I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [329] Linker

World Zero, wilderness.

A giant turtle is walking slowly in the forest.

There is a giant snake next to it, and there is also a giant dragon.

Wherever the three passed by, all the alienated beasts and animals fled in all directions, and no creature dared to stop and provoke these three giants.

Zhang Ping held little Theron and sat cross-legged on the back of the Moon Chasing Black Turtle, enjoying the rare tranquility.

He did not participate in the recruitment of personnel for the rescue team. After all, as the captain, it was enough for him to have Su Jingyao as his assistant and brothers Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu as his guards.

Zhang Shouzhong and the others are really in urgent need of manpower. What he needs is the strength to suppress everything.

This time, he came out to enhance his strength, but also to increase the foundation of the organization and find ways to improve the strength of other members of the rescue team.

In the past, he could only give more contract gems to everyone, but with the ability of Linker, he can have more choices.

The Linker is a new ability he gained when he fought against the Red Dragon King of the Flame Sea.

Having said that, he has never used this ability once since he got it, so he doesn't know exactly how this ability will perform.

"Zhang Ping, I'm hungry again!" Little Theron looked at Zhang Ping expectantly.

Zhang Ping plated Little Theron's head, nodded and said with a smile: "Then stop here, Ahu, and get ready to attract all the animals around. Little Theron is hungry."

"Yes, Captain!" Zhao Yanhu immediately stood up and said.

Zhang Ping then popped up a reserve deed, released Zhou Qingbai directly, and ordered: "Now use your ability to summon all the heroes of the green forest, be on alert!"

"Yes!" Zhou Qingbai responded immediately.

In fact, Zhang Ping had considered leaving Zhou Qingbai to Zhang Shouzhong and the others. After all, the rescue team didn't have enough manpower, and Zhou Qingbai's green forest heroes could handle it for a while.

But later he gave up the idea.

After all, the rescue team cannot always rely on Zhou Qingbai's green forest heroes. Now that the rescue team has been officially established, Zhang Shouzhong and the others should be allowed to perform their own functions instead of having him dictate what they do.

It is enough for him to ensure that the general direction of the rescue team conforms to his own ideas.

In a moment, a large number of animals came from all directions. Zhao Yanhu quickly subdued most of the animals using his blood, and also killed several snakes.

The alien beast is under control.

"Let that cobra eat this contract gem!" Zhang Ping threw a contract gem to Zhao Yanhu.

Zhao Yanhu responded, and then fed the contract gem to the cobra that had turned into an alienated beast. In a moment, the alienated beast turned into Zhang Ping's summoned beast.

Later, Zhang Ping walked forward with little Theron in his arms and directly used the identification technique on the cobra:

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Phantom Moon Cobra]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Alienated Cobra]


【Lifespan: 60】

[Level: Intermediate Alienated Beast]

【Level: 18】


[Fantasy Moon Ghost Eye: It can cause the target to hallucinate through the patterns on its back. 】

[Super Agility: The speed is far higher than that of the same race, and the reaction speed is greatly improved. 】

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

So bad!

Zhang Ping had forgotten how long it had been since he had seen an alienated beast with such bad attributes.

But it's normal if you think about it carefully. After all, his enemies are often all kinds of powerful enemies, and their attributes are naturally not too bad. In fact, the most common ones in nature are alienated beasts like this cobra.

Such alienated beasts are the hunting targets of ordinary awakened people in Pearl City.

If they were all the powerful beings Zhang Ping encountered, it is estimated that ordinary awakened people would not dare to leave the city just like most ordinary people.

After Zhang Ping complained, he took out a contract gem again and directly activated the linker.

In an instant, an illusory green gem appeared between the cobra's eyebrows. This green gem slowly floated to Zhang Ping, and finally entered the contract gem. The originally green contract gem suddenly had a colorful pattern in the shape of glasses inside.

After it was over, the cobra became visibly weak and collapsed to the ground in less than a second.

"Make it into snake soup." Zhang Ping said to Zhao Yanhu.

Zhao Yanhu nodded, and then picked up the cobra to cook. Zhang Ping sat cross-legged on the turtle shell and looked at the contracted gem in the palm of his hand.

This contract gem has become the carrier of the linker.

[Ability: Phantom Moon Ghost Eye]

[Mother: Phantom Moon Cobra]


[Efficacy: A tattoo of the Phantom Moon and Ghost Eye will be formed on the back of the user, and the target will have hallucinations when looking directly at the tattoo. 】

Zhang Ping played with the contract gem, and after Zhao Yanhu killed the cobra, he evaluated the abilities in the contract gem again.

After confirming that the original host died and the ability would not disappear, he began to analyze the ability.

Although it is not difficult to use a linker to seize abilities, finding a suitable host is not.

[Linker: Through the contract gem, the target's ability can be taken out and given to the eater. The better the compatibility between the ability and the eater, the higher the degree of performance. The worse the compatibility, the lower the degree of performance. At the same time, there is a risk of losing control of the super power. 】

If the compatibility between the eater and the ability is very poor, once the super power is out of control, it can range from serious injury and disability to death!

Being super out of control does not mean getting lost or sinking.

This is a situation that Zhang Ping has never encountered, so he can't guarantee that he can save people with out-of-control super powers.

Therefore, he has to eliminate this possibility from the beginning.

Since poor compatibility will lead to the risk of out-of-control super powers, just look for abilities with high compatibility!

Fortunately, he has the ability to analyze.

After analysis, you can know whether the compatibility between the ability and the target is high or low.

For example, after analyzing the ability at this time, he found that the ability of this cobra was not in sync with everyone present.

The one with the highest compatibility was Zhao Yanlong, with about 15% of the compatibility overlap points, while the lowest was Xiao Seron, with only 0.0012% of the compatibility overlap points.

In short, if Zhao Yanlong eats this contract gem, the probability of out-of-control super powers is about 85%, and if Xiao Seron eats it, it is basically 100% out of control super powers.

Therefore, all people and alien beasts present cannot eat this gem.

Half an hour later, the snake soup is ready.

Zhang Ping ate the cobra soup with tears in his eyes, and then continued to seize the abilities of the alien beasts.

However, most of the alien beasts that Zhao Yanhu could attract were rubbish, and alien beasts like the Moon Chasing Black Turtle were basically hard to come by.

But Zhang Ping did not despise the abilities of these alien beasts, and let them fend for themselves after seizing their abilities.

After all, he had just used the cobra's life to verify that whether these alien beasts were alive or dead would not affect the abilities he had seized.

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