I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [307] Strategic Deterrence

Zhang Ping's body is inside the metal coating.

He could feel the metal coating being cut through layer by layer.

Then his sixth sense sounded the alarm, danger came from behind.

The sixth sense was triggered.

Zhang Ping's heart tightened, and the next second his head turned violently, and two laser beams shot out from his eyes.

Ao Donghai, who was about to slash out from behind, suddenly felt danger and immediately raised the knife in his hand. Then the laser shot out, hitting his knife.

He quickly retreated, his body rotated violently, and the crocodile dragon head on his shoulders immediately spurted out a large amount of water.

The water formed a water curtain all around. After blocking the laser, he quickly moved his position, and then slashed at Zhang Ping's feet with his knife.

Obviously, he planned to cripple Zhang Ping's mobility first, and then slowly deal with Zhang Ping.

However, Zhang Ping's body grew rapidly at this time.

He no longer wanted to continue playing around with Ao Donghai. Ao Donghai's attack power was too high. If he continued to play, something might happen accidentally. It was better to fight quickly.

For a moment.

Everyone in Pearl City saw the giant standing in the city, overlooking the entire city.

Countless awakened people froze in place, and the timid ones even had their legs weak and knelt on the ground unable to get up.

Ao Donghai roared and slashed out with his sword. The blade fell on the sole of Zhang Ping's foot. Suddenly the knife made a crisp sound, and the force of the shock made his whole arm numb.

Didn't cut in?

Ao Donghai was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what the hell he was beheading.

A wall?

He frowned and looked up, his eyes getting wider and wider as he kept looking up.

The defense of metal coatings is constantly stacked, so when the number of layers reaches a certain level, the defense power of even the most superficial metal coating will become extremely exaggerated.

As for Zhang Ping's complete form, let alone Ao Donghai, even a king-level being would have a hard time breaking through his defense.

"If you feel unwilling, you can chop a few more times!"

Zhang Ping looked at the ground and saw Ao Donghai looking up at him, so he spoke.

In an instant, Ao Donghai and the Crocodile Dragon Saber separated, and the Crocodile Dragon Saber fell to the ground.

He said in a daze: "I... give up!"

Zhang Ping's form was so terrifying that he couldn't have any fighting spirit.

"Then I will have the final say in Pearl City, okay?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile.

In his current form, his words are like thunder and his momentum is like Pangu. Who dares to disagree?

"Behead later

All the staff of Dragon Sword Hall will follow your guidance! "Ao Donghai took a deep breath, half-knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said.

He didn't want to bow his head, but he had to bow his head when facing Zhang Ping.

Because Zhang Ping showing this form means that Zhang Ping is serious. If he continues to be ungrateful, he may be like the Yujian Martial Arts School back then, with the gym destroyed and people killed!

For the strong, awe is necessary!

Zhang Ping smiled with satisfaction and said: "Very good, I will remember this. If you can't do it, then next time I will come to your knife studio to dance a few times!"


The corners of Ao Donghai's mouth twitched slightly, but he did not dare to speak.

He knew very well that Zhang Ping was talking about a few jumps, and he definitely jumped in this form. Not to mention a few jumps, one jump was enough to destroy his sword shop.

"Absolutely not!"

Ao Donghai took a deep breath and then said seriously.

"Then I will believe what you say for now."

Zhang Ping smiled and quickly removed the metal coating.

He fell to the ground, walked to his severed hand, bent down and picked up his arm, then walked off the competition ground, smiled at Zhang Shouzhong and others: "Let's go to the next house."

"Zhang Ping, I think... maybe the next step will be particularly smooth." Su Jingyao said lightly.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "I guess there is no need to fight."

"I hope so." Zhang Ping smiled.

After walking out of the Dragon-Slaying Sword Hall, they found that all the people who had been watching had ran away.

"Look, everyone is scared away by you." Zhang Shouzhong laughed.

Zhang Ping shrugged and said, "It's better to avoid having a swarm of flies buzzing around."

He didn't want to be watched in the first place, but these onlookers didn't do anything bad, so he really couldn't do anything about them. After all, he couldn't beat or kill people for no reason.

No matter how powerful he is, he is a reasonable person. Unless the other party refuses to reason with him, he will definitely convince people with reason rather than force.

Of course, different worlds have different rules.

Since the unspoken rule of Pearl City is to exert power, he will definitely give a fight. In his opinion, this is not violence, but a manifestation of complying with local customs.

Sure enough, in the next two martial arts schools, they fell to their knees before they even hit each other.

Even Wu Ruoyu admitted defeat on the spot, saying that Zhang Ping would have the final say in Pearl City from now on and that they had no objections and would abide by the rules set by Zhang Ping and would never dare to go beyond them.

"Look, I just said there's no need to fight next time."

Coming out of Lieyang Martial Arts Hall, Zhang Shouzhong proudly said to Zhang Ping


Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Guess what reaction the business alliance will have?"

"There should be many people coming to surrender within today. This Pearl City should have been won." Zhang Shouzhong analyzed.

Su Jingyao was in a good mood and said with a smile: "The next work of rectifying Pearl City will be completed by me. At the same time, I will select the first batch of members who can join the organization."

"I am going to leave this world temporarily tomorrow. When I come back next time, the sewers should be renovated and members can move in directly." Zhang Ping explained.

Su Jingyao nodded, indicating that she understood.

Now that Zhang Ping has been exposed, if he stays in this world, he will definitely be assassinated by the Beastmaster Zhu family. Instead, it is more beneficial for everyone to leave temporarily.

The Beastmaster Zhu family cannot find Zhang Ping, so they will definitely not dare to attack Su Jingyao.

After all, no one can guarantee whether Zhang Ping will have a hidden hand on Su Jingyao.

If Su Jingyao is captured, Zhang Ping will chase them to their base in a blink of an eye. Wouldn't that be courting death?

In addition, Su Jingyao is now equivalent to Zhang Ping's spokesperson. The entire Mingzhu City will soon be controlled by her. It is not easy to assassinate her.

Even if the assassination is successful.

Without Su Jingyao, Zhang Jingyao and Wang Jingyao will still appear.

To put it bluntly, killing Su Jingyao will only let Zhang Ping know that the Beastmaster Zhu family has set its sights on him, and it will not shake Zhang Ping's rule over Mingzhu City at all.

As long as Zhang Ping is not dead, no one in Mingzhu City dares to betray Zhang Ping.

This is the absolute power brought by strength, which is more deterrent than any gold and silver treasures.


Sure enough, under Zhang Ping's strategic deterrence, the heads of various business alliances came to the door one after another.

Several business alliances expressed their willingness to wait for orders, and at the same time were willing to provide a sum of money to repair the dilapidated urban areas of Mingzhu City.

Because of the rampage of Tianchang Fox, several urban areas in this world have become ghost areas.

Don't tear down and rebuild.

No one dares to live in such a ghost place.

Therefore, reconstruction is very necessary!

This time Zhang Ping did not speak, and Su Jingyao came forward to talk to the people of the business alliance throughout the whole process.

After the people of the business alliance left, he lazily said: "Sure enough, I can't do this kind of thing. The organization will rely on you in the future."

"What about you?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Zhang Ping said proudly: "In the future, I will be the first pair of red sticks in the organization. Whoever disobeys me will be beaten."

Everyone rolled their eyes immediately, and Zhang Shouzhong even raised his middle finger to him to express his contempt.

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