I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [319] Dragon Corpse in the Stick

Although Zhang Ping is passionate and willing to risk his life to save others.

But in fact, every time he takes a rescue operation, he will consider it carefully and try his best to save his own life while saving others.

Because he knows very well that only if he is alive can he save more lives.

For example, this time, although he was completely suppressed by the Red Dragon King of Yanhai in order to save the world and Chen Junting, he actually always left a way out for himself.

The problem is that the reason why an accident is an accident is that it often happens beyond people's expectations.

Zhang Ping didn't expect that his way out would be blocked by some strange mistake!

"Sure enough... man's plans are not as good as God's plans!"

Zhang Ping couldn't move, feeling the increasing gravity, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In his last life, he went to save people as a rescuer, but he became a victim. This time he wanted to save the world and save Chen Junting, but...

If you ask him if he would regret it, his answer is definitely no regrets.

Even if he did it again a hundred times or a thousand times, he would make such a choice, because he really wanted to save Chen Junting and the others.

This was the choice he made in his heart.

But it would be nice if there was a more perfect plan.

After all, he was still too weak.

If he had the strength to crush the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flame with one punch, there wouldn't be so much trouble.


With a crisp sound, the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flame's head finally broke under the huge gravity, and then was sucked into the crack of the Sun Defining Divine Needle.

The Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flame was truly dead at this moment. Its body, which was still twisting, suddenly softened, and then, under the action of gravity, it was quickly sucked into the crack.

"Big Brother!"

In Chen Junting's sad cry, Zhang Ping's body was instantly sucked into the crack.

When everything was sucked in, Chen Junting and many spirits suddenly burst out with brilliant red light involuntarily, and then the red gems at both ends of the Sun Defining Divine Needle slowly rotated, and the gems dissolved little by little, covering the Sun Defining Divine Needle like paint, and finally completely sealed the Sun Defining Divine Needle.

The originally dark Great Sun Defining Divine Needle turned red and fell into the sewer without any movement.

Inside the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

Zhang Ping existed as a spirit, and his only feeling was that it was too bright.

The densely packed stars were emitting blinding light. The corpse of the Red Dragon King of the Sea of ​​Flame and his body were burned to ashes when they entered this space, leaving only

a seed that slowly fell into the star, and no one knew what would happen.

But Zhang Ping didn't have the mind to think about this problem.

What he needed to figure out most now was how to leave here. He tried to activate the reset eye, but it was completely useless.

This place seemed to be isolated from everything.

Then, after trying all his abilities, Zhang Ping decided to take a look at the environment here first.

He floated towards the star. Fortunately, his spirit was special. Ordinary spirits were actually afraid of high temperatures. Too high temperatures or too strong electromagnetic waves would cause damage to the spirit.

But his spirit structure was very stable, so he had the ability to travel the universe.


He was not afraid of the high temperature of the star, nor the raging of the cosmic storm.

This space is very special.

Zhang Ping was obviously very far away from the star, but he appeared in front of the star after moving forward for a while.

This scene is so spectacular.

Zhang Ping looked at the sun and swallowed his saliva, and then... continued to float forward.

He floated for about ten minutes and found that in addition to the stars, there were actually a lot of messy things here.

There is a huge space between the gaps between the stars. Some meteorites and planetary debris are floating in these gaps, and they don’t seem to be affected by the gravity of the stars, nor are they melted by the high temperature.

However, it is hard to say whether this space has gravity.

Zhang Ping is in a spiritual state and can’t feel gravity, so he really doesn’t know whether this space has gravity.

He found a lot of gold mines on some meteorites, and a diamond bigger than the moon.

"How many rings can be made from such a big diamond? If there is a Su Jingyao in every world, will it be enough?"

"By the way, since I can survive in this form, is there no one in this broken world who can do this?"

"Maybe I can look for it, maybe I can find other spirits."

Zhang Ping sat cross-legged on the diamond, looking at Hengxing in the distance, and couldn't help but think of a possibility.

He is a man of action, so he immediately floated towards a star.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

The vast sea of ​​stars, there are countless stars, but it is still pitch black.

Although Zhang Ping has the ability of Night Walker, everything around him is black, and all he sees is black. There is actually not much difference between having the ability and not having the ability.

He shouted and floated, passing one star after another.

Occasionally he would rest in the gap for a while, and then continue to float after his mood improved.

Time seems to have lost its meaning here.

Those stars continue to release high temperatures, but the shape of the flames is very strange, and it will be distorted from time to time, and then return to its original appearance.

It feels like time is flowing backwards.

After a few days, Zhang Ping observed this phenomenon and guessed that time was distorted and cyclical in different areas of this world.

Every once in a while, different areas would reset once, and he couldn't stay in the reset area, otherwise he might be reset along with it.

This is probably the secret of the eternal sun.

After the reset, the sun naturally returns to its original state and continues to burn!

Zhang Ping did not think deeply. He kept mumbling while looking for his kind to prevent himself from becoming numb or even stopping thinking.

He needs to think, needs the stimulation of sound, and needs feedback from the outside world.

Otherwise, he doesn't know what he will become after a long time.

"Is there anyone?"

"It doesn't matter if it's not a person!"

"How long have I been here? Can anyone tell me?"

"Su Jingyao, I love you!"

"It's not impossible to be with Sister Sisi!"

"Senior sister seems to be good too. I'll confess to her when I go back!"

"Fatty... Forget about the fat man!"

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Ping muttered while floating forward habitually, and suddenly he saw a huge red dragon.

This dragon is long enough to wrap around the earth more than a dozen times. Its red body is covered with an exoskeleton hard shell, but the hard shell is full of fine cracks.

"What did I...see!"

"The body of a...dead dragon..."

Zhang Ping muttered to himself, and then approached cautiously.

It's too big!

Zhang Ping was not even a speck of dust in front of the dragon's body.

He landed carefully on the dragon's surface, and even felt like he was back on Earth, except that the sky was pitch black and the ground beneath his feet was blood red.

"Who can kill this monster?"

Zhang Ping walked on the surface of the dragon's body, looking at the huge cracks, and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Just now, these cracks looked very small from a distance, but when he really landed on the surface, he found that each of these cracks was an abyss canyon for humans.

In ancient times, it was a natural barrier that could not be crossed.

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