I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [305] Ao Donghai

Everyone in Qilin Martial Arts Hall was silent at this moment.

There were also some busybodies who were joining in the fun, but they were all frightened by Zhang Ping's actions.

Show off your skills!

Zhang Ping is definitely showing off his skills.

A whip of blood flames can be imitated by many awakened human elemental beings.

But dividing the whip into countless threads as thin as a hair is an extremely test of the awakened person's control over his abilities.

Wu Tian was also restrained by Zhang Ping's hand. Although he looked miserable, he was actually in a good situation.

Qilin Fist is peaceful and prepared for both offense and defense.

Although he was unable to avoid Zhang Ping's numerous blood-flame whips, every time the whip hit him, he would try his best to release the force in order to minimize the damage.

It has to be said that his own ability is very consistent with Qilin Fist, so Zhang Ping did not realize that his injury was actually very minor.

His ability is called "Distance Magic", which can cut off a certain distance, and others cannot see this.

For example, if Zhang Ping is standing one meter away from him, he can ignore this one meter distance and attack Zhang Ping directly from one meter away.

Others couldn't see that the distance had been reduced, and would only wonder why his fist could injure the target from a distance.

Therefore, every time he was beaten, he actually secretly directed his power to the ground, and he only withstood 30% of the damage at most.

Although Zhang Ping was unhappy with the people in the martial arts gym doing Tai Chi on him, he was actually not too angry. He was even more happy fighting Wu Tian.

Seeing that Wu Tian was already scarred, he stopped and said with a smile: "Now...do you understand the reality?"

"Come again!"

Wu Tian immediately took a deep breath, put on a posture and replied.

He moved his body, and gradually a touch of green began to appear on the surface of the scar, which turned out to be much better.

To practice Qilin Boxing to the profound level, naturally you need to use many medicinal materials to assist, and it will also significantly improve your physical fitness.

Wu Tian's body can be regarded as the body of a unicorn, with its own ability to detoxify and heal wounds. However, the effect is far inferior to that of Feng Laixian, but the injuries heal faster. The injuries on his body can be completely healed in about four or five days.

"All right."

Seeing this, Zhang Ping immediately put away his smile.

The next second, the dark mist emitted from his body, and before Wu Tian could react, he suddenly appeared in front of Wu Tian

, punching Wu Tian's face into a dent.

With this punch, two streams of blood suddenly spurted out from Wu Tian's nostrils. At the same time, he rolled his eyes and his consciousness fell directly into the boundless darkness.

Zhang Ping said helplessly: "You forced me to do this!"

Others were dumbfounded again.

It turns out that Zhang Ping only needed one punch to deal with Wu Tian, ​​so why did Zhang Ping get beaten on purpose just now?

Is it to give Qilin Martial Arts School some face?

Many people looked at Nangong Qilin with expressions of sympathy. If Wu Tian honestly gave up, the reputation of Qilin Martial Arts School would definitely be louder and better-looking than the previous one.

But Wu Tian was so shameless that he refused to admit defeat.

it's good now.

Zhang Ping defeated Wu Tian with one punch, letting everyone know that Qilin Martial Arts School was no different from the previous martial arts schools.

"Zhang Ping...wins!" Nangong Qilin's hands trembled slightly, and he finally said hoarsely.

He also realized that Zhang Ping had let off steam.

It's a pity that Wu Tian was blinded by anger and didn't realize that Zhang Ping had betrayed him.

Although he didn't know why Zhang Ping let go, he still accepted the sentiment. When Zhang Ping was walking in the martial arts arena, he sighed helplessly, cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Zhang Ping has great strength. In the future, Qilin Martial Arts School is willing to use Mr. Zhang Ping is following the lead!”

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Zhang Ping responded with a smile.

With Nangong Qilin seeing them off, everyone left the Qilin Martial Arts Hall.

"Zhang Ping, why didn't you fight back at first? I thought you were being controlled." Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously as he walked on the road.

Zhang Ping found that many people around the street were quietly paying attention to his group, so he blurted out: "Wu Tian's attack seems to be related to space. At first, I just wanted to stop with silence, so as not to capsize in the gutter for no reason."

"Any ability related to space is indeed extremely weird. Zhang Ping's caution is not wrong." Su Jingyao said with a smile.

Zhao Yanlong frowned and said: "It turns out that kind of air attack is related to space. It's awesome!"

"There are only three martial arts schools left, but these three martial arts schools are difficult to deal with. Zhang Ping, do you need to rest?" Su Jingyao helped change the topic and asked.

Zhang Ping realized that Su Jingyao knew that he was talking nonsense, so he smiled and said: "No, but which martial arts school is next?"

"Dragon-Slaying Knife Hall, have you heard of it?" Su Jing

Yao asked rhetorically.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong, both of them knew about the Dragon-Slaying Sword Hall.

Back in World Zero, Zuo Xiangming controlled countless living corpses to attack the city. The four walls happened to be controlled by four martial arts schools. Among them, Wu Ruoyu from the Lieyang Martial Arts Academy and Ao Donghai from the Dragon-Slaying Sword Academy all turned to Li Aoxue.

Yesterday, Zhang Ping and the others met Wu Ruoyu.

In the process of communicating with Wu Ruoyu, Zhang Ping confirmed one thing. Wu Ruoyu was not that kind of ambitious tycoon. He cared about ordinary people and the situation of the entire Pearl City. He turned to Li Aoxue purely for his ideals, not for glory and wealth.

Strictly speaking, Wu Ruoyu and Feng Laixian are both true heroes, but they made different choices.

But Ao Donghai, the owner of the Dragon Slaying Sword Hall, was not in the sword hall yesterday. It was Ao Donghai's son Ao Liexin who received Zhang Ping and his friends. They did not see Ao Donghai himself.

This time, it is estimated that Ao Donghai will wait for them at the Dragon Slaying Sword Hall.

Wu Ruoyu is a hero, so what kind of person is Ao Donghai?

It is worth mentioning that in World Zero, the Dragon Slaying Sword Hall has closed down. After that night, Ao Donghai left with Li Aoxue and others.

While Zhang Ping was thinking, everyone came to the Dragon Slaying Sword Hall.

There are no common stone lions on both sides of the gate of the Dragon Slaying Sword Hall, but each has a crocodile dragon carved with green jade.

These two crocodile dragons are lifelike, ferocious and terrifying, and imposing.

Ao Liexin stood alone in the middle of the gate. Seeing Zhang Ping and others coming, he smiled and said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come in!"

"It looks wrong. Only he came to greet us?" Zhang Shouzhong whispered.

Yesterday, the news had not spread, so the martial arts halls that were kicked out at the beginning were all stunned. The martial arts halls that came later all acted as if they were facing a great enemy and made great efforts in front of the gate.

Today, all the martial arts halls gathered everyone and set up a battle array in front of the gate, intending to overwhelm Zhang Ping with their momentum before the fight.

Compared with the previous martial arts halls, the low-key Dragon Slashing Sword Hall seemed to stand out.

Zhang Ping and others entered the Dragon Slashing Sword Hall and finally saw Ao Donghai after walking through the square.

It must be said that a strong man who can be as famous as Feng Laixian does have some bearing. Ao Donghai sat cross-legged on a stone pier with a long sword across his legs. When everyone came over, he slowly opened his eyes.

He was like a knife, extremely sharp.

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