I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [303] Each has his own plan

"Grandpa, this Zhang Ping may be my future opponent!"

Zhu Chongba frowned slightly after reading the report, and after pondering for a moment, he slowly spoke.

There is no easy way to deal with the infinite awakened ones. If Tian Changhu and Zhu Chengmian hadn't joined forces, it would have been too difficult to kill Situ Shibai.

Unfortunately, after finally getting rid of Situ Shibai, Tian Changhu stabbed them in the back, causing their strength to be greatly weakened and several bases to be lost.

It can be said that all of this is a chain reaction caused by Situ Shibai.

Zhu Taihao's lifelong opponent was Situ Shibai, and Zhu Chongba's lifelong opponent must be this Zhang Ping!

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhu Taihao asked.

Zhu Chongba narrowed his eyes and decided: "I will send out a killer to test it out first to see how many abilities he has."

Because Zhang Ping used more than one ability when he overthrew the martial arts gym, and because he mysteriously came back to life when he was assassinated, the spies of the Beast Control Zhu family determined that he was an infinite-level awakener.

The problem is that it is still unknown how much ability Zhang Ping has.

Zhu Chongba has seen too many strange abilities, and even the results of identification techniques cannot be 100% trusted. As far as he knows, there have been countless accidents in the past where identification information was wrong.

So the most correct thing to do is to test it yourself and use your life to find out the truth!

"Then do what you want. This is a test for you!" Zhu Taihao said slowly.

Zhu Chongba stood up and said, "Yes, Grandpa, Chongba will never let Grandpa down!"

"Hehehe, okay, okay!" Zhu Taihao smiled happily.

After Zhu Chongba left, the smile on Zhu Taihao's face quickly faded and he asked: "Mr. Zhu Yan and the others are still waiting for me to die before they dare to take action?"

"Reporting to the head of the family, all the elders are still waiting for you to die. If you don't die... I'm afraid they will continue to endure it." At some point, a man in black half-knelt in front of Zhu Taihao, bowed his head and replied quickly.

Zhu Taihao yawned lazily and said with a smile: "That's good. Send someone to keep an eye on Xiaoba. He can't allow any mistakes."

"Yes!" the man in black responded.

Zhu Taihao thought for a while and added: "Send someone to investigate Zhang Ping and find out his situation. If necessary, you can apply for a flare cannon strike!"

"Yes!" The man in black said.

the next day.

Zhang Ping woke up after sleeping for a while


He did not wake up naturally from his sleep, but was awakened by Zhang Shouzhong's exclamation.

"Oh my God, this is Zhuge Hongfang, why is she here with us?" Zhang Shouzhong was in the living room, looking at Zhu Hongfang who was unconscious on the sofa, wiped his saliva, and shouted exaggeratedly.

Zhao Yanhu glanced at Zhu Hongfang's butt, and then said in surprise: "Brother, her butt is so big, she must be easy to give birth to."

"Don't be like this, it's rude!" Zhao Yanhu glanced at him, then tried to look away and said calmly.

At this time, Su Jingyao took out a blanket and covered Zhu Hongfang, and then sat on the chair next to Zhu Hongfang.

"Miss Su, what happened to her?" Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously.

Su Jingyao replied: "I don't know. You can ask Zhang Ping when he comes out. Maybe he knows."

"She is from the Zhu family of Yuzhu. Her real name is Zhu Hongfang. Last night, a few killers came to our place. Then I faked my death and followed them to the Hongfang Tavern, and finally captured her." Zhang Ping walked down the stairs at this time and explained.

When Zhang Shouzhong heard that she was from the Zhu family, he immediately lost interest. He sat on the sofa and said boringly: "Then why do you keep her? Kill a hundred of them."

"She surrendered on her own and provided a lot of useful information. I haven't decided whether to kill her yet," Zhang Ping explained.

Next, without waiting for Zhang Shouzhong and others to ask questions, he told all the information he knew.

"It's bad. If you put it this way, Zhang Ping, you were too high-profile yesterday. It's impossible for Zhu Taihao to keep his eyes on the internal cleanup. If there is a threat to Zhu Chongba from the outside, wouldn't he just clean up?" After hearing this, Zhang Shouzhong was annoyed. said.

They didn't know about the situation of the Beast Controlling Zhu family before, otherwise they would definitely not be so high-profile.

Zhao Yanhu analyzed: "Now it is very likely that Zhu Taihao has regarded Mr. Zhang Ping as a target that must be cleaned up and attacked, and it is possible that he will attack Mr. Zhang Ping in any minute."

"Compared to the martial arts masters and the business alliance leaders, there is no doubt that Zhu Taihao's attack will be a thunderous blow and he has to guard against it." Su Jingyao was also a little worried.

Zhang Ping thought of this level last night and said with a smile: "I will be careful, but today I still have to deal with the last few martial arts halls first."

After solving a few martial arts problems, he returned directly to the sewers, first to World Zero, and then to World One to find a way to other parallel worlds.

This world may not come back for some time.

Zhang Ping estimates that the beast-controlling Zhu family will definitely

I won't act rashly.

After all, he accidentally exposed a lot of his abilities yesterday. If the opponent was not blind, 99% of the time he would have guessed that he was an infinite level ability user.

With the Zhu family's behavior, they must hide in the dark and observe, and only take action when they are sure.

The problem is that after today, he slipped away.

When he comes back next time, he may have obtained the coordinates of Sunfire's base.


Su Jingyao made a simple breakfast, and everyone set off directly after breakfast.

The remaining martial arts halls are all quite strong, and Zhang Ping needs to be careful in dealing with them.

After dealing with two martial arts halls, they came to the Qilin Martial Arts Hall.

Nangong Qilin and Wu Tian were already waiting in front of the door. They also knew that this battle was inevitable, so the expressions of the master and apprentice were very solemn, and Wu Tian even bandaged his hands and was ready for the battle.

"Everyone, please come in!"

Nangong Qilin looked at Zhang Ping and said lightly.

He turned and walked towards the martial arts hall. Zhang Ping smiled and followed him, and went directly to the martial arts arena of the martial arts hall.

There was no need for both sides to say more. After all, they had come to them. There was no point in saying more. Only real swords and guns could defeat the other side.

Zhang Ping stood in the arena, looked at Wu Tian who was coming, and smiled: "I remember that the strongest thing in the Qilin Martial Arts Hall is the Qilin Sword. Don't you need it?"

"That's because you haven't seen the power of the Qilin Fist. Since it has come to this situation, don't say anything extra. Let's start!" Wu Tian clenched his fist and said seriously.

He didn't want to lose, he knew the significance of this battle.

As long as he won, he would be the most dazzling star in the entire Pearl City. If he lost, he would be the most inconspicuous dust.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "OK, let's do it, where's the referee?"

"I'll be the referee, Mr. Zhang Ping... no objection?" Nangong Qilin asked with a smile.

Zhang Ping nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

"Then... start!"

Nangong Qilin looked at the two of them, then gritted his teeth and said.

In an instant, a green shadow appeared on Wu Tian's body, and then he punched Zhang Ping.

He was more than ten meters away from Zhang Ping, but this punch instantly hit Zhang Ping and knocked him out.

The area of ​​this arena is about the same as a football field. Zhang Ping fell directly to the edge, and it took him a while to get up from the ground, and smiled, "It's powerful!"

This punch aroused his True King Blood.

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