I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [335] Fairy Leopard Pointing the Way

Half a month later.

World Zero, seaside.

On a cliff, Zhang Ping was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff, fishing with a fishing rod.

He discovered this fishing holy land a week ago and spent the next period of time fishing here. As for the rescue team headquarters, he was the boss and left it all to Su Jingyao and the others.

Suddenly, a sewer manhole cover appeared in the open space behind Zhang Ping. Then the manhole cover opened, and Zhang Shouzhong's head stuck out from the sewer and asked: "Zhang Ping, how many fish have you caught? Could it be the Air Force again?"

"It's almost time. I have a feeling that I will definitely catch a big fish today!" Zhang Ping said confidently.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "The rescue team headquarters has almost been built, why don't you come and take a look?"

"Wait until I catch a big fish." Zhang Ping looked at the seawater under the cliff and said seriously.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Okay, if it doesn't work, just use the 'old method'."

"I know." Zhang Ping responded.

Then, Zhang Shouzhong closed the sewer manhole cover and left directly.

Originally, the sewer manhole cover could not be opened at a fixed place, and no one else could open it, but Zhang Ping solved this problem a week ago.

He gained an ability from a cheetah:

[Ability: Fairy Leopard Guides the Way]

[Mother: Air Raid Fairy Leopard]


[Function: The user can activate the ability on the designated object. The object must point to the destination. If it cooperates with the space ability, it must reach the corresponding space. 】

[Contract: Every week you must successfully catch a fish weighing ten kilograms and eat it. 】

It is this ability that completes the last problem of the rescue team.

Now Zhang Ping only needs to create enough martial arts, seal the ability of the mysterious sewer in the martial arts, and use the fairy leopard to guide the way to set different coordinates on the martial arts. Others only need to activate the mysterious sewer in the martial arts. You can reach the bound coordinates naturally.

During this period, Zhang Ping specially made a batch of Wuqi gems and gave them to the rescue team, so now there is no need for Zhang Ping to do it himself when opening and closing the sewers.

There are only two things he needs to do. One is to go to different coordinate locations in person and use the fairy leopard to record these coordinates. The second is to complete the weekly fishing mission.

In fact, Zhang Ping

Originally he was not interested in fishing. He liked eating fish but not leisurely fishing.

But after this experience, he discovered that the process of fishing and eating fish is the process of improvement by Xianbao. Every ability will instinctively want to become stronger, and the conditions for these abilities are actually the ability to become stronger. the best way.

To put it simply, when these abilities put forward conditions, they are actually equivalent to telling Zhang Ping what to do to make the abilities stronger.

Zhang Ping was guided by Xian Bao, and he was a little unfamiliar with using it at first, but during this period he kept fishing every day, and unknowingly he developed an extremely keen intuition about space.

Fishing, of course, cannot improve people's sense of space, but this behavior can improve the ability of the fairy leopard to guide the way. The fairy leopard's guidance becomes stronger, so it is fed back to Zhang Ping, that is, the sense of space is improved.

Before Zhang Shouzhong appeared just now, Zhang Ping actually noticed the invisible fluctuations in the space.

This is the result of the improved sense of space.


The sewer manhole cover appeared again behind Zhang Ping. Su Jingyao came up with lunch and said calmly: "Let's eat first."


Zhang Ping held the fishing rod in one hand and took the lunch box with the other.

Su Jingyao sat naturally next to Zhang Ping, looked at the blue water in the distance, and said softly: "It's so beautiful here."

"Well, I think it's beautiful too."

Zhang Ping picked up a piece of meat with his mind, ate it, and nodded in agreement.

After getting the guide from Xianbao, he spent a lot of effort to find this Feng Shui treasure place for fishing, and even wasted one of the coordinates from Xianbao's guide to record the location to make it easier to travel back and forth in the future.

After that, neither of them spoke again.

Zhang Ping silently concentrated on eating, while Su Jingyao looked at Zhang Ping and the sea in the distance from time to time. When the sea breeze blew, she gently pulled up the messed up hair with her hands. The atmosphere was quiet and beautiful.

Suddenly, the fishing rod bent sharply, breaking the atmosphere.

Zhang Ping's eyes widened immediately and he said in surprise: "A fish took the bait, and this time there is really a fish!!!"

He has been fishing here during this time, but no fish has ever taken the bait. In the end, he had no choice but to use his mind power to control the fish in the sea to bite the hook, and then he pulled the fish up.

The ‘old method’ mentioned by Zhang Shouzhong is actually this trick.

Although this can be regarded as completing the contract, Zhang Ping

He was very dissatisfied. He felt that since he had acquired the ability of the Fairy Leopard to guide the way, it was tantamount to agreeing to the other party's contract conditions. Cheating was definitely wrong.

Therefore, he has been pursuing to truly catch the big fish and truly complete the contract.

He quickly put down his lunch box and immediately stood up and grabbed the fishing rod with both hands.

Under the cliff, there was a rough wave.

A huge blue swordfish jumped out of the water, its transparent fishing line sparkling in the sun.

However, no matter how hard it struggled, the blue swordfish couldn't break free from the hook and could only keep spinning back and forth in the water.

The fishing rod in Zhang Ping's hand comes from World No. 3.

The Pearl City in that world has been completely controlled by Zhang Ping and the others. Some treasures that are difficult to obtain in other worlds are even given by people in this world.

His fishing rod is made of biometal, and the fishing line is made of spider silk from a dominant spider mutant. Once it touches the target, it will form countless densely packed claws on the hook. Once any fish bites the hook, it will be impossible to break free.

"What a big fish, how much is it?" Su Jingyao exclaimed as she looked at the blue swordfish struggling on the cliff.

Zhang Ping smiled happily and said, "I estimate it is about half a ton, it is so strong!"

Fortunately, he has a glutton, otherwise he really can't eat such a big fish.

The blue swordfish struggled for two hours before gradually running out of energy. However, when Zhang Ping pulled it behind the cliff, it suddenly opened its eyes.

The next moment, it launched its ability at Zhang Ping, and a sharp blue water vapor shot towards Zhang Ping from its upper jaw.

"It's quite energetic!"

Zhang Ping easily blocked the blue water vapor with his telekinesis and said with a smile.

Then he used his telekinesis to hit the swordfish's head hard, and the swordfish's body suddenly stiffened and completely lost its breath.

The moment he caught the swordfish, he felt that the Fairy Leopard Guide had become slightly lighter. This might be because the Fairy Leopard Guide was not strictly his ability, but more like a plug-in, so he could quickly feel the change in the ability if the Fairy Leopard Guide had a slight change.

Now, he had a vague feeling that he could reach all the places he had been to through the Fairy Leopard Guide.

Sure enough, the way to become stronger proposed by the ability itself was the most suitable way for the ability itself.

Zhang Ping wanted to take out all his abilities and ask.

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