I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [320] The Hardest Material

Zhang Ping settled on the body of the dragon corpse.

He centered on the dragon corpse and slowly explored the surroundings.

On the first day, he came to a star with a diameter fifty times that of the sun.

After walking around the core of the star to satisfy his curiosity, he then returned to the dragon corpse.

On the second day, he found a fragment of a weapon in the crack of the dragon corpse. Unfortunately, he could not pick up the fragment and could only float in the crack to observe.

The shape of this fragment is an irregular triangle. It may be the tip of a knife or part of a halberd.

The entire fragment is larger than Zhang Ping himself. It is estimated that the user must be a giant, at least a super giant larger than Zhang Ping's giant form.

On the fourth day, Zhang Ping discovered that there were undigested animal carcasses in the belly of the dragon corpse.

Judging from the animal's bones, it should be a whale. The problem is that Zhang Ping has never seen such a big whale. There is also a sarcoma on the forehead of the whale, which is quite mysterious.

On the 16th day, Zhang Ping discovered a broken continent on the edge of a star.

There are many animal carcasses in the mainland. These carcasses have not rotted. They all maintain their appearance before death. Most of them are creatures that Zhang Ping does not recognize.

Zhang Ping guessed that these creatures are all alien life.

If he could return to Earth, he could become famous and leave his name in history if he brought back any corpse.

On the 256th day, Zhang Ping drilled into the intestines of the dragon corpse and found that the dragon's feces were compressed to a point harder than a stone, and they were all spheres of the same size.

Because he was so bored, he even imagined someone seeing the dragon pooping, and finally running to pick up the dragon's poop, mistaking it for the dragon balls.

Then he laughed about the idea for a week.

On day 65536, Zhang Ping found a novel and became addicted to it.

He cannot affect everything in the outside world, so reading novels is very troublesome. You have to penetrate the pages of the book and observe bit by bit.

It took him a full year to finish the novel. In the end, he scolded the author for five years because the novel was unfinished.

On day 4294967296, Zhang Ping discovered a broken planet.

This breakable planet is right above the dragon's head. As long as he keeps floating upward, it actually only takes one day to reach it.


It's just that he had always focused on the dragon's body, exploring the front, back, left, and right. He ignored the top and bottom, so he didn't discover it until now.

"Wow, blue sky!"

Zhang Ping floated into this planet and looked back to see the blue sky.

If he had tears, he would definitely be moved to tears at this moment. This sky is so beautiful, it meets all human imaginations of the sky.

The only problem is that the sky doesn't move. Even the clouds are frozen in the sky, just like a painting.

Zhang Ping shuttled through the clouds. After playing for a long time, he began to mutter: "My name is Zhang Ping. I am an ordinary Ping. I am seventeen years old. I am male. I like women... Men can also consider it."

"When I go back, I must first confess to Su Jingyao, then fall in love with Sister Sisi, and finally marry the senior sister, and then have an extramarital affair with the fat man. By the way, the beast-controlling Zhu family will all be wiped out. This must never be forgotten.”

"I wonder if little Theron has grown up, will he have forgotten me?"

"Hey, is anyone there?"

While thinking slowly, he fell to the ground.

This place is so much like the Earth, with lush wild trees and a long road leading directly to the city in the distance.

Zhang Ping was so moved by the scene that he couldn't help shouting loudly, but no one responded to him. He then quickly floated towards the city. When he arrived in the city, he immediately saw a terrifying scene.

Countless corpses are all integrated into the surrounding buildings. Half of them are flesh and blood, and the other half are rocks, steel bars, bricks...

Zhang Ping opened his mouth, but finally gave up.

As he wandered around the city, he could feel the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of these people in their last moments.

Some people reacted and seemed to want to jump up and run away. There was still a look of panic on their faces. Some people did not notice the abnormality and sat on their chairs and laughed to the sky. They raised one hand slightly, as if they wanted to cover themselves. mouth.

There was another person kneeling on the ground, holding flowers in his hands, while the girl in front of him had a distorted face.

By observing these people, Zhang Ping gradually discovered that the accident seemed to come from the West.

He headed west, leaving the city along the highway, and then entered countless towns, large and small, where he saw all kinds of corpses.

More than ten days later

, he crossed the sea and came to the Western Continent.

The people here are a bit like Westerners on Earth. They are all blond and bloated, and most of them are fat.

Zhang Ping found that many people here seemed to know what was going on, and they always ran in the opposite direction when escaping, unlike the people in the east who were disorderly and chaotic.

He drifted forward and soon came to a building.

The building was nearly a thousand meters high, and the walls were covered with human corpses. Most of them were wearing military uniforms. Their eyes were wide open when they died, and some corpses were still shooting.

Zhang Ping entered the building and saw many different bodies on the ground. These corpses were shot by bullets, and blood flowed everywhere. Thinking of the corpses of soldiers with live ammunition outside the building, Zhang Ping guessed that a conflict had occurred here, and it was even serious enough that the soldiers had to shoot to suppress it.

He saw countless documents scattered on the ground, so he simply squatted next to the corpse and looked at the documents carefully.

However, he didn't recognize the characters on these documents. This was a completely new language, completely different from the novels he had found before.

So, he returned to the Eastern Hemisphere, found a foreign language textbook, and started learning the characters of the Western Hemisphere from scratch.

Fortunately, on this broken planet, the characters of the Eastern Hemisphere were 30% similar to those of Mingzhu City and 50% similar to the Chinese characters on Earth. Zhang Ping could roughly understand them by guessing.

It took him three years to learn the characters of the Western Hemisphere. He returned to the building again and finally understood the documents.

"In the process of studying the extraterrestrial slabs, I found that the material of the slabs is actually no different from ordinary rocks, but there is a mysterious force, an unobservable force protecting the slabs."

"Whether it is a bomb, a high-pressure water gun, or even a super-electromagnetic gun, the slab cannot be destroyed, and high temperature and low temperature cannot affect it."

"There is no doubt that this slab is the hardest substance on Earth, no one else."

Zhang Ping looked at the documents and muttered. There were some words that he didn't understand, and he filled them in with his brain. At least the general meaning should be correct.

Extraterrestrial stone tablet!

Zhang Ping couldn't help but think of the world where the King of Dark Mist lived, where there was also an extraterrestrial stone tablet.

Could it be that this world is actually a parallel universe to the world where the King of Dark Mist lived?

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