I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [317] The Brave and the Weak

If an ordinary person had an iron rod inserted into his head, he would be dead and mentally disabled, but Zhang Ping's previous behavior was too abnormal.

That terrifying immortality is enough to make most awakened people despair. Zhu Chongba felt uneasy unless he saw Zhang Ping disappear into ashes.

Only when Zhang Ping dies completely, with no trace left behind, can he feel at ease.

"Sorry, my ability is not lethal and cannot attack his head." At this time, the man in black, 'Uncle Chen', responded.

Uncle Chen's full name is Chen Jianbing. He is a member of Zhu Taihao's secret guard. His ability is 'shortcut navigation'. This ability can directly send the target to a designated location, but it cannot harm the target.

Because of this, Zhang Ping was not injured when he was hit by an iron rod just now, but his position changed.

Zhu Chongba did not know the nature of Chen Jianbing's ability, so he mistakenly thought that he could use Chen Jianbing's ability to intervene in the battle between Zhang Ping and the Red Dragon King of Yanhai.

"Uncle Chen, can you send the things over?" Zhu Chongba was stunned for a moment, then asked again.

Chen Jianbing nodded and said, "Okay."

For a moment, Zhu Chongba had a new idea.

Although he couldn't attack Zhang Ping directly, he could definitely give Zhang Ping a 'gift'!

Zhang Ping had given up the idea of ​​​​escape.

He knew very well that the people from the Beast Control Zhu family would definitely not give him a chance.

Now, all he can do is kill the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea in front of him, find the bastards who plotted against him, and make them pay the price!

After a moment, the laser tore open the beam of light and shot directly at the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea. The Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea roared in pain and swung his tail from behind to the front, with the spikes at the end piercing Zhang Ping directly.

Zhang Ping couldn't move, and only had time to separate part of the dark mist for defense. The next moment, he was stabbed by the tail of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea. His whole body immediately rolled and flew out. He didn't stop until his body hit the magma column.

"Brother, are you okay?" Chen Junting asked worriedly.

Zhang Ping quickly climbed up from the lava, spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments, gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not going to die yet. After I deal with this big guy, I will find a way to help you escape!"

"Brother, but... the cracks in the stick have become bigger, and there are also your hands!" Chen Junting said worriedly.

Only then did Zhang Ping look at his right hand belatedly. The skin of his right hand had turned red and was constantly boiling.

There was white smoke, and at the same time, a large area of ​​his lower back was carbonized, and fine spider web-like cracks appeared. This was the damage caused by the tail attack of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.


Zhang Ping realized that his injuries were more serious than imagined, and he suddenly felt dizzy.

He knew very well that the lack of pain just now was probably due to the effect of adrenaline, but when he noticed the injury, it got worse.

In his previous life, he encountered a similar situation during a rescue mission. A father who was exhausted carried his child on his back for a day and a night. When he finally saw the members of the rescue team, he passed out on the spot.

There is also the viral story on the internet about a mother lifting up a car to save her child...

Many examples are enough to illustrate that human willpower can always create miracles.

The premise is...don't let me react!

Zhang Ping originally didn't realize that he was seriously injured, so he still had the strength to fight, but now that he was aware of his injuries, he suddenly felt bad.

He gritted his teeth and controlled the royal blood in his body to repair the wound, but the speed was no longer as fast as before.

Many of the superpowers are so incredible that they can even appear out of thin air.

But most abilities still need to follow basic rules.

The repairing ability of royal blood depends on the total amount of blood.

The more blood Zhang Ping has, the faster the repair will be. The less blood he has, the slower the repair will be.

At the same time, Zhang Ping's mental state will also affect his abilities. If he is energetic, his ability efficiency will be greatly improved. If he is low in energy, his abilities will become sluggish, as if he is dozing off.

It's a pity that the Red Dragon King of Yanhai didn't intend to give Zhang Ping a chance to breathe.

At this time, it manipulated the surrounding magma to directly form tentacles, all of which rolled towards Zhang Ping from different directions.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and immediately controlled the dark mist to completely cover his body, turning into the image of the God of Death in an instant. At the same time, the Great Sun Demarcation Needle was also covered by the dark mist and turned into a part of the sickle.

With a wave of his hand, he cut off the approaching magma tentacles with his sickle, and then quickly approached the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

The Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea opened his mouth and sprayed light cannons at Zhang Ping. At the same time, he controlled the surrounding magma to form dense spikes, stabbing Zhang Ping from different angles.

At this moment, Zhang Ping was surrounded by enemies on all sides and had no room to dodge.


Zhang Ping's eyes were burning with the most

In order to regain his fighting spirit, he roared and brandished his sickle at the light cannon.

When the sickle and the light cannon collided, the surrounding magma suddenly closed in, and Zhang Ping fell directly into the ocean of magma.


A spiral spike made of magma instantly broke through Zhang Ping's dark fog and pierced Zhang Ping's chest.

Then more and more spikes broke through the defense and pierced Zhang Ping's body fiercely. Zhang Ping's whole body turned red under the high temperature.

If it weren't for the high temperature resistance blessed by the abilities of energy eater, fire element control, fire breather, and flame coat, he would have been completely mature at this moment.

But now he is not far away from being mature.

The magma slowly bloomed like a man-eating plant, and then a magma spike pierced Zhang Ping and slowly extended to the front of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire.

Zhang Ping's body was full of holes, but his hand was still tightly holding the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

"Human, you are a brave man, qualified to be my food for becoming stronger!"

The Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire looked down at Zhang Ping with a pair of dragon eyes, and suddenly spoke.

Zhang Ping was actually desperate just now, but he still fought to the last moment, even if he still didn't give up now, he admired Zhang Ping's fighting spirit very much, and believed that eating a strong man like Zhang Ping would make himself stronger.


Zhang Ping's throat had been pierced, and he couldn't speak.

His brain had stopped thinking, and now it was the spirit that controlled his body.

There is no doubt that his most correct choice at the moment is to activate the ability of the reset eye, but he was unwilling to run away like this.

Once he activates the reset eye, he himself is safe, but what about all the creatures in this world?

What about Zhang Shouzhong, Zhao Yanlong, Zhao Yanlong and others?

And... Su Jingyao?

At this time, Chen Junting's voice sounded in Zhang Ping's ears: "Big brother, raise your hand quickly!"

Zhang Ping's eyes were moistened immediately, but the moisture could not last even a fraction of a second in the high temperature, and any liquid evaporated as soon as it appeared.

Not long ago, he was complacent and thought he was already very powerful.

But now he realized his weakness. The real power... that should be able to save everything he wanted to save. He couldn't save Chen Junting and the others, and now he needs to rely on Chen Junting and the others' sacrifice to save the world.

He is still too weak!

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