I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [333] A family with a loving father and filial son

Animals have very sharp intuition.

The dog soon noticed Zhang Ping's love for Little Seron, and Little Seron also realized that Zhang Ping didn't like the dog as much as he liked himself.

So, after eating, Little Seron climbed onto the dog's back and directed the dog to run around the lake, which made the dog very tired.

"Okay, stop tossing... I'll give you a name, Da Huang." Zhang Ping saw the dog and Little Seron coming back, so he spoke.

The dog immediately wagged his tail to show that he liked the name. Its fur was indeed an ordinary yellow, so there was no problem calling it Da Huang.

Just as Da Huang was thinking about whether to go forward and lick Zhang Ping, the Dragon Lord behind Zhang Ping suddenly raised his head again.


Zhang Ping was the first to notice the movement of the Dragon Lord, and he shouted quickly, but it didn't work.


The Dragon Lord fired a light cannon into the air, and in a blink of an eye a golden eagle wailed and quickly fell from the air.

However, this time, Chanlongzun actually missed. Although the golden eagle was hit, the man riding the golden eagle was not hit, but quickly escaped from the air.

A red light flashed in Chanlongzun's eyes, and the next moment a black curtain appeared at its mouth, and then it fired a cannon at the black curtain.

A beam of light fell from a distance, and with a roar, the dust settled.

The poor guy still couldn't escape Chanlongzun's attack range. Zhang Ping's abnormal hearing vaguely heard the screams from the fleeing man.

"Captain, should we go over and take a look?" Zhao Yanhu asked.

Zhang Ping sighed and nodded, "Then let's go over and take a look!"

If it was before, he would definitely try his best to stop Chanlongzun's attack, but after Chanlongzun's two attacks, he roughly understood that Chanlongzun's attack targets must be the ones he wanted to kill, so he guessed that the unlucky guy who was attacked was probably from the Beastmaster Zhu family again.

After a while, everyone came to a big pit, where a middle-aged man lay dying, and he hadn't died yet.

Chanlongzun immediately opened his mouth towards the pit, and Zhang Ping quickly said, "Wait, I have something to ask him!"

Chanlongzun's eyes dimmed a little, and he closed his mouth.

"It really works!"

Zhang Ping saw Chanlongzun stop attacking, and couldn't help but think in his heart.

Then, Zhang

Ping used his telekinesis to pull the man out of the pit, and an arm turned into blood and quickly drilled into the man's body. In a moment, it occupied the man's brain and began to read the information in the man's brain.

Zhang Ping was very serious at first, but as the information was read, his face became more and more strange, and finally he couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "Hahahahahahahahaha, hahahahahahahahahaha, this... this... is so interesting!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Ping curiously, and Little Seron even pulled Zhang Ping's clothes and shook them, looking at Zhang Ping eagerly.

"Hahahaha, Zhu Taihao is dead, and he was killed by Zhu Chengmian!" Zhang Ping said to everyone with a smile.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu were dumbfounded, and then Zhao Yanhu couldn't help but chuckled and laughed. This family with a loving father and a filial son is really interesting.

In this world, because Zhu Taihao insisted that Zhang Ping was not dead, Zhu Chengmian held a grudge and suspected that Zhu Taihao did not want to give him the position of the head of the family. Especially when Zhang Ping's headless body appeared, Zhu Taihao insisted that Zhang Ping was not dead. Zhu Chengmian finally had the intention to kill him.

A day ago, Zhu Chengmian attacked Zhu Taihao!

The reason why Zhang Ping met Zhu Wuneng and Zhu Zeming who flew from Mingzhu City one after another, Zhu Zeming was the middle-aged man just now, was that Zhu Chengmian forcibly ascended to the position of the head of the family and wanted to purge those who were not loyal to him in the family.

In the third world, Zhu Taihao pushed Zhu Chongba to the position because of Zhu Chengmian's death, and even killed other proud sons of the Zhu family. As a result, this world is more magical, and Zhu Chengmian killed Zhu Taihao.

Zhang Ping and the other two felt it was ridiculous, but at the same time, they felt it was natural.

It was normal for this situation to happen in the Beast Tamer Zhu family.

It was a pity that the method of entering the Sun Fire Base in Zhu Zeming's memory was useless to Zhang Ping, otherwise now would definitely be the best time to wipe out the Beast Tamer Zhu family.

"Okay, we should go back. Today is a really good day!" Zhang Ping laughed enough, so he said to the two.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu wiped their tears from laughing and nodded repeatedly to show that they understood.

Next, Zhang Ping used his ability to open the manhole cover of the sewer, first put A Da, Black Turtle, and Sweeping Dragon into the storage deed, and then everyone returned to the sewer, only a few steps away from the base camp.

When they entered the rescue team base camp, the base camp was already full of mud, and some places had been planted with plants.

Zhang Shouzhong, Liu Sishan,

Cheng Xuejie and others were all there, everyone's clothes were dirty, and they were taking care of flowers and plants.

"Hey, Master Zhang Ping is back." Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile when he saw Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping put down Little Seron, looked around, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, didn't you recruit anyone?"

"I saw a good guy, I will contact him tomorrow." Zhang Shouzhong replied.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "It's just right, I also have a good idea to share with everyone!"

Then, he told everyone his previous idea that he could hide in the rescue team as a little transparent, and the captain of the rescue team would be played by him after being covered with metal coating.

"This is a good idea. Zhang Ping does look too young." Cheng Xuejie agreed after hearing this.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "As the saying goes, Zhang Ping is indeed too young. In a few decades, he will probably be able to convince the public."

"Didn't Zhang Ping stay in that dimension for more than a thousand years? In fact, he is older than Captain Situ, at least in terms of soul." Su Jingyao said unconvinced.

Zhang Shouzhong retorted: "But he looks young."

"Isn't it allowed for someone to stay young forever?" Su Jingyao asked.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Okay, don't argue, don't argue. This is my own idea. Besides, I don't want to be completely bound by the identity of the captain. I usually serve as Jingyao's assistant. When the captain is needed, I'll show up again!"

"Then you must find a way to hide your ability." Zhang Shouzhong suggested.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Speaking of ability, let's all take a look."

As he spoke, he took out more than a dozen contract gems and explained: "Each contract gem here contains an ability. As long as you eat it, you can obtain this ability. However, the ability has physical requirements. Let me take a look at you." What is the compatibility with these abilities?”

"Oh my god, Zhang Ping, can you do this kind of thing now?" Zhang Shouzhong said in shock.

Seize ability.

This is also an infinite level of ability.

But no matter which city, once a person with this kind of ability appears, they will definitely die very quickly, because no one wants their ability to be taken away.

"There are compatibility requirements. If the ability does not match the compatibility of the user, it will cause the super power to go out of control. So unless the ability is extremely compatible with you, I will not give you these abilities." Zhang Ping explained.

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