly walked to Zhu Hongfang.

Suddenly, he felt that Zhu Hongfang looked familiar, so he closed his eyes and sniffed, then looked at Zhu Hongfang's... butt.

It turns out to be her, the big ass!

Zhu Hongfang secretly peeked at Zhang Ping and saw Zhang Ping looking at her butt. She thought Zhang Ping was interested in him, so she said softly: "Thank you, sir, for saving my life."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. There is nothing wrong with opening an information room in Pearl City. Selling some information is not a crime. But your Red Boat Tavern obviously has more than this business. Get up and come with me." Zhang Ping withdrew his gaze, narrowed his eyes into a line again, and said calmly.

Zhu Hongfang got up from the ground with the help of two maids. She lowered her head and said shyly: "My lord, can you let me change my clothes? I was scared just now... I'm a little leaky."

"Okay, don't even think about escaping. After all, if you leave me and lose Wuming, you may have to wait for six or seven lives." Zhang Ping agreed with a smile.

Zhu Hongfang's heart sank when she heard Zhang Ping's words.

The main reason is that what Zhang Ping said makes sense. After she leaves Zhang Ping, who knows whether Zhu Taihao will continue to send people to assassinate her.

Wuming is indeed the top killer, but it is hard to say whether he is the strongest killer.

It can only be said that Wuming has a great reputation and has been in the industry for a long time.

But there are also some killers who may have done it a few times in more than ten years, but their strength is far above Wuming. The low ranking is just because they have made few moves and are less well-known.

Zhu Taihao controls the entire Zhu family of beast control, and it is unknown how much power he hides.

In addition to hiring assassins, it is also possible to send assassins to assassinate her.

Thinking of this, Zhu Hongfang suddenly felt that she was not safe no matter where she hid. Only by following Zhang Ping could she feel a little safe.

She looked up and smiled reluctantly: "You are joking, my daughter would never run away. It's just... I was a little embarrassed because of fear, so I really just wanted to change clothes."

"I didn't refuse you, why do you explain so much, let's go!" Zhang Ping said indifferently.

Just now, he identified Zhu Hongfang, and then found that Zhu Hongfang was not called Zhuge Hongfang.

And her current makeup is also carefully made up, which is very different from her original appearance.

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