I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [331] Too Many Abilities

Zhang Ping immediately extended his telekinesis to the pit and fished out the body in a moment.

After taking off the clothes of the body, he immediately used the identification technique on the body again, and this time the identification was successful.

[Identification successful. ]

[Name: Zhu Wuneng]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Beastmaster Zhu Family]

[Potential: ????]

[Lifespan: 144]

[Level: Top Awakener]

[Level: 36]


[Desert Storm: Consume mental power to stir up a sandstorm and control the direction of the sandstorm. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Sand and Stone Control: When sand and stones are blown up by the sandstorm, you will gain control over the sand and stones. ]

[Advanced-Storm Hand: Consume mental power to forcibly change the shape of the sandstorm and form an arm made of pure wind. ]

[Top-Desert King: Consume a lot of mental power to turn all the places where the sandstorm passes into deserts, and have absolute control over the desert. 】

A member of the Beastmaster Zhu family.

That’s fine.

Zhang Ping threw the body back into the pit and looked at the equipment taken from Zhu Wuneng.

The first one was a blue necklace. After identification, it was determined that it was just a necklace that could increase mental power.

Although the manufacturing process was extremely cruel, Zhang Ping did not get angry. He just made another account on the Beastmaster Zhu family and would slowly settle accounts with them later.

Then the second one was a ring.

This is a ring that can be used for anti-reconnaissance. Any reconnaissance ability cannot work on the wearer.

Good stuff.

Zhang Ping put it away and then looked at the third one.

It must be said that Zhu Wuneng, as one of the best people in the Beastmaster Zhu family, has a lot of good things on him. The third one is a storage ring, which is full of sand, and it is conservatively estimated that there are tens of thousands of tons.

So much sand can create a battlefield suitable for Zhu Wuneng to display his abilities.

Unfortunately, Zhu Wuneng had no chance to use his ability this time. After the dragon-climbing lord's light cannon shot through the dragon, only a light particle shot his heart. So although he kept his body intact, he was actually dead in the air.

Zhang Ping continued to look down. The fourth item was the earrings, which had the ability to resist all identification abilities.

Why earrings?

Zhang Ping silently complained. If it was a ring, he would definitely wear it without saying anything, but earrings were a bit uncomfortable.

He really didn't like wearing earrings.

Mainly because he thought it was too feminine for men to wear earrings. Why would a good man wear earrings?

However, after hesitating for a moment, Zhang Ping still put on the earrings silently. After all, his future enemies were very powerful and spread all over the heavens and the worlds, and his ability must be kept secret.

"Master Zhang Ping, if you don't like wearing earrings, you can try eating them. What if you get similar abilities? By the way, don't you have the reset eye? You can use the reset on the earrings first, then eat them. If you don't get the ability, reset them again and eat them again. You will have at least nine chances to try." Zhao Yanlong noticed Zhang Ping's tangled expression and suggested.

Zhang Ping was stunned, then stared at Zhao Yanlong with wide eyes.

Why didn't he think of this method!

"In fact, I wanted to ask a long time ago, but I was worried that I would talk too much. If I said something wrong, please forgive me, Master." Zhao Yanlong said embarrassedly.

Zhang Ping took off the earrings and said self-deprecatingly: "I didn't say anything wrong, but I just didn't think of it. Suddenly I feel so stupid."

"How can Master be stupid? Everyone has blind spots in their thinking that they can't think of. It's normal not to think of it." Zhao Yanlong immediately comforted him.

Zhang Ping used the reset eye on the earrings, and then smiled: "Well, it's not too late to realize it now."

In fact, he knew why he had never considered this method.

Every time he appraised these special equipment, he would see countless cruel scenes. These special equipment contained the blood and tears of many people.

He subconsciously rejected eating these things, so he ignored this method.

Now that he was enlightened by Zhao Yanlong, no matter how uncomfortable and unwilling he was, he could try to overcome his rejection.

After confirming that there was nothing particularly valuable in the giant dragon corpse that Zhu Wuneng rode, everyone returned to the back of the Moon Chasing Black Turtle, and then the Moon Chasing Black Turtle continued to set off.

Zhang Ping sat cross-legged on the turtle's back with the earring in his hand.

If it was ordinary equipment, he would definitely not eat it, after all, he did not lack one or two abilities, but he needed the ability of the earring very much, so he had to overcome his psychological rejection.

After doing a good job of psychological preparation, he waited for the earring to be recorded, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed the earring in one gulp.

The effect of the gold swallower was activated.

The earring was gone directly.

Zhang Ping waited for a moment,

and after confirming that no new abilities appeared, he reset the earring again.

In an instant, the earring appeared in his hand.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the earring again.

The Gold Devourer effect is activated.

This time, it can be said to be a success, but also a failure.

It is a success because the metal coating has the ability to block the identification spell, and it is a failure because he himself does not have this ability.

We can't let him cover his body with metal coating every time he appears.


This is a good idea.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up slightly. Although he was powerful enough, his appearance was really too young. After all, this body was just that of a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, and it was easy for him to be looked down upon by some people who thought they were older.

Therefore, he can separate himself from the captain's identity.

Normally, he can pretend to be the assistant to the captain's assistant. When he needs to take action, he will cover his body with a metal coating and appear as the captain.

Because of the metal coating, it is difficult for others to tell his age, and the metal coating has the effect of shielding identification techniques, so others cannot obtain his information.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Zhang Ping made an immediate decision in his mind.

From now on, he will be Su Jingyao's assistant, and he will only be the captain if he is covered with metal coating!

Next, he ate the earrings several more times, but all ended in failure.

As a result, after nine times, he didn't get the shielding ability.

He guessed it was because the gold eater digested the earrings so quickly that the glutton didn't have time to digest the earrings.

Next time, I can only see if there are any special equipment that are not metal. Maybe then I will have a chance to obtain this type of ability.

"Lord Zhang Ping, was it successful?"

Zhao Yanhu asked Zhang Ping curiously without continuing to eat the earrings.

Zhang Ping sighed: "Failed."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked too much, causing you to lose an important piece of equipment." Zhao Yanlong immediately felt guilty.

Zhang Ping waved his hand and said with a smile: "Your suggestion is very good. This has nothing to do with you. The main problem is that I have too many abilities."

If there is no gold swallower, the probability of him getting the ability is actually very high, but with the existence of the gold swallower, the earrings will only be digested by the gold swallower countless times, so the probability of him getting the ability of the earring itself is extremely small.

This is not a question of who is right or wrong, it is simply that he has too many abilities, so much so that sometimes there is a conflict between abilities.

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