I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [318] Accident

The Flame Sea Red Dragon King opened his mouth and bit Zhang Ping's head directly.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Ping's head was bitten by the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea, and Zhang Ping's hand dropped weakly.

But just when the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea relaxed his vigilance, Zhang Ping suddenly raised his hand and stabbed the Red Dragon King of the Yan Sea's jaw with the Big Sun Boundary Needle he was holding tightly.

Normally, it would be impossible for the Great Sun Boundary Needle to pierce the exoskeleton jaw of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

But the moment the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle touched the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea, Chen Junting and countless spiritual bodies suddenly appeared, and each of the spiritual bodies activated their abilities.

The gems at both ends of the Great Sun's Boundary Needle shine with bright red light.

In the red light, the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea roared angrily, and then his chin felt like it was pinched by mud, and was quickly pulled towards the crack of the Great Sun's Boundary Demarcation Needle by the huge gravity.

Its exoskeleton shell instantly shattered, and was sucked into the Great Sun's Delimiting Needle like running water. Its body below the head struggled wildly, like a snake with its head cut off, rolling in the magma, but nothing happened. Nothing works.

In the distance, Zhu Chongba and others in the eight-story building were stunned.

However, Zhu Chongba reacted quickly and said quickly: "Good opportunity, Uncle Chen, help me send something over quickly. Maybe I can make Zhang Ping and the alienated beast die together!"

He stood up and walked to the cabinet on the side, carefully holding out a brocade box.

There was a red seed in the brocade box. He did not dare to take it directly with his hands, but carefully took it out with a cloth, and then looked at Chen Jianbing.

Chen Jianbing nodded slightly, pointed at the seed, and the next moment the seed suddenly disappeared.

But the next second, Chen Jianbing frowned slightly and found that his finger that touched the seed was missing a piece of flesh.

At the same time, Zhang Ping's body continued to deform, trying to escape from the attack range of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

Now the head of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King is sucked by the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle, and it can no longer fire the light cannon, but its body is still outside and has great destructive power.

In Zhang Ping's current state, he couldn't withstand this torment.

It can be said that the Red Dragon King of Yanhai can kill him with one slap of his tail. He is very weak.

He wants to open the sewer as quickly as possible, and it will be safe when he escapes to the sewer.

As for the great sun-defining needle, he is not worried that it will fall on

In the hands of Zhu Jia, the imperial beast, because he has used the reset eye on the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, he can take it back at any time when he recovers.

But at this moment, a red seed appeared in front of him, and then the seed happened to fall on his hand.

His position changed directly and appeared right on the neck of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea. At the same time, the seeds quickly took root and sprouted, linking his palm with the neck of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

This is a very strange ability.

Zhang Ping's hand and the Yanhai Red Dragon King's neck were almost perfectly integrated into one, as if the two were conjoined twins.

Moreover, with his palm as the center, a huge suction force suddenly occurred, and his entire arm sank into the neck of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea little by little. It is estimated that within ten seconds, his whole body may merge with the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea. together.

He immediately shot two laser beams at his own arm, but before the laser beam hit his own arm, it suddenly reversed its trajectory and was sucked in by the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle.


Zhang Ping realized that he was too close.

He quickly controlled the dark fog to slash at his arm, but the dark fog was also sucked away by the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle.

"Brother, run!" Chen Junting saw this scene and floated to Zhang Ping's side, shouting anxiously.

But the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea is not dead yet. Although it is sucked by the crack of the Great Sun's Boundary Demarcation Needle, it will not die at all for a while.

When it heard Chen Junting's voice, it immediately controlled its tail and swept hard towards Chen Junting's location.

It's just that Chen Junting can't even be considered a spirit body now. Her real spirit is sealed in the gem of the Great Sun's Boundary Needle, and the one outside can only be regarded as a projection at best.

As a result, the tail of the Red Dragon King of Yanhai passed through Chen Junting's body and hit Zhang Ping instantly. Zhang Ping was beaten to the ground and a small amount of blood spurted out from his mouth. The blood quickly flowed towards the Great Sun Demarcation Needle, but evaporated before it even got close.

His body slowly sank, and was gradually pulled into the body of the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea by the strange seeds. He silently counted the seconds in his mind, preparing to activate his reset eye and leave.

Suddenly, he felt a new power emerge from his body.

New capabilities:

[Linker: Through the contract gem, the target's ability can be taken out

, and the ability is given to the eater. The better the compatibility with the eater, the higher the degree of performance. The worse the compatibility, the lower the degree of performance. At the same time, there is a risk of losing control of the super power. 】

Zhang Ping was slightly distracted to check, and finally sighed helplessly.

This ability is very powerful, but the problem is that it is of no use to the current situation. What he wants is the ability to reverse the current situation.

"Reset eye, activate!"

When one-third of the head of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King was sucked into the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle, Zhang Ping took one last look at Chen Junting and decisively activated his ability.

In an instant, Zhang Ping, the Red Dragon King of Yanhai, and the Great Sun Boundary Needle disappeared.

Zhu Chongba and others who were watching in the eighth-level building were all dumbfounded again. They waited for a long time before they were sure that Zhang Ping and the powerful alienated beast were gone.

A question appeared in everyone's mind: Is Zhang Ping dead or alive?

Mysterious sewer.

The huge body of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King instantly deformed the sewer, and because Zhang Ping was on the back of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King, he was directly pressed into the body of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King.

His brain was completely useless, and only his spirit body had the ability to think.

The problem was that he couldn't figure out what was going on now.

He had already activated the reset eye, why did the Flame Sea Red Dragon King follow him, and why did the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle also follow him?

Normally, after he activated the reset eye, he should have appeared in the sewer intact, but now he is still disabled!

Could it be... that seed!

Zhang Ping quickly thought of the only possibility.

The seed that allowed him to merge with the Flame Sea Red Dragon King might be the culprit of this phenomenon!

The problem was that the seed had already merged into the body of the Flame Sea Red Dragon King, and he had no way to understand what the seed was even if he wanted to.

And now the most important thing is not to study what the seed is, but how to escape!

The head of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Fire had been sucked into the Great Sun Boundary Needle by two-thirds, and he had basically lost the ability to think. His body was too huge, and it was squeezed into the sewer, completely filling up the space.

It was difficult for Zhang Ping to escape now!

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