I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [336] Women will only affect the speed of my sword drawing

After a hearty meal, Xianbao Guiding was once again enhanced, but the improvement from eating fish was not as great as fishing, which surprised Zhang Ping.

He thought eating fish was the key point, but it turned out that fishing was the key point.

As for why fishing can enhance Fairy Leopard Guide, I guess even Fairy Leopard Guide himself can’t explain clearly. Super powers are sometimes so unreasonable and completely illogical.

Now that this week's contract has been completed, Zhang Ping does not have to stay here to fish.

After packing up his things, he returned to the mysterious sewer with Su Jingyao.

"Oh my god, you guys are so awesome!"

Zhang Ping entered the sewer, walked through a short passage, and immediately saw the headquarters of the rescue team.

Now, the construction of the rescue team's headquarters has been initially completed. The originally empty space has been paved with a layer of grass, surrounded by many flowers and plants, and even a small lake that is not particularly deep.

The office building of the rescue team is a bit like a Gui building, but it is an all-wood structure, and it is alive. Many buds grow from the building, extend around, and finally wrap around the pillars of the sewer!

Countless vines fell from the pillars to the ground, and were covered with red fruits that exuded a sweet smell.

Although the sewers have become cleaner, the air was actually very stuffy before, but now the air here is particularly fresh and refreshing.

Zhang Ping followed Su Jingyao into the office building and found that the place had been arranged.

Different departments are on different floors, and they are also equipped with luminous plants to make the light in the house softer. Unlike the light in the sewer, it is the type that remains unchanged and even becomes a bit depressing after a long time.

Zhang Ping followed Su Jingyao, listening to Su Jingyao's introduction as he walked, and finally the two of them reached the highest floor.

"This is the captain's office, and the rooms next to it are the rooms where our assistants usually work, as well as the gym, recreation room, and a rest room if you are tired." Su Jingyao led Zhang Ping and said as they walked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "It's pretty good."

He walked into the lounge and found that the bed had been covered with quilts. He simply lay on the bed and said with a smile: "It's so comfortable. I'll sleep here from now on."

"In fact, there are dormitories, but they are still under construction. The highest-level dormitories are better than any houses in Pearl City. Only if the contribution is large enough

Only people are eligible to move in. "Su Jingyao said with a smile.

It doesn't matter if there are few people now. In the future, if there are more people, there will definitely be special dormitories. The dormitories will even need to be divided into levels. The higher the level of dormitories, not only will they be more spacious but also more comfortable.

Otherwise, how to motivate other members of the rescue team cannot always rely on ideals and passion.

The rescue team was indeed established to save humanity in despair across the world, but while working hard, the material conditions must keep up. Zhang Ping never thought of letting everyone suffer together. If he has enough financial resources, he must make use of them. .

At this time, Zhang Ping stood up and walked to the window. Looking out of the window, he could see Ye Changchun in the distance.

Ye Changchun is controlling the growth of trees, gradually turning them into the shapes everyone wants.

The buildings in the rescue team were actually built with the help of Ye Changchun, but the details needed to be modified slowly by Zhang Shouzhong and others.

"I'll go over and take a look!"

Zhang Ping told Su Jingyao, then flew out of the window and quickly arrived at where Ye Changchun and the others were.

The scenery here is also good. As long as you don't look up, you will be surrounded by green water and lush vegetation.

"Yes, yes, a little further to the left, thank you grandpa." Zhang Shouzhong looked up and shouted to Ye Changchun.

Ye Changchun smiled and controlled the growth of the trees, and gradually the tree house became symmetrical. From the perspective of obsessive-compulsive disorder, this house looked very comfortable.

"Is this the dormitory?" Zhang Ping stepped forward and asked.

Zhang Shouzhong glanced at Zhang Ping and asked with a smile: "Did you catch a fish? Are you still using the old method?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I definitely didn't use the old method this time. If you don't believe me, ask Jingyao. She was there at the time and watched me catch the fish. The swordfish weighed half a ton and tasted super good!" Zhang Ping immediately He stood up proudly and said proudly.

Zhang Shouzhong said suspiciously: "You didn't cheat. What if Su Jingyao helped you cheat?"

"No, absolutely not. Jingyao's ability is also telepathy. If she uses telepathy next to me, I will definitely be able to detect it. Don't be suspicious!" Zhang Ping retorted.

He looked at the dormitory and asked, "Don't talk about my fishing. This is the dormitory from now on?"

"Yes, it's just one of the communities. If a member of the rescue team gets married, the couple can move in. If you are single, you can still live in a dormitory." Zhang Shouzhong explained.

Of course, these houses are definitely not given away directly, and members need to make contributions to redeem them.

Members of the rescue team are paid, and the more worlds they are exposed to, the higher their wages will be in the future, the benefits will be better, and they can even travel to different worlds easily.

It can be said that although joining the rescue team may encounter danger, it is definitely superior to any force in Pearl City.

Zhang Ping asked curiously: "Have you recruited anyone now?"

During this period, he also made a lot of contract gems and gave them to Zhang Shouzhong and the others. If they meet someone who is suitable and willing to join the rescue team, Zhang Shouzhong and the others can decide to recruit them. As long as the other party eats the contract gems, it is equivalent to officially joining. Rescue Team.

"Sisi has recruited someone, but I haven't found a suitable person yet." Zhang Shouzhong said a little helplessly.

Zhang Ping was surprised and asked, "Who did Sister Sisi recruit? Manny?"

He knew that Liu Sishan and Manny had a very good relationship in the cleaning team, and the two had always been in contact.

"It's not Manny, but a boy named Zhong Zhicheng." Zhang Shouzhong replied.

Zhang Ping was a little curious, so he asked where Liu Sishan had gone, and he went to find Liu Sishan to see what the new member was like.


He admitted that he was a little jealous.

Although he often said in the space inside the Great Sun Boundary Needle that he wanted to marry Su Jingyao, to flirt with Liu Sishan, and to have Cheng Xuejie as his girlfriend, in fact, it was just talk.

He also realized that he was a little fickle.

He wanted Su Jingyao, but he couldn't let go of Liu Sishan, and even had some ideas about Cheng Xuejie.

The problem is that because there are more women than men in this world, some people are indeed polygamous, but awakened people are more monogamous.

Awakened people have extremely high requirements for the soul.

Monogamy is a balance of yin and yang, and it is not easy to get lost and sink. But if it is polygamy, then when the yin and yang are unbalanced, it is easy to get lost psychologically, and even sink in the end.

This is the lesson learned by countless ancestors in Mingzhu City with blood!

Of course, Zhang Ping is not worried about this, but because the awakened people in Mingzhu City are all monogamous, Su Jingyao and others will definitely not accept Zhang Ping's love for everyone he meets, so Zhang Ping really doesn't know how to choose.

In the end, Zhang Ping decided that women would only affect his speed of drawing the sword, so he simply didn't want them!

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