I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [321] There is water and grass, suitable for living

Zhang Ping felt a little uneasy.

Because in the world where the King of Dark Fog resides, the note held tightly in the hand of the fallen corpse said: Don’t study the extraterrestrial slate, it will destroy the world!

This world has obviously been destroyed.

Zhang Ping is not sure whether this has something to do with the extraterrestrial stone slab.

He continued to read the file, but most of the data recorded in the file were things he couldn't understand. He studied for more than half a month and still couldn't understand it.

I have to admit that some knowledge is not taught by teachers' words and deeds. If you want to learn by yourself, it will test your IQ too much.

Zhang Ping's IQ can only be considered average, and he himself knows that he is not a smart person, so he simply gave up after he was sure that he could not understand.

He then checked the entire building, but found nothing suspicious, so he simply searched underground. Sure enough, there was a huge space under the building.

The corpses of some animals and researchers were all mixed together, as if the entire underground laboratory was covered with a carpet of flesh and blood.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping is in a spiritual state, so he does not need to touch the ground.

He continued to drift deeper into the laboratory, and had a vague feeling that the extraterrestrial stone slab might be in front of him.

"Why do I feel like I'm a part of a horror movie?"

"How about I look back? Curiosity killed the cat. Cats have nine lives. I... I seem to have nine lives too!"

"I see, then it'll be fine."

Zhang Ping muttered to himself as he slowly passed through the thick alloy doors one after another. Finally he saw a gray stone slab!

This gray stone slab is about one meter high, 40 centimeters wide and 20 centimeters thick. It is placed in a metal frame and has many cameras and instruments that Zhang Ping cannot understand pointed at it.

Zhang Ping floated to the stone slab and found densely written small characters on it.

The structure of these characters was very special, different from any characters Zhang Ping had learned in the past. He simply floated cross-legged in front of the stone slab and studied these characters carefully.

can't read!

I really can't understand it at all.

Zhang Ping turned his body slowly, looked sideways, upside down, and sideways, but he had no clue.

"It doesn't look like it's going to destroy the world."

"Slate, Slate, I ask you something, get up and answer it quickly."

"Slate, I

I call you, do you dare to answer? "

"I don't have any wine, do you have a story?"

Zhang Ping sat cross-legged in the void, holding his cheek with one hand, trying to communicate with Shi Ban.

After thinking for a long time, he carefully stretched out his hand. He touched the stone slab. Although he didn't really touch the stone slab, he still retracted his hand in an instant.

"Sure enough, I think too much."

After a while, he saw that nothing happened to his hand, so he smiled to himself.

Then he reached out and 'touched' the stone slab again. After making sure that the stone slab would not bite, he stretched out his head and got closer to the stone slab. Finally, his head penetrated the stone slab and moved inside the stone slab.

Just when he thought he was fine, his consciousness suddenly shook. It felt like someone was hitting a brick hard from behind, and his head was buzzing.

When he raised his head with bared teeth, he was stunned.

What about the slab in front of him?

Where did such a big stone slab go?

His eyes changed slightly, and then he looked back sharply, but there was no enemy behind him.

"Whoever slapped me on the head just now has the guts to challenge me!"

Zhang Ping thought for a while, rubbed the back of his head, and loudly invited a fight.

But he shouted for a while and no one responded.

"Could it be that Slate slapped me?"

Zhang Ping was suspicious and immediately thought of new possibilities.

The stone slab may have self-awareness, and when it sensed his approach, it pretended to be dead, and then took advantage of him to relax his vigilance, so it gave him a hard blow.

"Shi Ban, I am a very generous person and never hold grudges. We can be friends, come out!"

Zhang Ping rolled his eyes, looked around, and shouted loudly, let alone a slate, even a piece of shit, as long as he can respond to him and interact with him, he can accept it.

As soon as he finished shouting, a translucent stone slab appeared in front of him.


Zhang Ping looked at the stone slab and suddenly became speechless.

He reached out and touched the slate and found that the slate was just a shadow, and the real slate seemed to be in his head.

At this moment, perhaps because of the projection of the stone slab, he felt the existence of the stone slab.

"Why did it come to my head? Am I not a spirit body?"

Zhang Ping was a little dumbfounded, and at the same time a little uneasy. After all, there was an extraterrestrial stone slab in the Mist World, so the civilization in that world seemed to have perished.

This world is even more exaggerated. It is suspected that because of an extraterrestrial stone slab, the whole world is broken.

"Brother, my head is empty, why don't you find a smarter one?"

"My place is really not a good place. There is nothing but grass and water."

"Brother, please respond to me."

Zhang Ping tried to communicate, but Shi Ban was unmoved and obviously had no intention of moving.

He thought for a long time but couldn't think of any good solution, and finally returned to the ground dejectedly. After confirming that there was no more information, he simply returned to the Eastern Hemisphere and started looking for novels to read.

The culture of this world has become infinitely close to that of the earth. There are many novels that Zhang Ping has not read. He feels that he can survive for another few hundred years.

He squatted in a bookstore, put his head through the bookshelf, and began to read a novel.

I have to say that reading novels like this is very hard. It would be great if he could still use his telekinesis.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt a familiar force surge from his mind. In a blink of an eye, all the novels in the bookstore left the bookshelf and floated around him.

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Ping looked at this scene dumbfounded.

He quickly guessed that this might be related to the stone slab, so another thought came to his mind: "It would be great if I had a body."

"Change for me!"

Zhang Ping shouted immediately!

But then he found that the spirit was still a spirit, and he did not change his body.

"Sure enough, I think too much."

Zhang Ping muttered, and then used telekinesis to open a novel and floated in the air to read.

With telekinesis, reading novels is indeed much more convenient.

In the following years, he stayed in the bookstore to read books. Gradually, his reading range became wider and wider. Not only novels, but also other kinds of books, and even books in the children's area could be read with relish.

But there is always a time to finish reading books, and soon he fell into the dilemma of having no new books.

He came out of the bookstore, thought about it, and simply started to bury the bodies around him.

These bodies died tragically.

In the past, he had no ability to help these dead people, so he could only let them "expose their bodies in the wilderness", but now that he has telekinesis, he can dig pits and bury their bodies.

He specially chose a beautiful spot in the wild, dug many pits, and then transported the bodies to the pits and buried them.

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