I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [315] Don’t Want to Give Up

"I don't agree with that."

After Zhang Ping heard the words of the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle, he spoke straightforwardly.

He would never allow this to happen in front of him. Chen Junting was just an underage girl and should not suffer this kind of torture.

"Brother, don't be impulsive. This is the choice of all of us!" Chen Junting said seriously.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "If I think about it again, there must be a more perfect solution."

At this time, there is actually a layer of dark mist between him and the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle. Once the dark mist is burned through, his body will spontaneously combust in an instant and eventually disappear into ashes.

"Zhenzhen, is there no other way?" He looked at the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle and asked.

The Great Sun Determining Needle replied: "I don't know, maybe there is, maybe there is not, who knows?"

It knew Chen Junting's plan because the Zhu family had been preparing this plan for a long time. During the preparation process, it absorbed this part of the information.

"Brother, look at your hands!" Chen Junting exclaimed at this time.

Zhang Ping looked at his right hand. The edges of his fingernails had begun to burn. Fortunately, he had a strong resistance to high temperatures, so his body could still bear it.

At this time, the Flame Sea Red Dragon King behind fired another light cannon.

Zhang Ping could only grit his teeth and deal with the light cannon first, then look at the Great Sun Boundary Needle and go through all the abilities in his mind.

do not care!

Let’s try everything first!

The first is the contract gem.

Zhang Ping condensed a gem and said to the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle: "Zhenzhen, how about you try this?"

"No, you can tell it doesn't taste good just by looking at it. If you don't want to eat it, you won't eat it!" The Great Sun Determining Divine Needle replied in seconds.

Zhang Ping wanted to say something, but the contract gem began to emit white smoke under the high temperature, so he had to throw it away.

He looked at the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle and gritted his teeth: "Don't blame me for that needle!"

The next moment, he wrapped himself in the underworld mist, and even a large amount of underworld mist poured into his mouth, protecting the mouth and intestines. Then he grabbed the Great Sun Determining Needle with one hand, opened his mouth and went to Rise.

Since the contract gem didn't work, he had to eat the Great Sun Determining Needle!

Guaranteed, he can also get new abilities!

But he overestimated his own strength after all.

His body, when he opened his mouth to an angle that normal humans could not open, swallowed the Great Sun Boundary Needle into his stomach, it was gone!

The Mist protected his stomach, and he had a strong premonition that once he let go of the Mist's protection, the entire stomach would instantly carbonize, leaving him no time to digest.

At this time, the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea was so desperate that he opened his mouth and sprayed out the light cannon.

In fact, the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea has activated the Fire Dragon Domain. It is under the influence of the Fire Dragon Domain that it can more perfectly control the magma to support itself. Otherwise, it would have fallen to the ground from high altitude if it had not pursued it for such a long distance.

But it also started to get anxious. If it continued, it would definitely not be able to catch up with Zhang Ping, so it increased the frequency of attacks and no longer cared about the physical consumption.

Zhang Ping made a miscalculation and was caught off guard. Mingwu behind him was shot, and he had no time to guide the light cannon to deflect.

In an instant, a large amount of dark mist was exploded.

He himself was also shaken by the shock wave, spinning around in the air, and finally quickly fell to the ground.

What's even more embarrassing is... He still has a big black and thick stick in his mouth, and he can't make any sound at all.

"The Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea, my mother Ganni!"

Zhang Ping roared with grief and anger in his heart. Finally, due to the weight, he hit the ground head first, and with the huge impact force, the stick stabbed directly to the bottom.

"It's so dirty, I'm not clean anymore!" Zhenzhen cried out.

Chen Junting also blushed a little. The gem at the end of the end that Zhang Ping swallowed was actually the location where her spirit body was sealed. Wouldn't it be equivalent to her reincarnation from Zhang Ping's body?

"Brother, are you okay?" Chen Junting asked worriedly after feeling shy.

If a normal person falls from a high altitude and is subsequently penetrated by a stick, he will definitely die.

Chen Junting was very worried. Zhang Ping would not be dead, right?

Then she saw Zhang Ping's body being pulled out of the ground with difficulty, and then he grabbed the Great Sun Determining Needle with both hands and pulled it out of his mouth little by little. A large amount of blood quickly began to repair the body, and at the same time a large piece of his body was dented. The head gradually returned to its original shape like an inflated air stream.

"This won't even kill you!"

Zhu Chongba, who was watching from a distance, almost stared out of his eyes.

When he saw Zhang Ping being pierced by the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle, he thought he didn't need to take action.

Who knew that Zhang Ping's vitality was so tenacious that he could survive such a fatal injury.

"This is normal. Some awakened people will die at the first touch, and some awakened people are like cockroaches. Young Master, do you need to use the flare cannon?" A man in black asked calmly.

Zhu Chongba shook his head and said: "It's not the time yet, what I want is for him to die... no doubt!"

At this time, the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea fell with a large amount of magma, and all the surrounding plants burned in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye.

The Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea stepped on the magma, locked his gaze on Zhang Ping not far away, and opened his mouth again to condense a light cannon.

"We're almost running out of time!"

Zhang Ping held the Great Sun Boundary Demarcation Needle in his hand and looked at the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea in embarrassment, his heart sinking slightly.

Originally he could hold on for twenty minutes, but just now the Yanhai Red Dragon King's shot shortened the time to thirteen minutes, and eight minutes had already passed.

He only had five minutes left to deal with the Sun Defining Divine Needle.

The next second, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames fired a beam of light, and he immediately manipulated the Dark Mist to form a shield, but just as he caught the beam, he felt a huge shock coming from underground.

Before the beam could be guided to high altitude, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames hit the beam with his head, and the shield formed by the Dark Mist exploded, and then the huge dragon head slammed into Zhang Ping fiercely.

As a king-level alien beast, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames is far more powerful than just its ability, its body is also an extremely terrifying weapon.

Unlike the Tianchang Fox, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames, as a dragon beast, actually has a melee ability that is even higher than superpowers.

The most terrifying thing about it is not the beam of light that it spits out casually, nor the terrifying skill that causes the destruction of the world, but its extremely powerful body.

Zhang Ping actually noticed this before.

After all, when he still had the metal coating, he was still overturned by the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames with one claw, and at that time he had already vaguely felt the horror of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flames’ body.

There is no way to avoid this collision!

Zhang Ping's mind suddenly moved, and then his body was hit and exploded by the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire, turning into countless blood and spreading out.

Under the aftermath of the light cannon and the high temperature of the Sun Defining Divine Needle, the scattered blood evaporated at a very fast speed, but some of the blood was wrapped in the dark mist, forming countless black beads that quickly gathered in the air.

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