I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Heavenly Foxes [330] Death of Zhu Wuneng

Although they won't be able to use these captured abilities for a while, they can be saved as the foundation of the rescue team. When the rescue team has more people in the future, members suitable for these abilities may appear.

In just half an hour, Zhang Ping had captured eight abilities.

These abilities are: Phantom Moon Eyes, Venomous Fangs, Ultra-Infrared Vision, Touch of All Flavors, Snake Swallowing Belly, Electric Furry, Reproductive Gigantization, and Rotten Suspended Death.

Among the eight abilities, the one with the highest potential is Snake Swallowing Belly, with a potential of up to seven stars.

Zhang Ping played with the contract gems and checked the compatibility of the abilities with everyone one by one. After getting the not so good results, he couldn't help but have an idea in his mind: "All the abilities have very low compatibility with everyone. Could it be because the abilities come from To the alienated beast?"

However, he can seize the ability of the alienated beast without any burden, but if it is to seize the ability of the awakened person, he really can't do it unless the other party is extremely evil.

Of course, he will definitely have the opportunity to seize human abilities in the future.

After all, he would never be lenient with enemies such as Zhu Jia and Zuo Xiangming, who would control the beasts. He would capture one and take the other and kill them if they were not worthy.

After confirming that there were no more alienated beasts around that could seize the ability, he ordered the Moon Chasing Black Turtle to continue setting off, with Ada and Sweeper Dragon guarding him on both sides.

In fact, it was not him who was protecting Ah Da and Sweeper Dragon, but Little Theron.

He didn't want little Theron to get hurt again. The lesson from the mourning bird was enough, so he couldn't be more careful when he took little Theron out to play.

Little Theron hasn't seen him for a while, so she is very attached to him.

Lao ran into his arms and acted coquettishly, and then was quickly attracted by the surrounding scenery, looking at the butterflies and birds in the distance with bright eyes.

"The weather is really nice today."

Zhang Ping saw little Theron staring at the butterfly in the distance, so he looked up at the blue sky and white clouds and sighed leisurely.

He simply lay on the turtle shell and quietly watched the white clouds slowly drifting over his head.

Then Little Theron came back to his senses and lay on his chest again, chattering non-stop. At this moment, he was just a listener, smiling and listening to Little Theron's new discovery.

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed quietly.

Zhang Ping and the others came to a wetland. The surrounding trees were unrecognizable and all showed obvious alienation. It is estimated that there used to be a large number of trees in this place.

The alienated beasts died, which is why the current ecological landscape is incompatible with the outside world.

"Ahu, do it!" Zhang Ping said while holding little Theron, his mind covering the entire wetland.

Zhao Yanhu responded, stood up and cut his wrist, blood spurted out within a moment and gave off a unique smell.

About a minute later, a huge white wild boar appeared in the wetland. It stared at the Moon Chasing Black Turtle and hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching. Its huge body was as big as that of the Moon Chasing Black Turtle.

Good guy!

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up slightly, and then he looked at the giant wild boar expectantly.

This huge wild boar was very vigilant. It stopped every step and walked for more than half an hour in just a few hundred meters. Zhao Yanhu had to cut his own wrist and bleed it several times.

Finally, the giant wild boar walked up to the Moon Chasing Black Turtle and quietly licked the blood that flowed down.

Just when everyone thought it would be tamed, it suddenly twitched its ears and turned around and ran away.


When Zhao Yanhu saw this, he immediately shouted loudly.

The huge wild boar froze for a moment, but then continued to run forward and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It actually failed?" Zhang Ping said in surprise.

Zhao Yanhu said sheepishly: "Sometimes it does fail."

In addition to his ability being most effective against snakes, other mutated beasts have relatively high resistance. The giant wild boar didn't eat enough blood, so it couldn't be controlled at all.


Zhang Ping said with some regret.

That giant boar has pretty good abilities.

If it can be captured, it may be possible to create a strong man who is not weak in strength in the future.

When recruiting members for the rescue team, loyalty and brains are far more important than ability.

After all, the rescue team will rescue people from all over the world in the future. Compared with insufficient ability, insufficient IQ is the real danger.

Insufficient ability.

He can also use contract gems to enhance the opponent's potential, and even seize better abilities to enhance the opponent's abilities.

But if you don't have enough IQ, you're really hopeless.

This wetland seemed to be surrounded by wild boars. Then other wild boars appeared one after another, but they were not alien beasts, just ordinary wild boars.

Zhang Ping appeared last

He slaughtered a wild boar as a snack and then ordered the Moon Chasing Black Turtle to continue setting off.

They didn't have a strict destination for their trip this time. They just took it as they went. Anyway, he could open the sewer manhole cover and return to the sewer at any time, so he didn't think about the return journey at all.

After passing through the wetland, the surrounding environment gradually became dry and hot.

The Chasing Moon Black Turtle was walking leisurely, and suddenly Dragon Dragon Master, who had been entangled around Zhang Ping, raised its head, and then slowly opened its mouth.

"Everyone, get down!" Zhang Ping shouted loudly when he saw this.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu immediately lay on the ground, while little Theron was held in Zhang Ping's arms.

The next second, Dragon Dragon Master fired a light cannon into the sky.

The clouds in the sky were shot directly through, and then a giant dragon with eagle-like wings quickly fell to the ground, creating a large crater thousands of meters away.


Zhang Ping looked at the big pit in the distance, and after a while he looked helplessly at the Dragon-Channeling Lord behind him.

When this thing was not moving, its presence was very, very low, and it had no effect on his movements. Although it was usually wrapped around his body, it did not really touch him, but was suspended more than ten centimeters away from his body.

When he lay down, the Dragon-Channeling Lord would automatically avoid his back, and would even actively avoid his sight, so when the Dragon-Channeling Lord did not attack, he would occasionally forget that he had such a thing wrapped around him.

The problem was that once the Dragon-Channeling Lord attacked, it would be too terrible.

After making sure that the Dragon-Channeling Lord would not attack again, Zhang Ping said, "Okay, get up."

Then he ordered the Moon-Chasing Black Turtle to continue moving forward to see what the Dragon-Channeling Lord had knocked down.

After a while, the Moon-Chasing Black Turtle came to the big pit smashed by the dragon. In the depths of the pit, a man who had died looked at the sky with lifeless eyes, and behind him was a broken dragon corpse.

He never understood until his death how he was suddenly shot down when he was flying well on the mutant beast.

"Isn't this Li Yan from the noon team?" Zhang Ping carefully identified him and then said in surprise.

He thought about it and threw another identification spell at Li Yan, but Li Yan seemed to have some special equipment that could cover up the identification spell, so his identification spell failed directly.

This person has a big secret!

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