I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [322] A fragment

This is a big project.

There are millions of people in one city.

Zhang Ping transported corpses one by one and could only bury a few thousand people a day at most.

So, for a long time, he kept digging holes, transporting the bodies, and burying them.

He didn't know how long he had been working, from one city to the next, until all the dead on the entire planet were buried underground by him, and they were finally put to rest.

"Okay, it's time to find a way to leave!"

Zhang Ping slowly floated around the entire planet, and after making sure that everyone was buried, he left the planet.

He returned to the dragon's body and couldn't help but smile excitedly when he looked at the dragon's huge body.

Although he could penetrate into the dragon's body and observe, because he had no telepathy before, it was difficult for him to determine how hard the dragon's body was, and he couldn't understand the purpose of some organs.

Now that he has telekinesis, he can finally do whatever he wants!

He first opened the dragon's eyes. The golden pupils were obviously dull, but Zhang Ping still felt shocked when he saw the dragon's eyes.

Then he felt something and immediately closed his eyes.

Sure enough, one word on the slate in his mind became understandable.


"Why do I understand now?"

Zhang Ping looked inside at the extraterrestrial slate in his mind, looking at the words that had not changed at all, and couldn't help but wonder.

Obviously the words are still the same words.

But now they are like old acquaintances, as if they have known each other for a long time and already know the ins and outs of each other.


Zhang Ping spoke softly.

The next moment, he felt a powerful force pouring out from the dragon's body, all injected into his spirit body. His spirit body expanded rapidly, turning into a super giant in the blink of an eye.

But there is a small problem. Dragon horns grow on his forehead and a tail grows on the back of his butt.

It took him a while to recover, feeling the huge power in his body, and having the illusion that it could destroy the world.

Of course, he knew this was an illusion, because after his body grew larger, one-third of his body passed through the dragon's body without causing any impact on external objects.

It's just that his spiritual body has grown bigger, and it has nothing to do with the material level.

"So I

What's the situation now? "

Zhang Ping stepped back a little, sat cross-legged next to the giant dragon, looked at the dragon's body that had become about the same size as himself, and said to himself.

In fact, it is not that the dragon has become smaller, but that he has become bigger.


Zhang Ping tried to shout again, but nothing happened.

He tried to wag his tail, and sure enough, it was wagging back and forth, which was quite fun.

To be honest, he feels like he is like a fish in the deep sea now. He doesn't need to care about what he looks like. There is no one to appreciate him anyway.

"Okay, next is the dissection of the dragon's body."

After Zhang Ping adapted to the changes in his body, his eyes fell on the dragon's body again. His telepathy extended into the dragon's body, cutting along the cracks bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, the dragon's body was cut off.

"Wait a minute, my telekinesis... is so long!"

After Zhang Ping cut into the giant dragon, he reacted belatedly.

Just now, his power of thought extended outward at least 10,000 kilometers, which is not something that ordinary awakened people can do.

Let alone an ordinary awakened person, even if Situ Shibai had countless abilities and blessings, he would not be able to extend his telepathy to 10,000 kilometers away.

"So that's it. Not only has my body gotten bigger, but my mind power has also gotten stronger."

Zhang Ping experimented and finally found that his telekinesis had indeed become very strong. Not only could it extend to very long distances, but his strength had also been greatly improved. Even diamonds could be easily crushed.

"So...I've become stronger and bigger?"

Zhang Ping touched his chin and then muttered.

He found a new toy, so he simply ignored the dragon's dismembered body for the time being, and instead ran to a star, stirred the magma on the star's surface with his telekinesis, and even tried to pull out the core of the sun, although the result ended in failure.

After playing for about two days, he finally calmed down and returned to the dragon's body to continue what he had not finished before.

"Slate, Slate, what other abilities do you have, can you tell me?"

"Actually, we can have a good communication. I don't care about you living in my head, but you have to pay the rent."

"And when I get married, you can't peek at me sleeping with my wife."

"By the way, we have to make an agreement in three chapters!"


First, you live in my head, and you must give me at least one word every year, but it is not too much. Forget it this year, I have learned the word "po", so let's talk about it next year. "

"Second, whatever you want to do, you must discuss it with me first. You can't do it behind my back. If you kidnap another Shiban sister, I can allow you to live in my head together, but the rent must be doubled. "

"Third, when you live in my head, you must pay attention to hygiene. You are absolutely not allowed to urinate or defecate in my head, otherwise I will definitely kick you out."

"If there's any problem, just take it as your default if you don't say anything!"

Zhang Ping cut the giant dragon's body into countless pieces and muttered to himself.

Unknowingly, he already knew the structure of the giant dragon well, and even understood the composition of the dragon's 'dragon beads'.

Unfortunately, there was one place where he couldn't start, and that was the dragon's heart.

The dragon's heart is different from most animals' hearts. Its heart is made up of nine balls of meat, which looks very strange.

Zhang Ping wanted to use his spirit to penetrate and observe it a long time ago, but the dragon's heart seemed to have the effect of blocking spirits, so he couldn't get in at all.

This time, he used his telekinesis to tear it, but still couldn't tear the dragon's heart apart. The toughness of this thing was beyond imagination.

However, he didn't have much time now, so he used his telekinesis to cut the heart continuously, trying to cut the heart from the gap in the blood vessels.

This was very inefficient.

He cut for the next year and only left a very, very small scratch.

"What is hidden in this heart? I'm so looking forward to it!"

Zhang Ping didn't feel bored, but full of curiosity. He felt that he could hold on for a long time.

Fortunately, the heart is a material after all, and it will always break after a long time of grinding.

About twenty years later, with Zhang Ping's repeated cutting with telekinesis, a crack finally appeared in the heart, and then a piece of fragment that could not be smaller flowed out with thick blood.

This is a dark red keratin fragment. When it is wrapped with telekinesis, it feels very special.

Before Zhang Ping had time to feel it carefully, the stone tablet in his mind suddenly shook slightly, and then all the words emitted light.

In the light, Zhang Ping felt his body getting bigger and smaller, and it kept tossing and turning over and over again. At the same time, the keratin fragments that he grasped with telekinesis were shattered bit by bit.

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