I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [031] Triple Kill

Because in the previous life, the word "Virgin Mary" was almost a derogatory word, so Zhang Ping was unconsciously led astray by his previous life experience after reading Chen Junting's attributes.

Fortunately, he reacted in time.

Although there are many synonyms in the two worlds, there are also many words with completely different meanings.

If the Virgin Mary in this world is not a fictional existence, then Chen Junting's ability may not be that simple.

Zhang Ping followed the three people while thinking, and suddenly one of them stopped and turned to look at his position.

"No, we've been discovered."

Zhang Ping was shocked, but then he made a decision that he couldn't let them kidnap Chen Junting.


His face was covered with dark mist, and in an instant it formed the face of the god of death. At the same time, the fear sickle was taken out from the golden treasure house. He jumped down from the roof and slashed at the man who blocked his way with rolling dark mist.

"Sleep... Fuck!"

The man looked up at Zhang Ping, and was startled by Zhang Ping's face before he could activate his ability. Then the fear was quickly magnified, so that his mind was blank.

One knife.

The man's eyes suddenly widened, and a hair-thin red line appeared on his neck.

Zhang Ping did not stop, but chased the other two at a faster speed with the Fear Scythe in his hand.

After he left for a while, the man's head fell to the ground, and blood gushed out.

In front, the man with red eyes and his subordinates moved quickly, and suddenly he frowned and said: "Huang San is dead, leave him to me, Huang Wu, you go to stop him."

"Yes!" The subordinate with telekinesis responded.

Then the man with red eyes carried Chen Junting and continued to run forward, while Huang Wu turned around and stopped, slowly raised his hands, and whispered: "Small meteorite group belt!"

The ground around him suddenly exploded, and countless rocks were controlled by invisible forces, all floating up, forming an area in front of him that looked like a meteorite group.

Zhang Ping held the Fear Scythe in one hand, rushed out from the corner and saw dense rocks floating on the street.

The next moment, these rocks fell on him like bullets, but when the rocks passed through the dark fog, his body was transformed into a pure water body. Pieces of rocks passed through his body, but did not cause him any harm.

Huang Wu narrowed his eyes and saw that his attack could not hurt the mysterious man. He immediately retreated while controlling more rocks to block in front of him.

At this time, he did not seek merit but only no fault. As long as he could stop the pursuit of this mysterious man, he would win.

Zhang Ping used a sickle to cut open the rocks in front of him. Seeing that there were still rocks in front of him, he could not help but curse in his heart, but then he had an idea and looked down at the ground in front of him. Huang Wu's shadow was clearly visible under the moonlight.


He slashed with a sickle, and the rock in front of him suddenly split in half, but there were more rocks blocking the way in front.

But at this moment, a dark fog flying knife flew out unexpectedly from the end of the sickle.

This flying knife was extremely fast.

In an instant, it penetrated dozens of rocks in front of it, and then shot through Huang Wu's eyebrows.

As a high-level awakener of the spiritual system, Huang Wu has extremely strong vitality. Even if his brain is pierced, he can still live for about 10 seconds. Before he died, he saw a terrifying death staring at him through the hole in the rock pierced by the flying knife. His eyes gradually widened, and only the fear of death remained in his heart. Finally, he fell into the endless darkness with this fear.

The more intelligent the creature is, the more afraid of death it is, and the more pure the fear that erupts at the moment of death.

Others can't see it, but in Zhang Ping's eyes, Huang Wu's body surged with a purple breath before he died. This breath all penetrated into his body after he approached, and then it was transformed into a dark mist and gushed out.

The dark mist on his body became more dense after killing two people in a row, and it had faintly formed the shape of a cloak, but it was not enough to completely form it. The outline of the black windbreaker in the dark mist could still be vaguely seen.

"Purple fear?"

Zhang Ping could sense fear in the past, but he couldn't see fear. This time he actually saw it.

He didn't know whether it was because Huang Wu's fear was too high or because he repeatedly used the Dark Mist to absorb the fear, so the Dark Mist body had new changes.

But this was obviously a good thing.

He ran past Huang Wu and didn't look at Huang Wu, who was lying on the ground with a big hole in his forehead.

When he decided to kill the three people, he had already realized that a corpse could not stop him.

"Huang Wu is dead too?"

The man with the red eyes ran in front of Zhang Ping. He got feedback immediately after his subordinates died, and his face showed an incredible expression.

The main reason was that Huang Wu was completely different from Huang San. Huang San was just an intermediate awakener, and he was also a spiritual awakener. Once the enemy was a high-level or top-level awakener, it was normal to be killed instantly.

But Huang Wu was a high-level awakener, and his ability was telekinesis, which was an ability with a strong advantage in frontal combat. Even if the enemy was higher than him, he could at least delay for a few minutes, and it was impossible to be killed so quickly.

Damn, where did the enemy come from?

Could it be... that old man Situ Shibai came in person?

The man with the red eyes flickered, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt. He hesitated whether to give up Chen Junting.

In the back, Zhang Ping suddenly saw a purple breath gushing out 300 meters ahead. This breath quickly floated towards him. After entering the range of ten meters from him, it naturally flowed into his body, and the dark fog that gradually enveloped his body became thicker.

The quality of this fear was very high.

Although Zhang Ping couldn't see what he looked like now, he was sure that he must look like the God of Death now.

And when the amount of dark fog reaches a certain level, many abilities that were originally unusable can gradually be used, such as using the dark fog to resist damage, manipulating the dark fog to support oneself to fly, and even wrapping oneself in the dark fog to transfer position, from the visual perspective The effect looks like elementalization.

