I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [309] Divine Weapons

Zhu Wushi was not a direct member of the beast-controlling Zhu family.

His father's surname was Huang, but he changed his surname to Zhu after marrying a daughter from the Zhu family, so he also changed from Huang Wushi to today's Zhu Wushi.

Because he was not good at fighting, he had been working in the logistics team since he became an adult. After more than thirty years, he finally became the captain of the logistics salvage team.

The salvage team is the most inconspicuous team in the Zhu family's logistics department. It basically salvages various resources from the water.

For example, if an elder wants to eat sea urchins from the sea, the salvage team will have to take huge risks to retrieve the sea urchins from the sea. If a certain laboratory needs to use a certain material in the lake, then the salvage team must salvage that material.

It can be said that the salvage team is very inconspicuous, but the work is very heavy and dangerous.

This time it was even worse.

Zhu Wushi received an order from the logistics director to go to a base destroyed by Tianchanghu to salvage a vital weapon.

This weapon was originally designed for the owner of the family, Zhu Taihao.

But after more than a hundred years of back and forth research, there are still many problems that have not been overcome, so I have never left this base.

Because of Tianchanghu's invasion, all the blacksmiths and researchers in this base were killed.

Tian Changhu was walking around the base and inadvertently opened the isolation cover of this weapon. As a result, all living creatures in the entire base were destroyed in the sea of ​​fire, including Tian Changhu.

Now the task of the salvage team is to salvage the weapons from the magma sea and send them to another base for dismantling.

Zhu Wushi walked silently on the rugged mountain road, with a million reluctances in his heart. He even greeted all the 18 generations of ancestors of the logistics director.

Their salvage team is a team that works in the water. Now they are asked to go to the magma to salvage things. Isn't this embarrassing?

Although the job of the salvage team is indeed to salvage things, their team has no talent in this area.

Suddenly, Zhu Wushi felt danger.

He immediately rolled forward and then ran away as fast as a gecko clinging to the ground.

Although he is not good at fighting, after so many years, he has become very good at escaping.

But the next moment, a powerful force of thought pushed him to the ground. He was actually quite strong, but he was completely unable to move.

It’s over!

Zhu Wushi was frightened at this moment and had a feeling of impending disaster.

"I ask, do you guys answer, do you have any questions?" Zhang Ping used his telekinesis to control the team.

One member stopped and then asked.

Zhu Wushi immediately said: "No problem, no problem."

He thought it was an alienated beast, but it turned out that the attacker was a human. As long as it was a human, there would still be room for maneuver.

"What's in front? Why does the temperature become so high?" Zhang Ping asked straightforwardly.

A young male salvage team member responded: "There is a powerful alien beast ahead. We are the investigation team..."

"Wrong answer." Zhang Ping interrupted disappointedly.

Then with a thought, the man's neck was snapped with a snap.

The other members of the salvage team didn't dare to take a breath at this moment. Their bodies were shaking all the time. Even though the temperature around them was extremely high, they felt extremely cold.

"Don't fool me like a fool." Zhang Ping said solemnly.

Because of the existence of his sixth sense, his intuition is very sharp. If someone lies in front of him, unless the superpower itself has blessed the act of lying, he can see through it at a glance.

Of course, if he was distracted, he might make a mistake.

But when his attention is focused on the other person, the likelihood of making a mistake is extremely low.

"You tell me."

Zhang Ping saw that everyone remained silent, so he pointed at Zhu Wushi and designated directly.

At this moment, Zhu Wushi's forehead was covered with sweat. Once he said it, even if the man in front of him didn't kill him, he would be hunted down by the entire Zhu family, unless... these people were all dead.

He looked at his teammates. Although they had gone through a lot, they had formed a deep friendship.

"grown ups……"

He gritted his teeth and prepared to make a request.

However, Zhang Ping suddenly changed his mind and interrupted: "Forget it, you don't need to tell me, I'll see for myself."

He raised his right hand, and his fingers turned into the form of blood. After the blood split, part of it was directly integrated into Zhu Wushi's body and quickly entered Zhu Wushi's brain.

Zhu Wushi felt that inexplicable thoughts kept popping up in his brain, as if he was stuck in memories.

After about ten minutes, this strange state suddenly disappeared.

"I see."

Zhang Ping already knew the answer he wanted.

The front was indeed a sub-base of the Zhu family, but Tian Changhu accidentally turned on a switch that couldn't be turned on, thus releasing a weapon that needed to be isolated by an energy shield.

The temperature of this weapon is so high that the entire

The bases were burned into molten iron, and the earth was turned into magma. The terrifying high temperature soared into the sky, eventually turning the environment into what it is today.

nice one!

Zhang Ping immediately made up his mind that this weapon must not fall into the hands of the beast-controlling Zhu family.

He took out the contract gem, looked at Zhu Wushi and others, and said calmly: "Accept and eat this gem, and you can survive. Make your own choice."

"I'll eat, I'll eat!" Zhu Wushi agreed immediately.

He doesn't want to die so early. Even if Zhang Ping wants him to eat shit, he will take it all.

However, when he picked up the contract gem, he was stunned. The restraining effect of this gem was too strong. If he ate it, he would become Zhang Ping's slave and would never be free again.


After the other members of the salvage team took the contract gem, they also fell silent.

"I'll count to three. Whoever hasn't eaten it, I'll kill him first." Zhang Ping saw that they were hesitant, so he said directly.

After that, he began to count down, and the sweat beads on the foreheads of the members of the salvage team became more and more.

Zhu Wushi gritted his teeth and simply closed his eyes and swallowed the contract gem.

Seeing this scene, the other members of the salvage team also gritted their teeth and swallowed the contract gem, but no one really succeeded in consuming the contract gem.

Zhang Ping showed a disappointed expression and said lightly: "You just ate this contract gem, but you didn't really accept it, so... it's a pity."

After that, a part of his clothes instantly separated into a huge sickle.

The sickle swept past.

A thin blood mark appeared on the necks of all the members of the salvage team, and then one by one their heads fell to the ground.

Zhang Ping sighed helplessly, then rushed to the sky and left quickly in the direction of the base.

He had no psychological burden to kill the members of the salvage team.

Although the salvage team was the lowest level of the Beastmaster Zhu family, they had actually done a lot of evil things, and even killed the adventurer team of Mingzhu City.

Zhang Ping saw similar scenes in Zhu Wushi's memory.

He felt sorry, because this salvage team really had something. Through the cooperation of abilities, they could even salvage things from the deep sea.

Originally, he wanted to subdue this team, just like Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo, and use them as tools.

Unfortunately, Zhu Wushi and others were too complicated and did not really accept the contract gems at all, and he did not want to waste the power of the contract, so he had to give them a quick death.

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