I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [334] Contract Conditions

Zhang Shouzhong nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, I know, hurry up and let me see what abilities they have."

"Here are the Phantom Moon Ghost Eye, Toxic Fang, Ultra-Infrared Vision, All-Taste Touch, Snake Swallowing Belly, Electricity Fur, Reproductive Enlargement, Foul Fake Death, Air Slash... and other abilities." Zhang Ping introduced.

After listening, Zhang Shouzhong thought, "Why do they all sound like second-rate abilities?"

"What's wrong with second-rate? Do you want them?" Zhang Ping asked back.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said, "Yes, I want them as long as they are abilities."

The awakeners compete with their own abilities, and the more abilities the better. Even if these abilities sound like second-rate abilities now, as long as they are continuously developed, there is still hope that they can become the shape they want.

"Let me see how you are compatible with these abilities." Zhang Ping said calmly.

He covered Zhang Shouzhong with telekinesis, and frowned for a moment and said, "None of the abilities here is more than 10% compatible with you. I'll pay attention next time."

"I'm so happy for nothing." Zhang Shouzhong said helplessly.

Then the others also tested one by one, and sure enough, no one had a compatibility of more than 10% with these abilities, all of them were around 5%.

Even if they forcibly took these abilities, the probability of super powers going out of control was too high.

"Is there a possibility that, in fact, except for the original owner of the super power, there is no high compatibility?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Cheng Xuejie also doubted: "I also think the compatibility is too low. Is there any way to improve the compatibility?"

"Zhang Ping, in fact, you can communicate with these abilities, maybe you can find a solution." Liu Sishan suggested.

Zhang Ping has the ability to communicate with all things. Since these abilities have low compatibility, can you convince them not to go out of control? Even let them swallow the contract gem to ensure that they will not go out of control?

"Yes, Zhang Ping, quickly use your invincible eloquence to convince these abilities!" Zhang Shouzhong immediately laughed.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Then I'll try it!"

He looked at a contract gem and asked, "Can we talk?"

"What's the matter? You peeled me off from my master, and I'm so scared now!" A cry came from the contract gem.

Zhang Ping quickly said, "Don't worry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you made my master into snake soup and ate it happily!" cried the ability.

Zhang Ping was stunned, and then he found that the gem he chose was the one that hosted the ability of 'Phantom Moon Ghost Eye'.

He thought about it and explained, "Does your master often eat other animals alive? Are other animals guilty? Since it can eat other animals, I am stronger than it, why can't I eat it?"


The ability of Phantom Moon Ghost Eye was speechless.

Then, Zhang Ping struck while the iron was hot and said, "Since your master has died because of his weakness, why don't you just choose a stronger master, after all, you are still alive now!"

"If you agree to one condition of mine, I will agree to you." The ability of Phantom Moon Ghost Eye said directly after a silence.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "You said, as long as we can do it, we can discuss it."

"My new master has to eat ten burrowing bamboo rats every day!" said the ability of Phantom Moon Ghost Eye.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "What kind of alien beast is the burrowing bamboo rat? You have to eat ten of them every day? This is a bit too much."

What if the eater fails to eat the burrowing bamboo rat in time, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

And ten is too many.

We can't let the eater run around every day looking for bamboo rats and not be able to do anything else.

"Then five a day?" Huanyue Ghost Eye asked weakly.

Zhang Ping said directly: "One a day at most. If you agree, we will sign a contract. If you don't agree, you will stay in the gem forever!"


Although Huanyue Ghost Eye was a little dissatisfied, he still agreed to Zhang Ping's bargaining after listening to Zhang Ping's words.

The main reason is that if it doesn't agree, it will be trapped in the contract gem forever. Not to mention one burrowing bamboo rat a day, it won't even get the bamboo rat's hair!

"Okay, then let's sign a contract!"

Zhang Ping immediately activated the power of the contract in his body.

Although he didn't think that the ability of the Phantom Moon Ghost Eye would go back on its word, he decided to sign a contract with the ability to ensure that the user would not lose control of the ability as long as the content of the contract was completed.

After the contract was completed, the ability of the Phantom Moon Ghost Eye finally became safe.

Zhang Ping used the appraisal technique on the contract gem and immediately saw an extra line of words under the attribute:

[Ability: Phantom Moon Ghost Eye]

[Mother: Phantom Moon Cobra]

[Potential: ???]

[Effect: A Phantom Moon Ghost Eye tattoo will form on the back of the user, and the target will have hallucinations when looking directly at the tattoo. ]

[Contract: A bamboo rat that burrows underground must be consumed daily to eliminate the risk of superpowers losing control. ]


Zhang Ping shared the panel with others with satisfaction.

"The bamboo rat that burrows underground may not be easy to find. Just looking at the name, you can tell that this guy should be able to burrow underground. Unless we find a way to breed bamboo rats in large quantities, this ability can only be temporarily sealed." Zhang Shouzhong frowned.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. At least we have found a way to solve the low compatibility. We will slowly look for more abilities and negotiate with them."

"Yes, although there is one more contract, it is still a good deal to exchange for one more ability." Liu Sishan smiled.

But in this way, everyone is destined not to eat too many such ability gems.

After all, the contract conditions for each ability are different. Once you have too many abilities, it will take a lot of time just to complete the contract every day, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Take your time, we don't have to rush, time is on our side, by the way, let me tell you some good news."

As he said that, he told everyone about Zhu Chengmian killing Zhu Taihao and forcibly ascending to the position of head of the Zhu family who controlled the beast. As expected, everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

It was mainly the contrast between the two worlds that made them find this particularly funny.

In one world, Zhu Chengmian killed Zhu Taihao, and in another world, Zhu Taihao forcibly supported Zhu Chongba because of Zhu Chengmian's death. This shows that Zhu Taihao actually regarded Zhu Chengmian as the next head of the family!

After the chat, everyone continued to work. If they were tired, they would find a place nearby to lie down and rest directly.

Zhang Ping sat in the corner and began to negotiate terms with other ability gems.

These abilities are not particularly good, so Zhang Ping will bargain every time, cutting off 90% of the conditions proposed by the abilities, and with a little coercion and inducement, he can finally sign a contract.

However, because the requirements of these abilities range from simple to difficult, even if 90% of them are cut off, there are still some abilities that are more difficult to obtain.

Such as air slash.

The vast majority of awakened people simply cannot meet its conditions.

Because its properties are:

[Ability: Air Slash]

[Mother: Kong Zhanyan]


[Effect: The user can chop out invisible air blades by waving his hands. 】

[Contract: Must fly in the air at high speed for fifteen minutes every day. 】

Although this condition is very simple for Zhang Ping.

But for the awakened ones who cannot fly, that is an impossible task.

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