I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [328] Everything starts from the beginning

Zhang Ping is the captain of the rescue team.

He is mainly responsible for dealing with powerful enemies. He also has the power to supervise the rescue team and appoint and remove the team leader with one vote.

Just as Zhang Ping positioned himself before, a double red stick.

Su Jingyao's position is the assistant to the captain of the rescue team, or simply the secretary.

This is the position she requested. She knows very well that her strength is not enough to suppress a parallel world, so she simply stays with Zhang Ping. At least she can take care of Zhang Ping's daily life, and even leave a bloodline for Zhang Ping.

Yesterday, after listening to Zhang Ping's account of his experience, she felt very scared because everything Zhang Ping experienced was too dangerous.

As long as there is a slight mistake, Zhang Ping may not be able to come back, so whether it is for Zhang Ping or that Zhang Ping, she should find a way to leave something for Zhang Ping, so that Zhang Ping will not commit suicide next time, and the result will be really He died, leaving nothing behind.

Zhang Shouzhong is the captain of the Parallel World Supervision Team.

The power of this position is very powerful. Every time a world is included in the management scope of the rescue team, the rescue team will definitely need to send out manpower or recruit manpower to manage the Pearl City of this world.

The question is whether Pearl City under the management of these people is good or not, and naturally it needs someone to supervise it.

Now this position is like a mere commander, but when he manages more parallel worlds in the future, his power will become more and more powerful.

Next is the combat team.

Liu Sishan is the captain of the intelligence team, Cheng Xuejie is the captain of the training team, and Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo are responsible for the security of the base.

Of course, the above-mentioned duties are not static. After all, there are definitely many shortcomings in the organization and there is still huge room for improvement.

"Master Zhang Ping, where are my brother and I?"

Zhao Yanhu had been waiting for Zhang Ping's arrangements. Unexpectedly, the meeting was coming to an end and neither of them had a job.

"You are my guards." Zhang Ping thought for a while and arranged.

Zhao Yanhu's eyes suddenly shone and he said excitedly: "That's great, thank you Mr. Zhang Ping. This is the position I want most!"

As he spoke, he immediately stood up and stood behind Zhang Ping. Zhao Yanlong also stood on the other side behind Zhang Ping.

In fact, Zhang Ping originally wanted to arrange for the two of them to join the intelligence team. After all, their abilities were very suitable for gathering intelligence. However, thinking about his latest super power, he decided to let the two of them stay.

By his side, he needs the abilities of two people.

"Okay, let's start looking for suitable manpower and fill up the organization as soon as possible." Zhang Ping calmed down and then said to everyone.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "I will talk to Wang Jieming later. I think he will accept it."

"Zhang Ping, what should Captain Gui do?" Liu Sishan asked.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Captain Situ doesn't know whether I'm dead or alive yet. That's it for the time being. When we really have to, we can leave Pearl City first and see the situation before deciding whether to intervene in this world."

Because the situation in World Zero is currently relatively stable and does not require the rescue team to take action. If Situ Shibai is really planning to arrange for Liu Sishan and others to go to other positions, then they will simply 'disappear'.

"Yes, I understand." Liu Sishan nodded.

Liu Sishan knew very well that when he decided to join the rescue team, he was actually making a choice between the cleaning team and the rescue team.

She believes in Zhang Ping that the rescue team is of far greater significance than the clean-up team, and exposure to different worlds will be more beneficial to her own growth.

Although she has given up her attachment to hatred in her heart, it does not mean that she will not take revenge on Li Aoxue, so she needs strength!

After the meeting ended, everyone started to get busy.

Zhang Ping can open the parallel world according to his own ideas, but he cannot determine the opening position and cannot control the opening position.

So after several attempts, Zhang Ping opened a passage in the wilderness of World Zero, and also opened a passage in the wilderness of World Three.

Next, everyone carried the soil into the sewer.

The construction of the base requires a lot of materials, and the soil is mainly used to grow plants. After all, there will definitely be a large number of people stationed in the sewers for a long time in the future, and they need to be given a place to change their mood.

In addition, Ye Changchun also needs an open space with soil to plant himself.

"Aren't we senior members of the rescue team? Why are we still moving soil here?" Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help complaining as he controlled the nanorobot to move soil into the sewer.

Cheng Xuejie smiled and said, "Then you should let your subordinates do the work."

"We must recruit troops as soon as possible!" Zhang Shouzhong gritted his teeth.

However, everyone knows that recruiting people is a long-term task. After all, the prerequisite for joining the rescue team is

Eat the contract gem.

The main reason is that no matter which Pearl City, there are a large number of people from the Zhu family who control the beasts.

When you are unsure of the other party's details, feeding the other party a contract gem is the safest plan.

No other method is as safe as this one.

"Actually, we can recruit ourselves from other worlds as manpower, although it's a bit weird to do so." Cheng Xuejie said.

If others can't believe it, why can't you believe it yourself? The problem is that you order yourself. This is too strange.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Yes, although for a while, the other me will definitely be very good, but as time goes by, he will definitely want to climb up and will not be willing to work under me."

The person who knows you best is definitely yourself.

Especially when everyone is the same, no one will be convinced by anyone.

Suppression for a while will only lead to a greater backlash, so everyone present has not actually considered recruiting their selves from other worlds as subordinates.

Two hours later, Liu Sishan came back with a bunch of information.

She did not participate in the construction, but returned to Mingzhu City to get a copy of the awakened information from Feng Laixian.

Of course, the information of the members of the cleaning team is definitely not in this information. This information only records the abilities of most of the awakened people in Mingzhu City.

"Everyone take a look for yourself. If you think someone is suitable, you can try to contact them." Liu Sishan put the information on the table and said to everyone.

Everyone picked up the information to check.

"Wang Xue, a practical awakener, has the ability to make snowflakes. Her current position is the proprietress of the Snowflake Tavern."

"Chen Bei'er, a practical awakener, has the ability to communicate with shells. She can communicate with shells..."

"Liu Dazhuang, a practical awakener, has the ability to harden... puff... harden the chrysanthemum?"

Zhang Shouzhong took the information, muttered while reading it, and finally saw Liu Dazhuang's ability, and almost laughed out loud.

"Don't argue, Liu Dashan's ability is not bad, at least he won't have to worry about hemorrhoids for the rest of his life." Cheng Xuejie said impatiently.

Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously: "So you have hemorrhoids, senior sister?"

"Go to hell."

Cheng Xuejie rolled her eyes and spat directly.

Awakened people, as long as they are not particularly lazy and sit in a chair all day without exercising, basically will not have hemorrhoids!

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