I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [308] The Salvage Team of the Beastmaster Zhu Family

Zhang Ping happily accepted Zhang Shouzhong's contempt.

Perhaps because of his rescue experience in his previous life, he did not have a strong desire for power and was not interested in controlling other people's lives. As long as the general direction of this new organization met his expectations, Zhang Ping was willing to escort this organization.

Although Zhang Ping was nominally the leader of the organization, the actual person in charge was definitely Su Jingyao and others.

What Zhang Ping needed to provide was power, enough to shut up other forces.

Rounding it off.

Isn't it equivalent to the double flower red sticks in those gangs in the past.

In fact, Zhang Shouzhong and others understood what Zhang Ping meant, and at the same time they were quite stressed.

For an organization to grow from nothing to something, it must require a lot of people to work hard and hard. Zhang Ping became a hands-off boss, so they naturally needed to take on more tasks.

Next, some small and medium-sized forces came to visit, and Su Jingyao was responsible for receiving them all.

Seeing that there was nothing for him to do, Zhang Ping quietly left Guilou and flew directly to the base of the Beast Tamer Zhu family.

Half an hour later

Zhang Ping flew out of the canyon pool and flew to the next base.

Just now, he entered the base of the beastmaster Zhu family and collected the sweeping dragon, Liu Dashan and others into the storage contract. Finally, he brought them all out.

Originally, the storage contract could not collect creatures without contracts, but after Zhang Ping advanced to a high-level awakener, as long as the target agreed, even if there was no contract, it could be collected into the storage contract, but it only required a small amount of contract power.

After advancing to a high-level awakener, Zhang Ping's contract power in his body has been slowly increasing through daily consumption of contract gems.

Contract power is a panacea.

In theory, if both parties agree to a transaction, it can be 100% achieved as long as the contract power is consumed. The only limitation is probably whether Zhang Ping has so much contract power.

For example, one party is willing to sell its lifespan to the other party.

Under normal circumstances, even if both parties agree, there is no way to transfer lifespan.

But Zhang Ping only needs to pay enough contract power to deprive one party of lifespan and then transfer it to the other party.

In the air.

Zhang Ping was idle, so he told Liu Dashan and Chen Mei about the changes in Mingzhu City during this period.

"Really? Father is dead."

Liu Dashan was in the storage deed. After listening to Zhang Ping's words, his tone was a little sad.

Zhang Ping said while flying: "Actually, there is one thing I want to ask you, but it's a little hard to say."

"Brother Zhang Ping, please tell me if you have anything. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse." Liu Dashan said.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and said: "Actually, I come from another world. That world is parallel to this world. In that world... your father Liu Tiefeng is not dead, but the other you should still be imprisoned in that base in theory, and there are some differences between the two worlds. I can't guarantee whether the other one is still alive."

"You mean..."

Liu Dashan was a little confused, but the problem was that Zhang Ping didn't seem to be joking.

Another world?

At this moment, he had a strong sense of unreality. Could it be that he was actually starving to death?

Could all this be his hallucination?

If he wasn't in the storage contract, he really wanted to pinch his cheek to see if it would hurt.

Zhang Ping also knew that he was a little abrupt, and he said embarrassedly: "If you die in that world, I hope you can go to that world and take care of Grandpa Liu."


Liu Dashan fell silent.

Mainly because what Zhang Ping said was too outrageous.

But Zhang Ping's tone was very sincere. He knew that Zhang Ping was not making fun of him, but really wanted him to replace Liu Dashan in another world.

"What if I am still alive in that world?" He thought about it and asked a question.

Zhang Ping touched his chin and hesitated: "Then tell Grandpa Liu directly. I believe Grandpa Liu should not mind having another son. Anyway, just treat it as a pair of twins."


Liu Dashan suddenly had a grudge and didn't know how to spit it out.

Although Liu Tiefeng in another world is also Liu Tiefeng, he knows very well that he is not the father who lives with him day and night.

Zhang Ping did not force Liu Dashan to make a choice immediately. After all, doing so would be suspected of repaying a favor.

He just made a proposal. Whether Liu Dashan accepted it or not, he would respect Liu Dashan's decision. After all, Liu Dashan in this world had lost his biological father. He was embarrassed to make this request, and he really didn't have the face to ask for more.

One hour later


Zhang Ping followed the pointer to another base.

Last time, he had planned to find out the details of several bases exposed by the Beastmaster Zhu family in one go, but because he suddenly got the mysterious sewer and inexplicably returned to World Zero, the process was interrupted.

This time, he must do it in one go and not be affected by anything.

But half an hour later, he came out of the teleportation array of this base with a disappointed look on his face.

The base exposed by the Beastmaster Zhu family is just an ordinary resource base, with a large amount of moldy food and various living supplies. However, from the situation on the scene, the people of the Beastmaster Zhu family should have come back quietly and moved a large amount of supplies, and finally completely abandoned this base.

Because of this, this base has no value at all.

Zhang Ping took out the pointer and could only hope for the next base. It would be best if that base had more resources and was more dangerous. In this way, even if the Beastmaster Zhu family wanted to empty the base, it would not be so easy.

He flew quickly in the direction indicated by the pointer and gradually felt something was wrong.

The temperature was rising!

The further he flew in the direction indicated by the pointer, the higher the temperature.

And not only was the temperature change very obvious, even the weather was affected and changed dramatically.

Zhang Ping looked at the pot-lid-like clouds in front of him, and felt as if a big hole had been poked in the sky. The further he flew, the more depressed he felt.

"This place is so scary." Chen Mei couldn't help but say.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "I'm afraid it has something to do with the Beastmaster Zhu family. This base is probably not simple."

At this time, he saw a team walking on the rugged mountain road not far away.

There were about fifteen people in the team, all wearing fireproof clothes, wrapping their bodies tightly, and each of them carried a huge package on their backs and held a cane in their hands.

Don't think Zhang Ping can thrive in this environment.

In fact, the temperature in this area has reached more than 70 degrees. Normal people who don't wear fireproof clothing can't survive for more than ten minutes.

Zhang Ping directly used the identification technique on the leader. After seeing the faction in the attribute, he smiled and said, "People from the Beastmaster Zhu family, it's just right to catch a few tongues and ask what happened here."

After saying that, he swooped down from the sky and quickly approached the Beastmaster Zhu family's team.

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