I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [326] Zhu Taihao is pissed off

The Gui Tower became quiet.

A broken piece of wood fell from the shattered gap, making a crisp sound.

Only then did everyone react and hurriedly ran outside the door. Looking at the slightly distorted space in the distance, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Ahem, so...a lot of things happened." Zhang Ping looked at Dragon Master and sighed.

It was obviously the Eight-Level Tower that triggered Dragon Dragon Master's self-defense function.

So Dragon Master Dragon Master launched a counterattack quickly and blew up the eighth floor building with one shot.

Currently, Zhang Ping doesn't know the extent of Dragon Dragon Master's self-defense function, nor does he know the upper and lower limits of the self-defense function. Although Dragon Dragon Master bombarded the eighth floor of the building with one shot, it made him a little happy, but it also made him a little worried.

If someone scolds him and triggers Dragon Dragon Master's self-defense effect, wouldn't it mean that everyone would be in trouble in a matter of seconds?

"We have a lot of time and can listen to you slowly." Zhang Shouzhong said decisively.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Okay, I will tell you everything, but now... wait for me for a while."

As he spoke, he slowly closed his eyes, and his mind power exploded instantly.

He combined the two mental powers into one. The analytical mental power became a thin line thinner than a hair, while the mental power derived from the mental power became about the thickness of a hair. In this way, his mental power became Very long.

In an instant, his telepathy swept around Pearl City, recording everyone's reactions at that second.

Some people gloated when they saw the Eight-story Tower being blown up, while others felt panicked. Others looked in the direction of the Gui Tower with serious expressions.

Zhang Ping made a mental note of some of the suspects, and then ignored the reaction of the residents of Pearl City. Instead, he shot the line gathered by his mind into the distance. In a moment, he found three deeds at the bottom of a hot magma.

He used his telekinesis to grab the three Chu Deeds and quickly pulled them back to the Pearl City.

One minute later.

Zhang Ping opened his eyes and saw three Chu Deeds falling slowly from the sky. He opened his hand to catch the Chu Deeds and released Sweeper Dragon, Liu Dashan and Chen Mei in the next moment.

"I'm so hungry!" the sweeper said aggrievedly when he came out.

Liu Dashan and Chen Mei were even more sallow and thin. When they came out, their legs went weak and they almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zhang Ping used his telekinesis to support them in time, so they did not fall.

"Sorry, because a lot of things happened, so..." Zhang Ping said guiltily to the three of them.

He was trapped in the Great Sun Determining Needle

In fact, I often worry about whether Liu Dashan and the others will starve to death. The Sweeper Dragon has eaten his contract gem. In theory, he can freely enter and leave the contract. If the environment is not too bad, he should be able to escape with Liu Dashan and Chen Mei. Born in heaven.

But he couldn't rest assured for a day without confirming the situation of the three with his own eyes.

Now that he saw that they were still alive, he finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

When Zhang Shouzhong saw this scene, he immediately said: "Su Jingyao, ask the kitchen to prepare enough white porridge and meat suitable for dragons to eat."

"Yeah." Su Jingyao nodded, then turned and returned to the house.

In fact, they are not the only ones living in Guilou now, some students from the cleaning team are also living here. However, whether it is necessary for the cleaning team to continue to exist is still under consideration, so the identity of these people is... temporary workers doing odd jobs.

"Let's go inside first!" Zhang Shouzhong then said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping nodded, and then helped Liu Dashan and Chen Mei into the house, while Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu took the sweeper to the backyard.

Half an hour later, Liu Dashan and Chen Mei both ate and were helped upstairs to rest.

After rejecting other idle people, Zhang Ping roughly told Zhang Shouzhong and others about his experiences during this period.

Everyone felt incredible after hearing this, but when they saw the dragon horns on Zhang Ping's head and the Dragon Dragon Master, they had to believe that Zhang Ping's week was very bizarre and incredible.

"If Zhang Ping had not made any calculation errors, he would have lived in that dimension for more than a thousand years. If it were me, I would definitely go crazy." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Because of his experience in the training ground, Zhang Shouzhong accepted it quickly.

The special scene in the training place, after entering it, as long as no one else enters later, and you come out after a thousand years, the time will still not change.

Maybe the principle of the Great Sun Demarcation Needle is similar to that of the Land of Experience, so Zhang Ping spent more than a thousand years in it before coming out, and only a week passed.

"No, you won't be crazy, because you will never get lost or sink, and any mental problem will lead to loss and sinking." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong's eyes widened suddenly and he asked: "So is this why you are not crazy?"

"It's not sure, but living in that space in a spiritual state is actually not as uncomfortable as you think. There are still many things you can do to travel the universe, observe stars, and explore the unknown." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Next, Su Jingyao, Zhao Yanlong and others also raised questions.

For example, what is in the star, the writing on the stone tablet outside the star, etc.

Zhang Ping answered one by one, and only ended the conversation after everyone had no questions.

He returned to his room, sat by the window, and looked at the distant scenery of Pearl City. After about fifteen minutes, he smiled faintly.

In fact, he was not as calm as Zhang Shouzhong thought. He was still very excited at this moment. If he was a very selfish person, he would have let himself go after he came out.

Because he still has responsibilities and commitments on his shoulders.

He wants to respond to everyone's kindness, establish a rescue team, lend a helping hand, and save all those who are stuck in the quagmire.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!

Zhang Ping's mind has already taken the first step, and the next step is to deal with all the trivial matters and set off officially.

"I'm still too weak. Since there is time, let's do 100,000 sit-ups first!"

Zhang Ping knows very well that strength is the foundation of everything. The stronger he is, the more worlds the rescue team can save.

Next, Zhang Ping simply starts to exercise.


Sun Fire Base.

Zhu Taihao was drowsy and was enjoying the massage of five maids.

The abilities of these maids can relieve physical fatigue, restore blood and vitality. Zhu Taihao is still alive now, in fact, it is their credit.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked in with a panic on his face. He looked at Zhu Taihao, and his forehead was immediately covered with sweat.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Zhu Taihao closed his eyes and said lightly at this time.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and said tremblingly: "Master, young master...he...he..."

"Zhongba? What happened to him?"

When Zhu Taihao heard that it was about Zhu Chongba, he immediately frowned and opened his eyes, and asked seriously.

The middle-aged man cried: "Young master...he was murdered by Zhang Ping!"


The expression on Zhu Taihao's face froze, and then his forehead quickly turned red, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

At the same time, the five maids around him screamed, and their bodies turned into pillars of fire, frightening the middle-aged man to sit on the ground, and he couldn't get up no matter how he moved his hands and feet.

Zhu Taihao's body was shaking constantly at this time. He tried hard to suppress his rising anger and gritted his teeth and said: "Spread...my words, whoever can...kill Zhang Ping...will be the next...master!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he roared and his head exploded on the spot.

He was so angry that he died!

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