I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [316] Bloody Battle

"Isn't this still dead?"

Zhu Chongba felt happy when he saw Zhang Ping's body exploded.

Then he saw a large number of black beads formed by the mist reuniting high in the sky. After a moment, Zhang Ping walked out of the mist, and his eyes widened again.

He had overestimated Zhang Ping as much as possible, but Zhang Ping broke his imagination time and time again and let him see what it means to be an infinite-level ability user.

But Zhang Ping is obviously much weaker now.

His body was no longer as strong as before. Not only did he not have much muscle, but his ribs could also be seen. His whole person had changed from a sunny boy to a drug addict.

When the Red Dragon King of Yanhai saw that Zhang Ping was not dead, he immediately flicked his tail and swept over him.

It has already become murderous towards Zhang Ping. Rather than seizing the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, it prefers to kill Zhang Ping first and then slowly deal with the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

Zhang Ping quickly retreated and avoided the Yanhai Red Dragon King's tail. He couldn't help but frown slightly, and a small scratch appeared on the bridge of his nose.

Fortunately, his defense was strong enough, otherwise even if he avoided the Yanhai Red Dragon King's tail, the wind swept by the Yanhai Red Dragon King's tail would be enough to cut him open.

Suddenly, the Flame Sea Red Dragon King grabbed the Great Sun Defining Needle on the ground with its claws. It glanced at Zhang Ping provocatively, then opened its mouth to condense the light cannon, and lowered its head to aim at the Great Sun Defining Needle.

"This beast!"

Zhang Ping wiped the blood flowing to his face, and the next moment his eyes shot out lasers.

The laser swept across the Yanhai Red Dragon King's neck, immediately leaving two burnt black marks on the Yanhai Red Dragon King's neck. The Yanhai Red Dragon King roared in pain, immediately changed direction, raised his head and fired a light cannon at Zhang Ping. .

Zhang Ping had already anticipated this scene, so he avoided the light cannon the moment it raised its head.

His eyes emitted lasers, which were directly directed at the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea and cut wildly, flying up and down around the Red Dragon King of the Yan Sea. The Red Dragon King of the Yan Sea also continued to fight back, but all the light cannons failed.

The Red Dragon King of Yanhai realized that when Zhang Ping did not escape, it would be difficult for the light cannon to cause damage to Zhang Ping, so the next moment it inserted the Great Sun Demarcation Needle into the ground, raised its head and let out a long dragon roar.

The ground shook violently, as if a river was running underground.

Zhang Ping immediately realized what the Yanhai Red Dragon King wanted to do. His eyes turned into purple light and shot at the Yanhai Red Dragon King again. However, the surface of the Yanhai Red Dragon King's body was now covered with a large amount of magma, forming a layer similar to sticky

The protective layer of liquid makes it difficult for light to damage it when it falls on it.

This magma is not the magma that is pouring out of the ground, but the magma that the Flame Sea Red Dragon King has just flown into.

Normally, magma flows on the ground and cools quickly.

The problem is that the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea has been maintaining the Fire Dragon Domain. One of the effects of the domain is: the temperature of everything in the domain will only continue to rise and not fall!

Therefore, when the magma fell to the ground, it never cooled down. It was just scattered everywhere and was not gathered together by the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

Now that the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea suddenly made a move, Zhang Ping was really caught off guard by it.

The next moment, a large number of cracks appeared on the ground, and streams of magma spurted out from the ground, forming magma pillars.

Zhang Ping realized that the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea wanted to trap him, so he quickly flew high into the sky. At the same time, with a thought, the invisible power of his mind grabbed the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle on the ground, and moved upwards with the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle. fly.

Although the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea reacted very quickly and saw the Great Sun's Delimiting Divine Needle flying up automatically and opened his mouth to bite the Great Sun's Delimiting Divine Needle, the Great Sun's Delimiting Divine Needle still flew away from his teeth.

"Brother, are you okay?" Chen Junting asked quickly after the Great Sun Determining Needle approached Zhang Ping at a certain distance.

Zhang Ping shook his head and replied: "I'm fine, let's continue to find a way to deal with this stick!"

He used sub-type spores to create a spore, and then injected the spore into the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle, hoping to activate the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle.

But before the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle had time to transform, his ability ended instantly.

"It turns out there is such a restriction on sub-spores!"

Zhang Ping was stunned, and then tried to activate the goblin. As expected, he was also unable to turn the Great Sun Boundary Needle into a little goblin.

But this is normal. The mass of the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle is too great. If he can activate the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle into life, then he can completely activate the planet he is currently on.

He can't even activate the planet, so how can he activate the great sun-defining needle that contains countless stars?

In fact, he could only think of these abilities that might have an impact on the Great Sun's Boundary-Defining Needle, and the rest was the guarantee - taking the Great Sun's Boundary-Defining Divine Needle into the mysterious sewer!

This trick is very dangerous and may destroy the mysterious sewer if used.

The problem is that Zhang Ping has no choice

He wanted to save Chen Junting and the world.

But at this moment, an iron rod suddenly shot from a very far distance!

Zhang Ping instantly blocked the iron rod with his telekinesis, and then his eyes blurred as he appeared in front of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

At this moment, both the Yanhai Red Dragon King and Zhang Ping were stunned for a moment.

But the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea reacted very quickly. It immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity. It opened its mouth and sprayed a light cannon at Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping came back to his senses and roared too. Mingwu added telepathy to block it. in front of yourself.

His current height is only about 1.7 meters, while the Flame Sea Red Dragon King is more than 20 meters tall when he raises his head even if he is entrenched under the magma.

So the next second the scene was very scary.

It was as if a beam of light descended from the sky, directly submerging Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth, he knew he was being plotted against, the iron rod was not the source of the threat, the real horror was that there was a superpower hidden in the iron rod.

The superpower changed his position and sent him to the front of the Red Dragon King of Yanhai.

He didn't need to guess, he knew that this must be the work of the Beast Taming Zhu family.

It's just that the timing was too good.

In the air, the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle was falling, and the gem on the top suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

A large number of spirits appeared around Chen Junting, and these spirits exploded instantly, turning into blue spiritual power that revolved around Chen Junting. Chen Junting grabbed the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, swooped down directly, and smashed into the Red Dragon King of Yanhai with red light.

However, the fighting instinct of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire was too strong. At the moment when the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle fell, its tail emerged from the magma and hit the stick of the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle. Chen Junting screamed in pain and immediately rolled away with the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

In the light column, Zhang Ping suddenly opened his eyes, and two lasers shot out, tearing the light column apart bit by bit.

Prism space, inside the Eight-story Building.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Chongba immediately said to the man in black next to him: "Uncle Chen, please use that ability again, the target is Zhang Ping's head!"

The iron rod that just attacked Zhang Ping was actually the ability of the man in black next to Zhu Chongba.

Zhu Chongba's goal was to kill Zhang Ping, so he naturally did not allow Zhang Ping to escape from danger.

Now Zhang Ping could not move. As long as another iron rod was inserted into Zhang Ping's head, it was estimated that Zhang Ping would be unable to resist the attack of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire.

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