I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [312] Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire

Zhang Ping looked at the firebird, scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, and apologized sincerely: "Well, sorry, I thought you were the stick!"


The firebird was also dumbfounded. It turned out that this giant could speak human language!

Then, she suddenly felt that the confinement on her body disappeared, so she hurried to fly higher, so as not to change Zhang Ping's mind and suddenly confine her again.

Before the two sides could communicate, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the magma behind them.

At the same time, they saw a huge red dragon flying out of the magma. It roared, aimed at the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle in the air again, and opened its mouth to spray out a blazing white light.

The temperature was very high.

Even though Zhang Ping and the firebird were already some distance away from the magma sea, they could still feel the amazing temperature of the white light.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and chose to continue to escape at the same time.

While Zhang Ping was running away, he did not forget to cast an identification spell on the red dragon.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Flame Sea Red Dragon King]

[Race: Red Dragon·King]

[Potential: ????????????]

[Lifespan: 6000000]

[Level: Primary King Beast]

[Level: 49]


[Dragon Power: By absorbing the high temperature in the magma, it can be converted into dragon power. ]

[Red Flame Scale: Greatly enhances the defense of the scales, and the scales have a high temperature of 10,000 degrees. ]

[Inferno Cannon: Consume dragon power and shoot a scorching light cannon at the target. The more dragon power is consumed, the more powerful the light cannon is and the longer the attack distance is. ]

[Rainstorm Magma: Use the tail to swing up a large amount of magma, and consume dragon power to control the falling trend of the magma, eventually forming a large area of ​​magma rain. ]

[Top Strength: Your body is much stronger than your peers, and you have a very strong healing ability. 】

【King Beast Characteristics:】

【Primary-Walking in the Flame River: When in the magma, the perception ability is greatly enhanced, and all threatening targets can be locked. 】

【King Attributes:】

【Fire Dragon Domain: When in the magma, you can freely control the magma and form a huge fire dragon domain. The temperature of everything in the domain will only continue to rise and will not drop until it is reduced to ashes. 】

【King Skills:】

【World-Destroying Magma: Consume all dragon power, resonate with the magma in the earth veins, directly cause global volcanic eruptions, and finally form a world-destroying magma flow, destroying all obstacles. 】

This is too exaggerated.

After Zhang Ping read the attributes, his escape speed increased a lot.

Although the Flame Sea Red Dragon King could not kill him for a while, he was too close to this top-level alien beast, and he still felt a huge pressure.

It must be said that the King Skills of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King are too terrifying.

If a global volcano erupts, dust will cover the sky, the global temperature will continue to rise, and most of the creatures on the surface of the planet will die.

It is impossible for humans to live without food and drink.

When most plants and animals die, humans will be desperate and eventually become extinct.

The word "world-destroying magma" in front is not an exaggeration.

Zhang Ping originally thought that it was terrifying enough that he had the ability of a world destroyer inexplicably, but who knew that there were other world-destroying abilities.

It has to be said that it is really not easy for humans to live safely on this planet.

At this time, the Red Dragon King of Yanhai fired two beams of light cannons at the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle in the sky. Under the attack of the light cannons, the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle rotated wildly, but it was not damaged at all.

Zhang Ping did not understand why the Red Dragon King of Yanhai was attracted by the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, and why he kept attacking the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

But he had a hunch that if it continued like this, the Red Dragon King of Yanhai would probably become more and more angry. Once he was angry, if he used the magma of world destruction...


The situation must not be allowed to continue to deteriorate.

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and suddenly stopped. He turned to look at the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames in the distance, and then ran back.

"Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames, can we talk?"

Zhang Ping ran to the edge of the magma sea, looked up at the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames, and shouted loudly.

However, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames did not even look at Zhang Ping, and continued to stare at the Great Sun Defining Needle in the sky. When the Great Sun Defining Needle fell, he sprayed out another beam of light.

Zhang Ping also realized that something was wrong at this time.

If the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames simply hated the Great Sun Defining Needle, he only needed to change the angle and shoot the Great Sun Defining Needle away.

But the angle of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames attack

just ensured that the Great Sun Defining Needle would fall in a similar position, and then it would attack the Great Sun Defining Needle again.

It felt like the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames wanted to blow up the Great Sun Defining Needle and get something from it.

It was indeed angry.

But greed was hidden under the anger?

When the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle fell again, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flame opened his mouth and fired a beam of light again.

Under this shot, cracks appeared on the gems at both ends of the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, and at the same time, a trace of flame leaked out of the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

Because the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle was located at a high altitude, the terrifying high temperature exploded directly at this moment.

All the carbonized trees around were instantly burned, and at the same time, the ground quickly turned black and cracked countless times.

"Not good!"

Zhang Ping felt the metal coating was melting, and he was shocked.

He gritted his teeth and used the reset eye on the Sun Defining Divine Needle, marked it and turned around and ran. No matter what the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames was up to, he would keep a hand first.

Next, he ran madly.

Behind him, the ground gradually turned into magma, with billowing black smoke.

"Too fake, why at this time..."

Zhang Ping felt the metal coating on his back melt layer by layer, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

This base has been captured by the Tianchang Fox for quite some time. The Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames didn't come early or late, but it came when he came to salvage the Sun Defining Divine Needle.

Could it be a trap set by the Beastmaster Zhu family?

Zhang Ping always felt that the appearance of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames was too coincidental.

Unfortunately, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames had no intention of communicating with him at all. Even if he wanted to ask for clarification, he couldn't do it. Now he could only run away to avoid being burned to death.

In fact, his own high temperature resistance is very high, and he won't die even if he falls into the magma.

The problem is that the temperature emitted by the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle is too exaggerated.

The ground behind him is becoming magma at a very fast speed, and even many places are burning with extremely high temperature flames. These flames are colorful, and it is obvious that different substances are burning.

What does this mean?

It means that no matter how high the ignition point is, it will burn under the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle!

Zhang Ping estimated that even if Feng Laixian appeared here, he would have to turn around and run.

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