These abilities were all abilities used by the Dark Mist Black Goat.

As he ran, he tried to control the mist to support him, and his body gradually floated.

But he soon discovered that doing so would continue to consume the Mist, and the higher it was from the ground, the greater the consumption.

However, if it is only a few centimeters above the ground, the consumption is not particularly large.

The most important thing is that in the floating state, Mingwu can move with him, and Mingwu is very fast, faster than bullets.

He floated off the ground and quickly followed the purple aura toward the crimson-eyed man. He saw his back in less than half a minute.

At this time, a whistling sound suddenly came from his right ear. He subconsciously looked to the right, and an arrow penetrated his eye, blowing his head off.

Under the impact of the arrow, his body made of pure water fell to the ground, and at the same time a masked man landed in front of him.

"Body alienation system... ink physique?"

The masked man watched Zhang Ping quickly condense his human form from a distance, frowning and saying coldly.

He held a bow and arrow and shot another arrow directly at Zhang Ping. The arrowhead of this arrow also had electric light.

call out!

A blue whip of water whipped from a distance, just in time to hit the flying arrow.

Zhang Ping regained his form, and when he saw the water whip, he knew Liu Sishan was coming, so he shouted: "Leave me alone, there is a man about 500 meters ahead of the corner, help!"

Liu Sishan, who was originally preparing to come to support, immediately changed direction, jumped quickly on the top of the house, and chased the escaping man with red eyes.

In the alley, only Zhang Ping was left confronting the masked man.

Zhang Ping found that the masked man's eyes were distracted and not staring at him. He recalled Zhou Jielin's words: "Don't stare at the other person when looking at the overall picture."

In fact, what Jay Lin said is easier said than put into practice.

People always subconsciously

It is human nature to look at the target.

"I'm afraid the opponent's actual combat experience is stronger than mine. The first arrow just now didn't have lightning. If it had lightning, I don't know if the body of pure water can block it." Zhang Ping thought to himself.

At this time, the masked man took out an arrow and drew his bow to aim. Zhang Ping quickly put away his unnecessary thoughts and held the Dread Scythe on guard.

But the masked man suddenly showed a cunning look in his eyes, raised his hand and shot an arrow into the sky.

not good!

Zhang Ping immediately threw a flying knife of dark fog at the arrow, but it was still too late.

The arrow flew high into the sky, and in a blink of an eye the arrow burst out with bright light, and at the same time a large number of light points scattered like rain from the huge luminous body in the middle.

"Turns out he is really a rookie!"

The masked man appeared behind Zhang Ping and sneered sinisterly.

As he spoke, the dagger with purple light in his hand pierced Zhang Ping's back, and then the ring on his index finger erupted with a burst of lightning.

Zhang Ping's body continued to twitch, steam spurted out from the mist, and finally turned into a black liquid and collapsed on the ground.

"Remember in the next life, don't take your eyes off your enemy easily."

The masked man took back the dagger, then took out a small jar of fire oil, preparing to destroy the body and eliminate traces.

But when he was about to pour the kerosene, the black liquid suddenly stabbed out a large number of spikes. He was caught off guard, and his hand holding the kerosene was directly pierced.

"Thank you for your teaching, I will remember it well!" Zhang Ping's face emerged from the black liquid.

His body moved as fast as a snake, and streaks of mist shot out from him. The masked man could only keep dodging, and he didn't even have time to deal with the wounds.

The masked man has a lot of fighting experience.

But his ability is not a combat-oriented ability, but an auxiliary ability: identification.

Different awakened people have different understandings of the information, so even if they awaken the appraisal technique at the same time, the appraisal results will be completely different.

For some awakened people, their identification technique is in the form of a book. Every time a target is identified, there is an extra page in the book, which contains the information for identifying the target.

There are also awakened ones. The form of the identification technique is a line of ink-colored words. When identifying the opponent, a line of words will appear in front of you.

Because the ability forms are different, the information obtained through the appraisal will also be hugely different.

The masked man had just used the identification technique on Zhang Ping, and the result was: "Surname Zhang Mingping, 16 years old, cheerful and nervous personality, weak points: extremely poor combat experience, low resistance to elemental attacks, ability:?? ?”

He can determine the weaknesses of his enemies through identification.

Therefore, after understanding Zhang Ping's weaknesses, he deployed tactics based on Zhang Ping's weaknesses.

It's just that he didn't know Zhang Ping's ability, so after the sneak attack was successful, he mistakenly thought that Zhang Ping had no strength to resist, and he suffered a loss because he was caught off guard.

It was mainly Zhang Ping's age that confused him.

How strong can a 16-year-old rookie be, even with the help of equipment?

His ring can release 100,000 volts of electric current, and combined with the electric eel snake venom on the dagger, anyone below the top awakened level will definitely die if caught.


It was this empiricism that put him in a desperate situation.


Pfft, pfft, pfft!

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

The masked man was indeed experienced. Even though the wound on his hand was bleeding, he still avoided most of the attacks from the Dark Mist Flying Knives.

But as the saying goes, if you defend too long, you will lose.

Tens of minutes later, Zhang Ping seized an opportunity and launched thirty flying knives at the same time. The masked man avoided most of the flying knives, but when a flying knife hit his knee, the battle ended.

But Zhang Ping was more cautious.

After the masked man fell to the ground, he still released the flying knives from a distance, so there was the series of sounds above.

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