I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [302] This boy has the potential to be the head of a family!

Although Zhu Hongfang is not a high-ranking member of the Zhu family, she is well-rounded and has good relationships with many young talents, so she knows many secrets of the Zhu family.

After Zhang Ping had laughed enough, she continued.

As far as she knew, the Beast Control Zhu Family had a total of 18 bases.

Zhu Taihao controls the largest main base and the real heritage of the Beast Controlling Zhu family, the Sun Fire Base.

This base is almost one-tenth the size of Pearl City.

From ancient times to the present, most of the resources of the Beast Controlling Zhu Family have been concentrated in this base.

At the same time, this base has an extremely powerful main gun that can easily destroy other bases.

There are nine elders under Zhu Taihao. These elders control the remaining sub-bases according to their order.

Among them, the great elder Zhu Yanlao controls five sub-bases, so he also has great power in the beast-controlling Zhu family, and can even interfere with Zhu Taihao's choices to a certain extent.

The second elder Zhu Guyang and the third elder Zhu Luanyang both control three bases.

The remaining elders only control two bases.

These bases are a symbol of the power of the elders, and they also need to bear different responsibilities depending on the functions of the base.

Below the elders are deacons.

Zhu Hongfang is not sure how many deacons there are under each elder, but there must be more than one deacon under each elder.

Further down, there are various teams based on squads.

These teams all obey the orders of the Deacon and perform various tasks outside the base. The captain is often served by the Deacon's confidant.

Of course, there are many collateral members of the Beast Controlling Zhu family who do not have positions. They are not yet qualified to form a team, but they are already loyal to a certain deacon or elder, so there are cases where they walk alone.

This kind of member is nicknamed cannon fodder by those awakened people who have a team in the Beast Control Zhu family.

Zhu Yuanlong and Zhu Hongfang are actually just cannon fodder.

I have to say that Zhu Hongfang is a talent.

Under her introduction, Zhang Ping had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the Beast Controlling Zhu Family for the first time, and at the same time realized that in order to truly solve the Beast Controlling Zhu Family, he must find the Sunfire Base and destroy it.

"Do you know how to get to Sunfire Base?" Zhang Ping and Zhu Hongfang asked after finishing speaking.

Zhu Hongfang shook his head and said, "I don't know.

Tao, it is said that the Sun Fire Base is hidden under the rock formations. I even heard Zhu Yuanlong say that the Sun Fire Base is likely to flow with the magma in the magma, and at the same time it can absorb the heat of the magma to provide power for the Sun Fire Base. "


Zhang Ping was a little shocked. A base was actually in magma, and it was constantly moving.

Unless you master the correct way to enter such a base, there is really no way to find it. After all, the magma layer is too big. Finding a base in it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

After all, Zhu Hongfang was only a peripheral member. She knew so much information because she had collected it deliberately. Zhang Ping couldn't find out anything if he asked again.

He condensed a contract gem, put it directly in front of Zhu Hongfang, and said: "Now you have a choice. If you eat it, you can survive. If you don't eat it, I will have to let you sleep for a while."

"I'll eat it!" Zhu Hongfang immediately chose.

She would never choose the latter option, because after falling asleep, who knows whether she can wake up or what she will look like when she wakes up.

In a better situation, maybe she could wake up, but the baby in her belly would be nine months old.

What's worse is that after she wakes up, her hands and feet have been sawed off and become available to everyone in the toilet...

Born in the beast-controlling Zhu family, she has seen too much darkness in human nature. How could she entrust her fate to others? Even if she dies, she must die soberly, so that she can at least know how she will die.

She reached out and picked up the contract gem, and frowned the next moment.

The contract with this gemstone is too much. Once you eat it, you will not be able to control your body or even your mind.

"I'll choose the second option."

She simply put down the contract gem and said through gritted teeth.

The second one can also bet on Zhang Ping's integrity. If she eats this gem, she will really be doomed.

Zhang Ping was not surprised by this. The contract gem was indeed a scam, otherwise the original Zhang Ping would not have been pissed to death.


Zhang Ping put away the contract gem, and then the mist turned into a hand knife and hit Zhu Hongfang's neck directly. Zhu Hongfang rolled his eyes and fell unconscious.

The power he used was neither light nor heavy, just enough to make Zhu Hongfang unconscious, so Zhu Hongfang was not in danger of his life.

Then, he cut his palm and found a ball of king's blood

From the moment his palm dripped onto Zhu Hongfang's face, the blood quickly penetrated into Zhu Hongfang's body, and quickly entangled in Zhu Hongfang's brain, and began to read Zhu Hongfang's memory, while always keeping Zhu Hongfang unconscious.

From now on, unless he wanted Zhu Hongfang to wake up, she would never wake up even if he thundered in her ears.

In fact, Zhang Ping can understand the beast-controlling Zhu family from the beginning by reading Zhu Hongfang's memory, but what he needs is Zhu Hongfang's attitude. If she is willing to confess and be lenient, then if her crime is not serious enough, Zhang Ping will be a little more lenient. .

Human beings, after all, are visual creatures and will always give more preference to beautiful creations.

The same is true for Zhang Ping, and he has no intention of changing his thoughts and habits.

Sunfire Base.

Zhu Taihao looked at the information from Mingzhu City, his cloudy eyes slightly closed, and he sighed: "How kind the heaven is to Zhucheng, and another infinite awakener appeared."

He originally thought that after Situ Shibai died, there was no one in Mingzhu City who could threaten their beast-controlling Zhu family. The only one who needed to be vigilant was Li Aoxue. Who knew that another infinite awakener would appear inexplicably today.

What's even more weird is that according to the investigation of the spies, the name of this infinite awakener is Zhang Ping, and he died a few months ago!

It's too weird that a dead person suddenly resurrected and became an infinite awakener with powerful strength.

"Xiao Ba, what do you think?" Zhu Taihao looked at Zhu Chongba who was sitting on one side and asked slowly.

In fact, Zhu Chengmian now has three sons alive. Zhu Jiuyang has a bad character, and because of his ability, he will fall into the devil sooner or later. Zhu Taihao naturally will not choose him as the head of the next generation of the Zhu family.

As for Zhu Shixiong...

Zhu Taihao thought of that silly child and shook his head slightly.

Everyone else thought that Zhu Chengmian was training Zhu Shixiong, but in fact, Zhu Shixiong was just a silly kid, with nothing in his head, and he was useless.

On the contrary, it was Zhu Chongba who surprised Zhu Taihao.

Zhu Chongba was not only calm and wise, but also resourceful, and he managed the Eight-story Building very well.

Although he had the help of the Zhu family in the early stage, the rise of the Eight-story Building was more due to Zhu Chongba's own ability.

Zhu Taihao was sure that this child had the potential to be the head of the family!

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