I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [032] Guilt

He should be dead, right?

Zhang Ping looked at the tattered corpse of the masked man from a distance and muttered to himself.

He was really scared.

The attack of the masked man just now almost took his life.

In fact, the electric eel snake venom that the masked man had high hopes for had no effect on him at all. Although water itself is an electrolyte, the electrolysis speed is very slow, and the damage of the current to him is also quite limited. What really threatens him is the high temperature caused by the short circuit and heating of the dagger.

The large amount of steam coming out of his body at that time is the best proof.

Fortunately, the Changsha River is to the east of Mingzhu City, so the air humidity is high at night, and the water vapor evaporated by himself will also increase the humidity in the air. Although he was injured, he was not completely injured.

At this time, he glanced at the masked man and confirmed that the masked man did not move, so he quickly took out a bucket of water from the gold treasure house and poured it on his head. The pure water body, which was originally only a small piece, quickly absorbed water and gradually expanded, and finally returned to its original size.

He put away the bucket, walked around the masked man from a distance, and then bent down to pick up the fear war sickle on the ground.

"Is he really dead?"

Zhang Ping held the war sickle and looked at the masked man again, thinking uncertainly.

He deliberately exposed his flaws twice, but the masked man still lay on the ground motionless.

But he still didn't dare to get close to the masked man, but carefully condensed the dark mist flying knife and shot it over.


The masked man was hit by another knife, but still lay on the ground motionless.

This man seemed to have no fear, and he had not shown any fear from just now to now.

Zhang Ping couldn't judge whether he was still alive through his emotions, so he thought about it and threw another dark mist flying knife from a distance, which landed on the masked man's buttocks.

"Okay...kill me, give me a quick death." The masked man trembled slightly, and then said with difficulty.

Zhang Ping was really scared and said in surprise: "Damn, he's not dead yet!"

He was just more cautious, but in fact, he didn't think the masked man could still survive with such injuries.

Who knew the masked man was still alive? This is too scary.

The vitality of the awakened is too tenacious.

Zhang Ping had a new understanding of the awakened at this moment. He could not treat the awakened as ordinary people. Whether it was superpowers or life forms, the awakened were beyond his previous common sense.

He recovered his flesh and blood, and a ball of fire appeared in his hand. He absorbed the fire to restore his strength while observing the situation of the masked man.

In fact, the masked man's body was like a tattered cloth bag, with wounds all over his body and blood flowing all over the ground. A normal person like him would never survive.

"Humph, I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a coward like you." The masked man tried to open his eyes and looked at Zhang Ping with contempt.

Zhang Ping was not going to talk to the masked man. He knew very well that he could not ask any information.

Not only did he not move forward, but he took a few steps back, and then condensed the dark mist flying knife to shoot at the masked man's vitals.

The masked man blocked the attack of the flying knife with difficulty and sighed deeply.

"So cautious, obviously like a rookie, but he didn't fall for it in the end."

The masked man smiled bitterly, and the next moment he smashed the ring on his index finger with force.


Zhang Ping's hair stood up in an instant, and the whole person retreated quickly, while the dark mist completely wrapped himself up.

Most of the time, he relied on the characteristics of pure water body to ignore most attacks, and would not consume dark mist for defense at all.

In his opinion, using dark mist for defense is a waste.

But now he doesn't care whether it is a waste or not, just resist this wave of attacks first.


A thunder.

A shining thunder fell from the sky, and the whole street suddenly shook wildly.

The masked man was the center of the thunder, and his body quickly turned into ashes in the thunder, and the surrounding houses were also affected. The glass windows were all shattered, and many sleeping residents were awakened and screamed in fear.

The temperature of the whole street rose rapidly, Zhang Ping retreated madly, and the mist wrapped around his body was constantly consumed.

Ten seconds later, the thunder disappeared, and the entire alley sank into a big pit. The walls of the houses around it had obvious cracks, and the air was filled with the smell of ozone.

The dark fog turned into a black cloak in an instant. Zhang Ping was suspended on the roof of a house in doubt, looking at the street hit by thunder, his heart beating violently.

[So that's it. Instead of acting on the target, it changes the surrounding environment, thereby blinding the sight of our Moon Clan. It's a good idea. 】

Not good.

His ears moved slightly, and he immediately looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. The noise was too loud, and the Tianchang Fox was alarmed.

"Sister Sisi, retreat quickly, the Tianchang Fox is coming out!" He quickly took out the badge and contacted Liu Sishan.

Without waiting for Liu Sishan to reply, he put away the badge and turned around and fled.


Ten seconds ago, the City Lord's Mansion.

Prince Yue jumped out of the window, staring at the direction where the thunder fell. Even if there was a light curtain blocking it, it could still feel the fluctuations of the thunder.

“I see. Instead of affecting the target, we can change the surrounding environment to deceive the sight of our Moon Clan. This is a really good idea.” Prince Moon narrowed his narrow fox eyes and spoke slowly.

The next moment, its eyes widened fiercely, and the tail on its back quickly grew longer, and at the same time, the tail branched and branched. The dense tail spread towards the entire city, like a big airtight net.

