I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [311] The Sun-Defining Divine Needle

Next, Zhang Ping kept searching for the traces of the firebird.

He walked from the edge of the magma sea to the depths, his body was gradually submerged in the magma sea, and then rolled out of the magma.

Metal coatings are not afraid of high temperatures, and the higher the temperature, the sharper the metal coating will be.

At this moment, any corner of Zhang Ping's body was extremely deadly.

He locked the firebird several times, and then waved his palm to salvage the firebird.

Inadvertently, the materials floating in the magma were cut off by his palm, but the firebird avoided his palm with its flexible posture.

Even the "stick" that the firebird was looking for was accidentally touched by him.

After this collision, a scratch appeared on the surface of the dark stick.

Under the magma farther away, when a scratch appeared on the stick, a pair of golden eyes slowly opened.


In the magma.

The firebird fled in fear.

She didn't expect that there was such a terrifying magma giant hidden in the magma.

If she stayed in the magma sea, she would be exhausted to death sooner or later. If she left, she would be caught by the giant. It was a dilemma.

At this time, she keenly felt that something seemed to be awakening under the magma, and that feeling gave her a worse premonition.

She gritted her teeth and flew out of the magma immediately, but in a blink of an eye, a powerful telekinesis froze her in mid-air.

"Flame bird, I finally caught you!"

Zhang Ping looked at the bird made of flames in the air and smiled.

He didn't expect that the weapons made by the beastmaster Zhu family were so exquisite. Not only did they have no substance, but they also looked like birds.

However, just as he was about to take the fire bird into his hand, the magma suddenly churned, and then a black stick shot out of the magma, and in a blink of an eye, it blasted the clouds in the sky.

The next moment, a roar came from the magma.

Zhang Ping reacted very quickly. At the moment the stick shot out, he quickly retreated. At this time, he had retreated to the shore and could jump out of the magma sea at any time.

"What was the stick just now?"

"Is there an alien beast under the magma?"

Zhang Ping looked into the depths of the magma, and his brows could not help but frown slightly.

The black stick fell from the sky at this time, smashing down with high temperature. With a loud bang, the entire magma sea was smashed down, and the surrounding magma gushed out and flowed in all directions.

"Not good!"

Zhang Ping thought that Liu Dashan and others were still in the big pit in the distance, so he turned around and ran.

If the big pit was washed away by the magma, Liu Dashan and others' storage deeds would probably be washed away. If they didn't rush too far, it would be fine.

Once they rushed to some difficult-to-find locations, I'm afraid they would be in danger.

Zhang Ping climbed up the mountain wall and then ran quickly towards the direction of the big pit.

Suddenly, a terrifying explosion came from behind him. He couldn't help but look back, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

A huge beam of light sprayed out from the magma, the picture was very exaggerated, and the black stick was spinning wildly in the light.

Without saying a word, Zhang Ping immediately threw an appraisal of the stick.

[Successful identification]

[The Great Sun Boundary Needle: The stick is 3.6 meters long and weighs 160 million tons. It is made of the world membrane and contains 19,653 stars. The ten boundary beads barely stabilize the structure, but because of the incomplete structure, it can only leak a small amount of temperature and cannot control the temperature output. ]

Then, Zhang Ping saw an unimaginable picture.

A world collapsed, and endless stars were captured by the broken space barriers, and then gradually turned into an eternal sun that never extinguished in the twisted space.

After countless years of polishing, these space barriers collided, shattered, disillusioned, and merged with each other, and finally turned into an irregularly shaped black meteorite.

In the end, an accident brought them to this world and fell into this planet in the form of a meteorite.

The Beastmaster Zhu family was still the ruler of Mingzhu City at that time, so a farmer who picked up the "meteorite" presented the "meteorite" to the Beastmaster Zhu family.

However, the Beastmaster Zhu family was so rich at that time that they didn't take the meteorite seriously at all. As a result, the meteorite fell into the hands of Zhu Taihao's grandfather.

Zhu Taihao's grandfather was not a big shot.

At that time, all the direct descendants of the Beastmaster Zhu family were in Mingzhu City. Zhu Taihao's grandfather was transferred to the Sun Fire Base as a base guard because he was a branch of the family.

As a result, when Situ Shibai broke into Mingzhu City, most of the direct descendants died in the battle, but Zhu Taihao's lineage survived because they guarded the base, so they became the biggest winner of the Beastmaster Zhu family and completely took over the inheritance of the Beastmaster Zhu family.

Then the scene changed.

Zhu Taihao had become the head of the family. Because the Beastmaster Zhu family had too many treasures, he conducted an inventory and research, and then discovered the extraordinaryness of the "meteorite".

He specially transferred a large number of people to study the meteorite, and finally determined that the meteorite contained energy comparable to the sun.

If this energy can be controlled, then even Situ Shibai will be dead.

Later, there are countless researchers coming and going in the picture, and they are visibly old. At the same time, they also invest a lot of resources to gradually change the shape of the meteorite.

At first, they seemed to want to make the meteorite into a sword, but the shape of the sword

is irregular, so it is very difficult to make a sword.

As a result, after investing a lot of resources, the meteorite became a long stick.

But a new problem arises. The meteorite does contain huge energy, but how to turn this energy into usable energy?

If it is simply released, this energy will destroy itself while destroying the enemy, and it will even become difficult to recover.

This is obviously not the result that the Beastmaster Zhu family wants.

After repeated research, the Beastmaster Zhu family's research institute decided to use special equipment to control this stick.

However, ordinary special equipment cannot withstand such a huge amount of energy, so they made two gems by themselves.

Zhang Ping's eyes turned red when he saw the means they used to make the gems. He wanted to travel back and kill people, especially one of the gems, which was made with Chen Junting's life.

"So... the Beastmaster Zhu family captured Chen Junting for this equipment!"

Zhang Ping clenched his fists slightly. In his original world, Chen Junting was eventually taken away by Prince Yue, and Chen Junting in this world has been refined into a gem.

In fact, Chen Junting's ability has no effect on the stick. Her ability is mainly to reconcile the spirits in other special equipment.

After being made into a gem, this ability will be maintained, and all other spirits will become tool spirits, and will not backfire on the user itself.

Fortunately, the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle was not really completed and was still in the debugging state.

Because of the sudden invasion of the Tianchang Fox, all the people in the base were burned to death, and the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle fell into the magma and kept sinking...

The scene ends here.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, feeling angry and relieved.

Fortunately, the Beastmaster Zhu family did not really complete this weapon, otherwise it would fall into Zhu Taihao's hands, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Although the metal coating is not afraid of high temperatures, it actually has a numerical upper limit. He is not afraid of ordinary high temperatures. If he is thrown into the core of the sun, he will still be reduced to ashes.

The Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, the real complete version, will only be stronger than the sun, not weaker.

Fortunately, the Tianchang Fox invaded this base, making the Beastmaster Zhu family's plan fail.

Then, Zhang Ping suddenly realized a problem.

Since that stick is the weapon of the Beastmaster Zhu family, what is the flame bird he caught with his telekinesis?

He couldn't help but look at the frightened flame bird and threw the same identification spell over.

After reading the properties of the firebird, he realized that the firebird was actually transformed from a human being, and a savage at that.

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