I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [327] Rescue team established

the next day.

Zhang Pingchen ran back to Guilou and everyone had packed their things.

During dinner last night, they decided to return to the sewers. Once a few people Zhang Ping trusted were connected to the sewers, the rescue team would be officially established, and the next step would be to recruit troops.

Zhang Shouzhong and others already know that the name of the organization is "Rescue Team".

Although Zhang Shouzhong felt that the name sounded like an organization established by a group of doctors, after understanding the concept of the rescue team, he decisively expressed his support.

"Zhang Ping, in fact, your running has not had much exercise effect. Do you really need to persist?" Zhang Shouzhong was eating steamed buns. When he saw Zhang Ping coming back from running, he couldn't help but complain.

With Zhang Ping's physical fitness, the effect of push-ups, sit-ups, and running is minimal. It would be better to have someone beat him up than to improve him.

"It is true that running is not very effective, but it is also a kind of spiritual practice." Zhang Ping replied with a smile.

Seeing everyone packing their things, he asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Well, I have already made an agreement with Manny. During my absence, she will be in charge of Pearl City. With your attack yesterday, no one in Pearl City should dare to cause trouble." Su Jingyao said.

Zhang Shouzhong and the others did not bring any luggage, so they all traveled lightly.

"Then let's go!"

Zhang Ping directly pressed the wall, and a sewer manhole cover appeared on the wall. It was much larger and could allow a person to walk in directly.

"So your ability is still like this?" Zhang Shouzhong asked in surprise.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "It wasn't possible at first, but now it is possible."

His mental power is so strong that he can already control some changes in his abilities to a certain extent. As long as he does not exceed his authority, he can operate.

When everyone entered the sewer, Zhang Shouzhong immediately used nanorobots to form a square carpet.

"Which way to go?" He looked at Zhang Ping and asked.

Zhang Ping shook his head, walked to the other end of the sewer, opened the manhole cover, and said with a smile: "We're already here!"

"It's so convenient!" Zhao Yanhu sighed.

Before, they had to walk a long way in the sewer to reach another parallel world. Now Zhang Ping

It’s there at the touch of a finger!

"Ability will be adjusted according to the user's habits. As long as it does not exceed the scope of the ability, many details can be modified." Su Jingyao said lightly.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Like this!"

As he spoke, he closed his eyes. In an instant, a large amount of mental power burst out, and the shape of the sewer began to change.

The current sewers evolved based on his impression of domestic sewers, but in fact, there are very big differences in sewers in different countries.

The sewers in some cities can be called underground cities!

For example, the sewer in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is the largest sewer in the world.

Not only is there no filth and stench like ordinary sewers, there are also many simple but well-equipped buildings. At the same time, more than 6,000 people live in the sewers.

There are also sewers in Tokyo, which are also extremely grand and can be called underground palaces.

Zhang Ping only needs to change his understanding of the sewer, and the mysterious sewer will also change accordingly. However, in the past, his mental power was not strong enough to affect the structure of the sewer, but now he can change part of it!

In an instant, the sewer, which was not particularly wide at first, quickly grew in size. At the same time, pillars appeared out of thin air, turning the sewer into an extremely wide space.

Although it is still a sewer, it is already suitable for habitation and is not even worse than an ordinary house.

"so amazing!"

Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise as he watched the sewer turn into an empty space.

He had thought that Zhang Ping could renovate the sewers in the future, but he did not expect that this day would come so quickly and be so exaggerated.

This can no longer be called a sewer because it is too big.

As long as it is renovated, it will be a large base, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

"With my current ability, this is already the limit." Zhang Ping let go and said to everyone with a smile.

Although his mental power has been greatly increased, it has its limits after all, and the mysterious sewer seems to have no limit. If he uses his limited mental power to transform the infinite sewers, it is naturally impossible to successfully transform them all.

Now he just changed this section of the sewer into his memory

There are some famous sewers in it, but at the same time, some magical modifications were carried out to combine the advantages of those sewers, and finally became this empty super sewer.

"It's enough. There probably weren't many people in the early stage of the organization. This place is too sufficient." Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile.

Su Jingyao looked at it and said calmly: "But it still needs decoration!"

"How about making it a small garden?" Zhao Yanhu suggested.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "It's best to raise fish!"

"I'll go call Sister Sisi and the others first, and let's discuss it together." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Then he opened the sewer manhole cover and left the sewer directly. Everyone was still discussing it. After all, this would be their real base camp from now on.

A few minutes later, a huge sewer manhole cover suddenly appeared on the wall.

After the sewer manhole cover was opened, Zhang Ping came in with little Theron in his arms, and then Liu Sishan and others filed in one after another. Finally, Ye Changchun's huge body leaned in and said with a smile: "This place is good, I like it!"

While speaking, it bent over and came in, then closed the door.

"Okay, everyone present here is the one I really trust. I want to establish an organization with the purpose of saving all the humans in need of rescue in the heavens and the worlds, and to lend a helping hand to all the desperate and helpless people. The name of this organization is the Rescue Team. Based on the principle of voluntary participation, those who are willing to join now raise their hands. Those who are not willing will be sent back later." Zhang Ping and others sat on the chairs made by Zhang Shouzhong and officially started the meeting.

Ye Changchun laughed and immediately raised his hand, and Su Qingbo followed suit.

Everyone else raised their hands with a smile, and no one backed down.

"Rescue Team... This is very Zhang Ping's style." Cheng Xuejie raised her hand and teased.

Zhang Shouzhong complained: "In fact, I think it is more appropriate to call it the Great Alliance of All Worlds, but who calls him the boss!"

"Thank you for your support, then the next question is the structure of the rescue team!" Zhang Ping looked at everyone and said with a smile.

He looked at Su Jingyao, who said calmly: "The structure of the rescue team refers to the cleaning team, the investigation team, and the patrol team. We try to combine the advantages of the three and eliminate some of the bad aspects."

Next, Su Jingyao began to explain the tasks of the different teams in detail.

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