I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [304] Blood Flame

Every time an awakened person advances, his abilities will be enhanced.

The blood of the true king has provided Zhang Ping with a lot of enhancements in the past, and these effects will become stronger as he advances.

Plus a savage body.

Zhang Ping's body is not weaker than any physically enhanced awakened person.

But everything has pros and cons.

With Zhang Ping's current defense, it has become increasingly difficult to activate the true king's blood.

Because his body defense is so high, ordinary swords cannot even cut through his skin.

Although some abilities can break through defenses, they will directly cause huge damage to him and cannot be used as a means of training.

Zhang Ping found that Wu Tian's attack was just right.

It can break through his defense, but the attack speed is not particularly fast, and there is not much danger to him.

"Come again!"

Zhang Ping wiped the dust off his body and said with a smile.

Next, Wu Tian took a deep breath and launched another attack.

His attack is very special. Every time he takes a shot, there will be a flash of green light, and the attack range is very far. He can hit Zhang Ping from more than ten meters away and injure Zhang Ping.

"Why didn't he take action?"

Wu Tian kept punching, and sweat gradually flowed down his forehead.

He found that no matter how he attacked, Zhang Ping took the attack forcefully and had no intention of fighting back.

"Does he want to surrender without a fight, or...does he think I'm not worthy of letting him take action?"

Wu Tian's eyes flashed with anger, and after confirming that Zhang Ping was not planning to take action, he immediately launched a violent attack on Zhang Ping.

At first, he could knock Zhang Ping away with every punch, but then Zhang Ping didn't know what ability he used to fix himself in place. No matter how hard his fists were, he couldn't make Zhang Ping take a step back.

"Is this all you can do?"

Zhang Ping closed his eyes and could feel his body being continuously strengthened.

But the effect of Wu Tian's fists was getting worse and worse, so he decided to provoke Wu Tian.

However, Wu Tian snorted coldly and calmed down, realizing that his ordinary attacks were useless.

He slowly backed away and said, "Originally I didn't want to use the secret of Qilin Fist, but since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

Qilin Boxing is a neutral and peaceful boxing method that emphasizes the balance of all things.

Therefore, this boxing method has extremely high requirements on the practitioner's lower body and requires the practitioner to have a peaceful mind.

But there are exceptions to everything. After you have completely mastered Qilin Fist, you need to do the opposite, thereby eliciting the three secrets of Qilin Fist.

Furious Qi

Qilin, Qilin looks back, Qilin steps hard!

Wu Tian only mastered the Fury Qilin, and he needed to accumulate enough anger before he could release it.

In the process of beating Zhang Ping just now, he had already accumulated enough anger.

It's incredible.

It was obvious that he had been beating Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping was smiling the whole time, which made him feel very angry.

He knew why he was angry.

Zhang Ping was looking down upon him and the boxing skills he had practiced for decades!

What a disgrace!

Need to be washed with blood!

No matter whether the blood is his or Zhang Ping's.

Zhang Ping smiled expectantly and said: "Use whatever means you have, I won't call you Zhang Ping if I hide!"

"Then you're dead!" Wu Tian gritted his teeth and said.

Outside the field, many awakened people shook their heads and sighed slightly when they saw this scene.

Zhang Ping is too trusting.

To a certain extent, the mysteries of martial arts schools are considered superpowers.

It is precisely because the secrets of martial arts schools are comparable to superpowers that there are so many martial arts schools in Pearl City.

The secrets of Qilin Martial Arts School are quite terrifying.

It can also be ranked very high among many martial arts schools. Countless students have joined Qilin Martial Arts School with the goal of learning these mysteries.

To a certain extent, these mysteries can be said to be trump cards and special moves. Whoever takes them will die!

Wu Tian took a deep breath, and then all his hair exploded. His eyes were bloodshot and he roared: "Get this punch!"

All his blood seemed to flow to his right hand, and the skin of his entire arm suddenly burst open, and the blood turned into flames and clung to his arm.

One punch!

The surrounding ground was instantly swept by the aftermath of the flames, and dense spider web-like cracks appeared.

Zhang Ping still did not dodge in the face of this punch, but he also realized that he might not be able to block the punch, so he controlled the royal blood in his body to form a layer of net under the surface of his skin to resist the impact.

He will definitely not die anyway. Even if his body is destroyed by this punch, his spirit body will not be destroyed.

As long as the spirit body is still there, he can be reborn from flesh and blood in minutes.


At this time, Wu Tian still didn't approach him, but his fist fell on him.

In an instant, a hot breath was transmitted to his body through his fist, and at the same time, a strange force rushed through, completely igniting his body.

"Interesting, this punch is interesting!"

Zhang Ping's abdomen sunken, and at the same time countless bones protruded from under the skin, and his spine became even more...

It was disconnected, and several of them were pierced from the back, bleeding profusely.

He didn't care about his physical injuries, but carefully felt the rampant power in his body.

It seemed to be a kind of energy transformed from blood. Not only was it extremely hot, it would also have an impact on his blood, making his blood boil.

If you are an ordinary person, you may be familiar with it in an instant.

However, Zhang Ping only felt a little pain, and at the same time, his body's defense was further strengthened.

When this energy rushed to Zhang Ping's stomach, he was suddenly slightly stunned, because this energy had not had time to destroy his stomach, but was digested by the stomach first.

At the same time, he got a new ability:

[Blood Flame: Consume mental power, can turn blood into blood flame, the temperature of blood flame is determined by mental power, the higher the mental power, the higher the temperature of blood flame. 】

There is no doubt that this is an attacking ability.

However, in Zhang Ping's hands, this ability can be turned into an auxiliary ability.

At this time, Wu Tian was panting.

He looked at Zhang Ping with a sunken abdomen and couldn't help but smile.

But he couldn't laugh in the next second. Zhang Ping twisted his body, and then the injury healed quickly. At the same time, one of Zhang Ping's arms turned into the king blood form, and then from the king blood form into blood flame.

He shook the arm composed of blood flame and smiled: "It works, but... a bit pit."

Originally, he wanted to make a flame version of the elemental body, just like pure water. When the enemy attacks him, he can turn into blood flame and be immune to most of the damage.

However, after testing it with one arm, he found that he was too naive.

Although the blood flame was still under his control, there was no way to change it back from blood flame to blood.

If his whole body turned into blood flame, then he might only be able to exist in this world in the form of blood flame in the future, just like Su Qingbo could only use clear water.

This was obviously not the result he wanted, so he sighed and directly controlled the blood flame to turn into a whip, and quickly whipped Wu Tian.

Wu Tian had a great time beating him just now, and now it was his turn.

Wu Tian reacted very quickly. When he saw the whip coming, he immediately stepped back, and the attack of the blood flame was immediately missed.

"It's not over yet!"

Zhang Ping smiled slightly, and the whip made of blood flame suddenly split, like countless thin lines flying in the air, and whipped Wu Tian at a very fast speed.

At first, Wu Tian avoided some of the attacks, but as the blood flame whip became thinner and thinner, and the number increased, scars began to appear on his body.

In a few minutes, he was already covered with scars and his clothes were tattered.

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