I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [301] Leniency for Confession

The women of the beast-controlling Zhu family are indeed not good at all.

Zhang Ping complained silently in his heart, while thinking about how to pry out the secrets of the beast-controlling Zhu family from Zhu Hongfang's mouth.

To be honest, not many people in Pearl City know what the situation of the beast-controlling Zhu family is like in this world, except for the beast-controlling Zhu family themselves.

After all, the clean-up team had ceased to exist in name only, leaving only a bunch of kittens and puppies.

The patrol team was even worse.

Like World Zero, they have all been wiped out.

Zhang Ping followed Zhu Hongfang back to the Hongfang Tavern. After Zhuge Hongfang changed into a sexy dress, the two of them left from the main entrance. As for the maid, Zhu Hongfang ordered her to stay in the tavern to deal with the corpses.

Zhang Ping had no objection to this.

After all, there are so many corpses, and if they are not handled properly, a plague may occur.

Zhang Ping and Zhu Hongfang walked out of the tavern. Zhu Hongfang leaned on the edge of the door and said softly: "Sir, the little girl's legs are a little weak. Can you help her?"

"All right."

Zhang Ping had appraised her ability, so naturally he wasn't worried about her cheating.

He stepped forward and grabbed her arm, which was as white as a lotus root, and moved forward vigorously.

"Sir, you are hurting me."

"Then let me go."

"Ouch, sir, you hurt someone when you fell. My butt hurts so much. It must be swollen."

"Sir, please check for me. Is it swollen?"

Seeing that Zhang Ping was silent, Zhu Hongfang raised her buttocks and asked charmingly.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Zhang Ping asked coldly.

Zhu Hongfang realized that Zhang Ping might have seen that she was seducing, so she stood up, coughed, nodded and said, "Enough is enough."

"Then leave quickly." Zhang Ping said angrily.

Fortunately, his spiritual body and physical body can be separated at any time, otherwise he would have made a fool of himself just now.

I have to say that Zhu Hongfang was rated as one of the four beauties. She does have her own uniqueness. That peach shape... is really attractive.

There is a group of LSPs in Pearl City!

Zhu Hongfang didn't try to seduce him anymore and walked in front honestly.

Zhang Ping followed her, correcting her direction from time to time.

As for why Zhang Ping was walking behind, ahem. Everyone who understands understands.

After a short journey, the two walked for a long time. It was already around four o'clock in the morning when they returned to Guilou. Some people got up.

The early residents have begun to move around outside, and there are even sounds of awakened people running.

"Zhu Hongfang, why do the Zhu family want to kill you?" Zhang Ping and Zhu Hongfang entered the hall. After both parties sat down, Zhang Ping asked directly.

Zhu Hongfang had already thought of an excuse, saying that she was forced to do so. The killer business in Hongfang Tavern was arranged by an organization called Yazhonglou, and she, a weak woman, was unable to resist.

Who would have known that Zhang Ping directly revealed her identity and even guessed that Wu Ming was sent by the Zhu family.

She was stunned for a moment, then smiled reluctantly and said: "Sir, the little girl can't understand what you are saying, and the little girl's name is Zhuge Hongfang, not Zhu Hongfang!"

"Guess, if I tie you up in the square of Pearl City tomorrow night, what will I see the next day?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile when she saw her shirk.

Zhu Hongfang couldn't help but grit his teeth slightly, what else could he see, a corpse!

It may even be a corpse that was ruined by some drunkard and then killed by an assassin. It is also a headless corpse, because assassins usually cut off the target's head as evidence.

"Since the Zhu family has betrayed you, why should you stubbornly keep secrets for the Zhu family? Is it worth it?" Zhang Ping asked again.

Zhu Hongfang is also an expert in interrogation. She can tell at a glance whether what the other person says is true or false, and she can even use her own abilities to easily gain the favor of others.

She knew that Zhang Ping wanted her to betray the Zhu family, but as Zhang Ping said, now that Zhu Taihao had decided to kill her, what was the point of keeping the beast-controlling Zhu family's secret?

"Sir, I don't understand what you are talking about."

After a brief silence, Zhu Hongfang forced a smile and clenched his hands slightly.

"Okay, then let's go. I believe that since the Beast Control Zhu family assassinated you once, there will definitely be a second and third time. Maybe after a while, I can see your body in a ditch. Ups and downs." Zhang Ping sighed and continued.

Zhu Hongfang was silent again.

It's not that she didn't have emergency preparedness, she even had several safe houses.

But the question is, can she escape to those places?

She knows the strength of the beast-controlling Zhu family better than anyone else. Zhu Taihao is determined to kill her, and there are really not many people who can protect her.

Two days ago, Zhu Shi was deprived by Zhu Taihao in the name of disrespect because he entered the door with his right foot first.

In order to obtain the position of deacon, Zhu Shi tried to escape that night, but was killed as an assassin.

But no one dared to speak out.

Zhu Hongfang was lucky at that time. Fortunately, she ran out first.

But now it seems that running away or not is just the difference between dying early and dying late. Zhu Taihao has no intention of letting go of all the young talents who may threaten his grandson's ascension to the position of head of the family.

In fact, even the elders have no time to take care of themselves and have lost the ability to protect them.

"What would you do to me if I told you?"

Zhu Hongfang looked up at Zhang Ping, finally no longer pretending to be a weak woman.

She was not a weak woman in the first place. Although she was shocked by Wu Ming just now, she had recovered her mentality after taking a bath.

The behavior she just did on the road was purely pretentious to seduce Zhang Ping, and she even deliberately let Zhang Ping see it and give him a wrong impression.

But now it is not necessary.

Because Zhang Ping has made it clear that whether she wants to live or die depends entirely on whether she cooperates next.

"It depends on the situation. If the information you provide is valuable, I will give a just judgment after understanding your situation." Zhang Ping said seriously.

If she really made meritorious contributions and her crime was not punishable by death, then he would give her a lighter sentence.

But if her information is not particularly important and she is extremely evil, then even if she is as beautiful as a fairy, Zhang Ping will not hesitate to kill her.

"I understand!"

Zhu Hongfang took a deep breath and then told the current situation of the Beastmaster Zhu family.

"It turns out that the head of the Beastmaster Zhu family is named Zhu Taihao. It turns out that Zhu Taihao's son died together with Captain Situ. Zhu Chongba... Ba Chonglou, is he the person who almost died with me in World Zero?" Zhang Ping listened to Zhu Hongfang's words and got answers to many puzzles.

However, when he heard that Zhu Taihao was killing the beast-controlling Zhu family in order to support Zhu Chongba to ascend to the position of the head of the family, his face couldn't help laughing, and even became a little distorted.

In fact, when Zhang Ping heard the name Zhu Chongba, he thought of Zhu Yuanzhang.

But the Zhu Chongba in this world seemed to have the wrong script. His script should be Zhu Yunwen.

After Zhu Hongfang finished speaking, she looked at Zhang Ping's distorted face and was immediately filled with question marks. She carefully recalled what she had said, and wondered where the funny point was?

Is there anything funny?

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