I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [325] Dragon-entangled Lord

A red power was transmitted directly to the original embryo through Zhang Ping's hand, and then densely packed words appeared on the surface of the original embryo.


The shape of the original embryo gradually changed towards the Oriental Dragon.

This is a red divine dragon, but it does not have a single dragon scale. Its body is completely covered by a red exoskeleton shell. It is 80% similar to the dragon corpse, but it is much smaller.

And it has an obvious metallic texture, and the outer shell reflects a faint light.

After completing the shaping, its eyes gradually became brighter. It is worth mentioning that it has no pupils and its eyes are similar to those of a robot, emitting a faint red light.

Zhang Ping stared at it warily, and after confirming that there was no change, he directly cast an identification technique.

[Dragon Dragon Master: A biological weapon evolved from a primitive embryo. It is 5.9 meters long and has the functions of automatically protecting the master and attacking enemies. 】

Biological weapons!

Zhang Ping's heart moved and he got a little closer. Sure enough, Dragon Dragon Master did not attack him.

When he got a little closer, Dragon Dragon Master's eyes became brighter, a bit like charging, and the light in his eyes finally lit up completely.

The next moment, Dragon Dragon Master suddenly moved.

It quickly floated behind Zhang Ping, wrapped its body around Zhang Ping, and just happened to have its head floating on Zhang Ping's right shoulder.

Zhang Ping was startled, and after taking a few steps back, he realized that Dragon Dragon Master had no contact with his body. He was just hovering around his body, but it would not have any impact on his actions.

"Do you recognize me as your Lord?"

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva, and then asked a little uncertainly.

To be honest, he thought it was a bit too dreamy. The original embryo was inexplicably turned into a biological weapon by the dragon character on the stone slab. Did this biological weapon really recognize him as its master?

You wouldn’t even dare to write a novel like this.

Zhang Ping complained in his heart, but quietly touched Longzun Mao's head with his hand. As expected, Longzun Mao did not dodge.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the current situation, Dragon Taming Lord was indeed protecting him, but he seemed to have no control over Dragon Lord Taming. This made him a little doubtful whether Dragon Lord Taming recognized him as his master.

"never mind!"

Zhang Ping studied for a few minutes and found that Dragon Dragon Master was just surrounding him and would not affect him, so he simply didn't think about it so much.

Now he still has a lot of problems to deal with.

The first is how much time has passed since he entered that space.

He was very worried about leaving the sewers, but as a result, Pearl City was already a thing of the past, and Liu Sishan, Cheng Xuejie, Su Jingyao, and Zhang Shouzhong had all become bones.

The most important thing now is to return to Pearl City.

As soon as he had a thought, Dragon Dragon Master behind him moved first.

Dragon Dragon Master's eyes emitted a faint light, and then a golden bead appeared out of thin air.

The bead floated in front of Zhang Ping, twisted and formed a golden ring about three meters in diameter. The center of the ring was black, but it gave people the feeling that it could be passed through.

Zhang Ping looked at the golden circle and asked, "Is this a space-time gate?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the Dragon Lord next to him, but the Dragon Lord was still dumbfounded and didn't respond at all.

Suddenly, a mechanical eyeball flew in from the other side of the black screen.

Zhang Ping recognized the eyeballs. He was stunned for a moment and said, "Fat man? Are you on the opposite side?"

"Zhang Ping, what are you doing? It's been a week since you left. I thought you were dead." Zhang Shouzhong's voice immediately came from the mechanical eyeball.

Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and immediately walked through the dark curtain. Sure enough, there was Gui Tower on the other side.

"Fuck, dragon!"

"Are you Zhang Ping?"

The voices of Zhang Shouzhong and Su Jingyao sounded almost at the same time.

"What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Ping's eyes were actually a little red when he saw a familiar person, but he had cried before, so he could bear it now. Moreover, the attitudes of Zhang Shouzhong and Su Jingyao were a bit strange, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"You... have two horns on your head!" Su Jingyao pointed at Zhang Ping's head.

Zhang Ping touched it belatedly, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

He actually has horns on his head!

The problem was that there was no hint in the attributes, and he didn't look in the mirror after resetting, so he didn't realize that he had two horns growing on his head.

The next moment, he quickly touched his butt, and then breathed a sigh of relief.


He doesn't have a tail growing out of his butt.

In the Great Sun Determining Needle, his spirit body not only grew horns, but also grew a big tail. Fortunately, the tail did not appear in the real world.

But when he thought about it carefully, he understood that in

The tail may have been shattered during the first collision.

No wonder his butt hurt so much at that time. In fact, after he came back, he secretly doubted whether the person standing behind him was gay.

Apparently he was overthinking it.

"Zhang Ping, what have you been doing this week? There have been too many changes." Zhang Shouzhong asked at this time.

In fact, he felt a strange feeling when he saw Zhang Ping, but he knew that this was Zhang Ping. In addition, Zhang Ping not only had the problem of growing double horns, but also the Dragon Dragon Zun entangled around Zhang Ping, which made him feel a kind of pressure. The feeling of mountains.

"A lot of things happened, and I can't finish them all in a while." Zhang Ping moved his mouth, but he didn't know where to start.

At this time, Dragon Dragon Master suddenly turned its head and looked above and behind Zhang Ping. It raised its head slightly and opened its mouth. Everyone couldn't help but look at it, and then they saw a terrifying red light spurting out of its mouth instantly.

The red light was only ten centimeters thick at first, but it expanded in the process of spraying. When it hit the wall of Gui Building, it directly blasted out a ten-meter circle on the wall, and then the red light penetrated the sky.

At the same time.

Prism space, Eight-story Building.

Zhu Chongba entered the monitoring room as soon as Zhang Ping appeared. He specially sent someone to keep an eye on Gui Building to determine whether Zhang Ping had returned.

If Zhang Ping never appeared again, he would believe that Zhang Ping was dead.

Once Zhang Ping appeared again, it meant that their ambush had failed, and they needed to readjust the plan and assassinate Zhang Ping again.

Now the assassin hiding in the dark has sent back the information that Zhang Ping has appeared!

"Why can't you just die obediently?"

Zhu Chongba sat on the chair, sighed slightly, and then looked at the monitoring screen.

The next second, he saw a red light blasting Gui Building, and then the light quickly grew until the entire screen was covered by the light.

Not good!

Zhu Chongba immediately stood up, but the next second he had a feeling that it was too late.

A trace of a sad smile appeared on his face, and then a red light flashed by.

Above Mingzhu City, the entire eight-story building was shattered in the red light, and many broken bodies and furniture fell from the sky. For a while, screams continued in Mingzhu City.

Fortunately, the people of Mingzhu City are tough, and some awakened people caught some of the more dangerous falling objects first, so no residents were injured...

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