These tails slowly drooped, and then the red eyes on the tails opened one by one.

Cleanup team headquarters,

In the barrier room, a girl wearing camouflage clothing was sitting on a recliner, controlling the black screen with her hands. She suddenly frowned and said, "No, Tianchang Fox has moved, but I don't know what happened."

The other girl next to her had her eyes closed, and there was light flowing around her. After hearing the words, she quickly said: "Xu Jie, contact Sisi."

"No, Manny, just take Sisi away." Not far away, a woman in a swimsuit bathed in light said directly.

The girl in camouflage clothing, that is, Manny hesitated for a second, and then decisively activated her ability the next moment.

In the Pearl City, Liu Sishan, who was fighting a man with red eyes, was instantly wrapped in a shady curtain, and the next moment she was teleported to a secret room. She was stunned for a moment, then took out her badge and contacted Manny, asking: "Manni, what are you doing? What?"

"There is something strange happening in Tianchanghu. I can't let Sister Sisi continue to take risks!" Manny said seriously.

Liu Sishan frowned and said, "Then you should save Zhang Ping first. Where is Zhang Ping?"

"He has escaped into a ditch and is safe." Manny replied.

Although there are no sewers in Pearl City, there are many drainage canals. It had just rained heavily the day before yesterday, so most of the canals were full of water. Zhang Ping turned into pure water and mixed it in the water, making it extremely difficult to find him.

He was still listening to the sound carefully, hoping that the Wind Talker could bring the latest news.

On the other side, the man with red eyes did not expect that his difficult opponent would suddenly leave. He was stunned for a moment and immediately turned around and ran away with Chen Junting on his back. However, he suddenly stopped after taking a few steps. A man in front of him

The beautiful woman was looking at him with a smile.

"Luo... Luo Shiyu!" The man with red eyes recognized this girl.

What he knows more clearly is that this girl has died long ago, and the person taking her place now is...Prince Yue!

"Do you know me?" Prince Yue looked condescendingly at the crimson-eyed man, narrowed his eyes and asked.

The crimson-eyed man stepped back and gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I know him. He is the most dazzling genius in this class of Pearl Ability Academy. How could I not know him? What do you want to do?"

"wrong answer."

Prince Yue suddenly rolled up the crimson-eyed man with his tail and pulled him in front of him.

It stared at the sweaty face of the red-eyed man and asked: "You are not the same as those people. There was a battle here just now, and the other person who took action was the same as those who killed my compatriots." Yes, so you are fighting here... to snatch her? "

While talking, it walked to a wall and reached out to gently touch the cutting marks on the wall. It had seen such marks on members of the Moon Clan.

It came forward and sniffed, and then continued: "The other party is a woman, and I have recorded the smell. Tell me, why are you fighting for this woman?"

"Luo Shiyu, I don't understand what you are talking about. Let me go quickly, otherwise... you will die miserably." The man with red eyes was trembling all over, but he was surprisingly strong.

Prince Yue smiled ferociously and said, "Interesting, interesting."

Suddenly a tail penetrated the crimson-eyed man's brain, causing blood and brain matter to splash everywhere.

Prince Yue grabbed Chen Junting with one hand, then casually grabbed the headless body of the red-eyed man and threw it away, saying calmly: "Yueying, you are responsible for eating him, don't waste it."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

A silver-furred fox slowly emerged from its shadow.

Prince Yue looked at Chen Junting and said to himself: "Since people on both sides are robbing this woman, do you think...if I eat her, will things become interesting?"

However, no fox answered its question, and only the terrifying sound of Moon Shadow's chewing was left on the street.

At this time, Chen Junting, who was in Prince Yue's hand, squeaked and gradually woke up from her coma. When she opened her blue eyes, Prince Yue seemed to be under a restraining spell and suddenly forgot what she wanted to do.

"Why am I not at home? Sister, you are so beautiful." Chen Junting first wondered why she appeared on the street, then saw Prince Yue, so she smiled sweetly.

Prince Yue gritted his teeth and raised his hand, but he couldn't do anything to the girl in front of him.

"Yueying, kill...kill...kill her!"

It put down Chen Junting, turned around quickly, and roared hoarsely.

Yueying, who was still lying on the side eating people, immediately jumped up, but the next moment it saw Chen Junting's eyes, the originally outstretched right paw instead inserted into his left shoulder.

"Your Highness, I can't do it!"

It fell to the ground, covering the wound with its paws, lowering its head and not daring to look at Chen Junting.

Prince Yue turned his back to Chen Junting, gritted his teeth and controlled his tail to stab Chen Junting, but he suddenly stopped at the last moment, feeling a great sense of guilt in his heart.

It gasped for air and looked at Chen Junting in disbelief.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Junting tilted her head and looked at Prince Yue in confusion.

In her eyes, the moon shadow did not exist, and 'Luo Shiyu' would be in a daze from time to time, and then turn his back to her and gasp for air, which was a bit weird.

Prince Yue's face kept changing. Sometimes he wanted to kill Chen Junting, and sometimes he felt ashamed.

Finally, it gritted its teeth and decided to take Chen Junting back to the city lord's palace before making arrangements.

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