I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [306] Crocodile Dragon Sword

Ao Donghai stood up and his eyes instantly locked on Zhang Ping.

He said solemnly with a straight face: "Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from young boys and suppressed all the major martial arts schools with one person. You are qualified to see my sword and defeat me... You have the final say in Pearl City from now on!"

Very crazy!

Very domineering.

Zhang Ping could feel Ao Donghai's fighting spirit. This guy was completely a martial arts madman.


Zhang Ping couldn't help laughing, and then agreed to Ao Donghai's invitation to fight.

He was originally here to compete in the gym. If he doesn't defeat Ao Donghai, it's nothing to compete in the gym.

The two sides immediately went to the competition ground. Compared to the previous battle, there were not many spectators in this battle. The awakened people around them all knew Ao Donghai's temper. If they dared to climb over the wall to watch the two compete, it is estimated that Ao Donghai would really slash them.

Many people were waiting outside the Dragon-Slaying Sword Hall, wanting to know the result of the competition.

Zhang Ping and others arrived at the competition arena. They walked to the center of the competition arena. Ao Liexin stood at the edge of the competition arena and said, "Swords have no eyes, Mr. Zhang Ping. This battle is about victory or defeat, as well as life and death. May I?"

"A life-or-death fight? Yes!" Zhang Ping agreed after hearing this.

Ao Donghai showed a satisfied expression and signaled his son to announce the start immediately.

"Then...start!" Ao Liexin said immediately.

Ao Donghai exerted force with his feet and slashed out with his sword. Zhang Ping had a hand covered with three layers of metal coating and grabbed Ao Donghai's knife, but his arm was cut off by Ao Donghai in an instant.

An arm fell to the ground, and blood immediately spurted out from the arm.

Ao Donghai didn't give Zhang Ping time to react, and he quickly slashed with one knife after another. Zhang Ping saw how sharp Ao Donghai's knife was, so he naturally wouldn't cut it hard, but quickly avoided the blade.

"I don't know how high the sky is, how dare you take my sword with your bare hands." Ao Donghai shouted lowly, and suddenly his body spun in the air, and the sword's power changed 360 ways in one second.

This was Zhang Ping's first time fighting against a master of sword skills. He was caught off guard and was cut by sharp knife points all over his body. In the blink of an eye, his whole body was just like Wu Tian just now, covered in scars.

He controlled the underworld fog to erupt, and just as it enveloped the entire competition arena, a flash of sword light suddenly broke through the underworld fog in the next second, slashing like Pangu creating the world.

This knife was too fast.

Silently, Zhang Ping's body was split into two.

"Young man, you'd better learn to be awe-inspiring in your next life, lest you get carried away with your abilities!" Ao Donghai slowly sheathed his sword, turned around and said calmly.

That knife blow just now was hard to save!

Ao Donghai didn't think Zhang Ping could survive after his body was split into two.

But the next moment, the blood in Zhang Ping's body was like a spider web, pulling the two halves of his body together instantly. In the blink of an eye, the wound was repaired without leaving even a scar.

At the same time, the broken arm quickly grew back.

Ao Donghai felt Zhang Ping's aura and frowned slightly. He turned around and saw a huge fist coming from above.

He quickly raised his hand to block the punch with his scabbard. The next second, his whole body was blown away by Zhang Ping. In the blink of an eye, he hit the wall, forcing a large human-shaped crater into the wall.


Ao Donghai snorted coldly, got down from the wall, looked at Zhang Ping who had become five meters tall, and suddenly rushed towards Zhang Ping with all his strength.

Death spin chop!

When he was about to approach Zhang Ping, he instantly spun in the air and used the sword technique just now again.

It has to be said that this move is difficult to crack. No matter which angle the attack is launched from, it is difficult to avoid Ao Donghai's knife.

Zhang Ping's choice was very straightforward. He raised his hand and slapped it directly from top to bottom.

The palm collides with the blade.

Zhang Ping's hand immediately showed dense knife marks, but at the same time, his heavy palm fell, knocking Ao Donghai to the ground.

This palm gave Ao Donghai no chance to relieve his force, so Ao Donghai fell behind and bounced, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Zhang Ping's palm was too heavy. Even though Ao Donghai was a top awakener, he still couldn't bear it.

But Ao Donghai did not lie down, but quickly turned over. Seeing that Zhang Ping did not pursue him, he quickly distanced himself, holding the scabbard in one hand and the hilt in the other, staring at Zhang Ping with a vague expression. Adjust your breathing.

"Your sword is very strong!"

Zhang Ping looked at his hands and said now.

No one knows how exaggerated the defense of metal coating is than Zhang Ping himself.

To deal with Feng Laixian, he only needed three layers of metal coating to make Feng Laixian unable to do anything to him, but now tens of thousands of layers of metal coating were still cut open by Ao Donghai.

Ao Donghai's attack power is very high!

He and Feng Laixian were at opposite extremes. Feng Laixian could not be beaten to death, while he had explosive attack power, but his immortality was far inferior to that of Feng Laixian.

To put it simply, one of the two has thick health and the other has high attack power.

Zhang Ping simulated the battle between Feng Laixian and Ao Donghai in his mind.

After all, we finally came to the conclusion that Feng Laixian should have the last laugh. Although Ao Donghai had the advantage in the early stage, he would definitely collapse in the end.

"Is this your trump card?"

Ao Donghai spat a mouthful of bloody phlegm on the ground aside, and then asked.

"No, it's just an ability!"

Zhang Ping said with a very Versailles smile, if it was before, metal coating was indeed a trump card, but now it can only be said to be one of them.

He has too many abilities to kill Ao Donghai instantly, but the Ao Donghai in this world has not betrayed Pearl City, so he is not prepared to kill anyone.

"Sure enough, the Infinite Awakener is not easy to deal with, but I will be serious next time!" Ao Donghai felt Zhang Ping's Versailles aura and said solemnly.

He smeared the blood on the blade, then shouted, and his arm and the blade merged into one.

The blade itself is made of biological materials, and there are many green scales on the back of the blade. When his arm and the blade merged into one, a head that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, and a crocodile but not a crocodile immediately appeared on his shoulder.

Crocodile dragon!

Zhang Ping immediately recognized that the head on Ao Donghai's shoulder was exactly the same as the jade sculpture outside the knife hall.

"This knife is called the Crocodile Dragon Knife. I killed the East China Sea Crocodile Dragon, took its essence and forged it. I tempered it day and night, and it has become so magical now. Your opponents will be me and the Crocodile Dragon next!" Ao Donghai said lightly.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Come on, let me see how magical your knife is!"

He was indeed very curious, mainly because Ao Donghai's knife was too special.

Just now, this knife was only about two meters long, but now after merging with Ao Donghai, it has doubled in length.

At the same time, Zhang Ping did feel the breath of some creature, and that breath seemed to come alive and perfectly merged with Ao Donghai.

It can be said that Ao Donghai's strength has increased by at least four or five times.

"Death Spin Slash!"

Ao Donghai shouted, and suddenly appeared not far from Zhang Ping, slashing with a sharp knife light.

It must be said that this knife is very terrifying, with a faint blue knife energy extending from the blade, and even the air is emitting violent fluctuations.

Zhang Ping did not brag, but quickly retreated.

The blue knife energy gradually condensed and actually emitted a blue light. Zhang Ping just saw the light, and his eyes suddenly hurt, and then dense knife marks appeared all over his body quickly.

The same Death Spin Slash is now countless times more terrifying than before.

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