I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [314] Ending

Zhu Chengmian actually had great prejudices about Zhu Chongba's evaluation.

He needed an excuse to give up on Zhu Chongba, so in his mouth, Zhu Chongba was just a stupid son who failed to achieve anything but failed.

But in fact, Zhu Chongba is very clever. Under his set of rules, the killers under him dare to assassinate almost anyone. It is true that he will not shed tears until he sees the coffin.

In World Zero, Zhang Ping already has a very high reputation, and his strength has long been recognized by the vast majority of awakened people. Ordinary killers simply do not dare to attack Zhang Ping. Only the killers from the Eighth Floor still dare to assassinate Zhang Ping.

This is the greatness of Zhu Chongba.

It's a pity that in World Zero, Zhu Chongba was tricked to death by his father.

In this world, because Zhu Chengmian died, Zhu Taihao really paid attention to his unlucky grandsons.

He discovered Zhu Chongba's shining point, and even realized that Zhu Chongba was the master of the Zhu family's revival, so he wanted to pave the way for his grandson to become the head of the family at all costs.

Zhu Chongba did not disappoint Zhu Taihao.

In fact, after Zhang Ping left Pearl City, Zhu Chongba had been following Zhang Ping. He was hiding in the mirror space transformed from the eight-story building, observing Zhang Ping's every move.

The Eight-Level Building itself does not have the ability to move. With his financial resources, it will take at least fifty or sixty years to further optimize the Eight-Level Building. However, since receiving Zhu Taihao's recognition, he can use part of the Zhu family's resources.

So, he got a special piece of equipment called the rhombus mirror, which is composed of eighty-eight diamond-shaped lenses. As long as the core is embedded in the Yaelou, and the remaining lenses are moved around the outside world, the Yaelou can pass through the lenses. Follow the move.

Therefore, he could observe Zhang Ping carefully in a safe place, but Zhang Ping could not detect him.

"How is the situation now?"

Zhu Chongba sat on a chair, looked at the blurred lines in the picture, and asked with a frown.

Because of the high temperature emanating from the Great Sun Demarcation Needle, several of the birds controlled by the Eight-Level Tower Assassin had died. The remaining birds, carrying rhombus mirrors on their backs, could only follow Zhang Ping at a very long distance.

The location of the Eight-Level Tower coincides with the rhombus mirror. The Rhombus Mirror cannot be approached, and the Eight-Level Tower cannot be approached either.

Therefore, now Zhu Chongba and the others can only understand the general situation, but they know nothing about more specific information.

"We are too far away from Zhang Ping, and the Great Sun's Demarcation Needle continues to emit high temperatures. White Pigeon

You must continue to retreat, otherwise you risk death from heat. "The assassin from the eighth floor said calmly.

Zhu Chongba squinted at a dark corner behind him and said calmly: "The two people hiding there, please show up. If you use the flare cannon to bombard Zhang Ping now, what are the chances of success?"

"With the speed of the flare cannon, there is a 100% probability of hitting Zhang Ping, but it is impossible to judge whether it can kill Zhang Ping." A man in black appeared in the corner and answered directly.

Zhu Chongba looked at the black and red lines in the flower surface, gritted his teeth and said: "Then send the order and prepare the flare cannon. When I need it, I hope the flare cannon will not fall off the chain!"

"Yes!" The man in black responded immediately.

Zhu Chongba had already guessed that Zhu Taihao would not trust him walking alone. The strength of the two men in black was at the top level, and they were more than enough to protect him.

As for the flare cannon.

Although only the head of the family can use it.

But if Zhang Ping can be eliminated, Zhu Chongba believes that Zhu Taihao will definitely agree to use it.

If one shot can bring about the death of a powerful enemy, the deal is quite a bargain.

in the air.

Zhang Ping tried his best to fly upward at a thirty-degree angle.

He can't fly straight up, because if he flies straight up, the Flame Sea Red Dragon King can continue to chase him by controlling the magma.

His tilted flight not only increases the distance, but also makes the magma unable to follow up.

Once it loses the support of magma, the Red Dragon King of Yanhai will not be able to fly and will inevitably fall to the ground from high altitude.

Now let’s see who can’t hold on first!

Zhang Ping's metal coating has been burned by the high temperature, and it will take a long time to recover. Now he can only use the dark mist to block the high temperature.

But Mist Mist's endurance also has an upper limit.

When the temperature of the underworld fog gets higher and higher, he will be cooked sooner or later.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, the Flame Sea Red Dragon King behind him opened his mouth and fired a light cannon directly.


Zhang Ping quickly used the dark fog to block the light cannon, and then directly guided the light cannon to shoot high into the sky by changing the shape of the dark fog.

When the light cannon exploded at high altitude, he shouted loudly to the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea: "Can't we have a good talk?"


The Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea responded to Zhang Ping with silence, then opened his mouth again, and a light cannon was formed.

"Brother, do you have a way to insert the stick into the big red snake's chest? Just insert it into that

The chest of a big snake, I have a way to deal with it. "Chen Junting's spirit body appeared next to Zhang Ping and asked quickly.

Zhang Ping struggled to block the attack of the light cannon. He gritted his teeth and controlled the fog to move the light cannon. Then he took a breath and responded: "You mean, insert it into its chest?"

As he spoke, he first pointed at the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle, and then pointed at the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

"Well, can it be done?" Chen Junting nodded and looked at Zhang Ping expectantly.

Zhang Ping frowned and asked, "Then will anything happen to you?"

"We have already died. If it is to save the world, we don't mind dying again." Chen Junting said resolutely.

Although she still has a lot of curiosity about this world and wants to take revenge on the Beast Tamer Zhu family, she loves her grandfather and her aunt who often takes care of her at home.

If the world is destroyed, then the people she loves will die with it, so she wants to save this world and stop the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle from breaking.

Even if she will die by doing so, she will leave this world forever and will never be able to take revenge!

"What will happen if this stick is inserted into the chest of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire?" Zhang Ping hesitated and asked.

Chen Junting replied: "I will connect with other people to activate their abilities at that time. The stick will refine all the surrounding substances and finally form a protective film."

"Is it really that simple?" Zhang Ping frowned.

Chen Junting nodded and said: "Our abilities are the ability to cooperate with each other. This was originally the plan of those big bad guys, but I have been pretending to be asleep and not cooperating with their plan, so they did not succeed."

"Stick, tell me, what will happen if this really happens?" Zhang Ping looked at the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle and asked.

Chen Junting felt funny. How could a stick answer the question? This big brother is so stupid.

But the next second, the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle suddenly said: "Don't call me a stick. I am obviously a needle. You should call me by my full name, the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, or you can call me by my nickname, Needle Needle!"

"Okay, Needle Needle, can you tell me, did she lie?" Zhang Ping asked.

The Great Sun Defining Divine Needle replied: "No, but she didn't tell you that they must jointly activate their abilities, and all spirits will suffer unimaginable pain and torture. In the end, all spirits will be compressed together to form a main consciousness. They will sink forever in endless pain and will never be able to get rid of it."

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