I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [310] The Snake-loving Clan

In fact, Zhu Wushi and others didn't know what that weapon looked like.

The information they know is quite limited, such as that the weapon emits astonishing high temperatures, that the weapon is expensive to make, and that the weapon has the ability to grow.

They had no idea whether the weapon was a knife, a sword, or some other strange weapon.

Zhang Ping has no special interest in weapons.

Although he has many weapons, Zhang Shouzhong also recently gave him a nano-robot, which will not be too weak when it is developed.

But because he has more abilities than he can use, under normal circumstances, weapons have no use at all.

He wanted to seize this weapon, but he simply didn't want it to fall into the hands of the beast-controlling Zhu family.

If the enemy suffers a loss, if you round it up, it means you have made a profit.

A few minutes later.

Zhang Ping stopped at the top of a mountain. The picture in front of him was too exaggerated, so he had to stop.

Behind him were mountains and mountains, and in front of him was a vast sea of ​​magma. The turbulent magma was rolling, forming waves of magma that hit the surrounding rocks.

The golden and red magma exudes blazing heat, and many of the surrounding plants have long been burned to dryness and are emitting white smoke.

The white smoke rose into the sky and formed a huge circular pot lid. The black smoke mixed with the white smoke to form a terrifying vortex.

Zhang Ping swallowed silently, and a thought came to his mind, was this really caused by a weapon?

Did he kill the salvage team too early?

Liu Dashan looked at the exaggerated magma sea outside through the Chu Deed, and said with emotion: "It's so scary, so shocking. This scene...I'm afraid I will never forget it in my life."

"Mr. Zhang Ping, why don't we leave here first?" Chen Mei said fearfully.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath of hot air and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am sensible. If there is really danger, I will leave immediately."

Then he flew into the air and slowly flew around the magma sea to observe the situation of the magma sea.

According to the information provided by Zhu Wushi, the weapon must be in the magma sea, but no one knows where it is.

The most important thing now is to find the weapon.

Zhang Ping observed for half an hour, then turned around and left. After flying to a safe place, he dug a big hole, got into the big hole and used his thoughts

After burying himself, he directly entered the dragon sleep state.

In an instant, thick eggshells appeared on his body, and at the same time, he also activated his spirit body to leave his body.

His spirit body floated out of the eggshell and immediately moved in the direction of the magma sea, reaching the sky above the magma sea in an instant.

In the spirit state, he moves very fast, much faster than flying in the physical body.

His spirit body sank into the magma sea and began to search for the weapon.

A mountain peak not far from the magma sea.

Five men and women wearing plumage woven with gorgeous feathers were observing the magma sea.

"Prophet, are you sure there is a divine object here?" A square-faced man looked at the old man next to him and asked.

The language he spoke was not the language of Pearl City, but another strange language, a bit like Korean from Zhang Ping's previous life, but also a bit like German.

The old man closed his eyes and said, "It's true. I dreamed that day that the sun set from high in the sky and turned into a dark iron rod. There was a red gem on each end of it, exuding a temperature that could burn everything."

"Then where is it?" the man asked.

The old man shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I don't know, it's too hot, and my ability can't pinpoint its position accurately."

"There is so much magma here, I'm afraid trying to find a stick is no different from finding a needle in a haystack." A young man couldn't help but lamented.

However, the square-faced man gritted his teeth and said: "If we can obtain such divine objects, we may be able to take revenge..."

They were once believers in the snake god and worshiped the wild snake god for generations. However, when foreign enemies invaded, the wild snake god did not help them and even looked on coldly.

At that moment, they were no longer believers of the Snake God, and even blamed the Snake God for their defeat!

Now they are a snake-loving tribe. They eat snakes at every meal and even get some weird abilities. However, these abilities only allow them to survive in the mountains and forests. They want to take revenge on the wild snake god, but they can't. hope.

This divine object gave the square-faced man hope.

"Yanniao, go down and take a look. If you can find it, that would be the best. If you can't find it, check the situation first." He looked at a petite woman next to him and ordered directly.

The woman has a pretty face, and the feathers on her body are mostly red feathers, which reflect light when she moves.

Emit different shades of red light.

She nodded and said, "Well, I'll go then!"

As she spoke, she opened her arms, jumped down from the mountain, and instantly transformed into a bird made of flames.

She flew over the magma sea.

Then he plunged into the magma sea and quickly shuttled through the magma sea.

Zhang Ping's spirit body was searching the magma sea, and suddenly he felt something red flying around. He couldn't help but feel a little strange, so he observed carefully and determined that the moving thing was a ball of flame.

A flame in the shape of a bird?

Zhang Ping couldn't help but feel something in his heart, guessing that this might be the weapon of the beast-controlling Zhu family.

Unfortunately, the flame bird moved too fast, and he couldn't even identify it in time, so he thought about it and simply turned around and returned to the main body.

When he returned to his body, he slept for half an hour before waking up.

He placed the storage contracts of Liu Dashan, Chen Mei, and the Sweeping Dragon in the pit, saying that he would be back later, and then flew to the magma sea.

In the air, his body was quickly covered with layers of metal coating.

When he arrived at the magma sea, he immediately fell from a high altitude and crashed into the magma sea. In an instant, he turned into a giant and revealed his huge body from the magma.

When he fell into the magma sea, he was only about five meters, and when he came out, he had reached three or four hundred meters.

When the people of the snake-eating tribe found him, he had become a thousand-meter giant.

The square-faced man was shocked when he saw Zhang Ping, and roared: "Prophet, don't you see such a monster in the magma sea?"

"No, I didn't see him, how could there be such a huge monster?" The old man said tremblingly.

The square-faced man gritted his teeth and said, "Let's retreat quickly. If he spots us, none of us can escape."

After saying that, he turned around and fled. The others hesitated for a moment and followed immediately.

Although the Firebird was the last female of the Snake-eating Clan, the reproduction of the Snake-eating Clan did not rely on the women of their own clan. When they needed to reproduce, they could just capture women from other tribes.

Zhang Ping did not pay attention to the situation tens of thousands of meters away. He lowered his head to observe the magma sea, and his eyes had become perspective eyes.

He carefully observed the rolling magma, and when the Firebird flashed by, he immediately opened his hand to grab the Firebird, but the Firebird reacted very quickly, and instantly turned sideways and slipped through his fingers, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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