I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [337] Go to the next world!

A few minutes later, Zhang Ping saw Liu Sishan saying this to two teenagers who looked exactly the same. The two teenagers stood upright, nodding constantly, with light in their eyes.

These are two young people with ideals!

Zhang Ping made a judgment, and then used the identification technique on the two teenagers from a distance:

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhong Zhicheng]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 92】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

【Level: 8】


[United as one: Within a range of 10,000 meters, for each additional self, the physical quality will be doubled, the life span will be doubled, and the chance of resurrection will be increased after death. 】

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhong Zhicheng]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 92】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

[Level: 7]


[United as one: Within a range of 10,000 meters, for each additional self, the physical quality will be doubled, the life span will be doubled, and the chance of resurrection will be increased after death. 】

Zhang Ping wiped his eyes and then looked up at the two Zhong Zhicheng in surprise.

There is no doubt that these two Zhong Zhicheng must come from different parallel worlds. Their abilities are exactly the same, but one of them is one level lower.

"Sister Sisi, is he your new team member?" Zhang Ping stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Who knew that before Liu Sishan could speak, two Zhong Zhicheng said in unison: "Senior, my name is Zhong Zhicheng. Although I have just been promoted from useless level to convenience level, I will work hard to save the suffering human beings in the world, and I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life." life!"

"Very good, very impressive!" Zhang Ping smiled reluctantly with a slight sweat on his forehead.

This young man seemed to be a little stubborn, and his eyes were so hot that he, the founder, felt a little ashamed of himself.

Zhang Ping chatted with Liu Sishan and Zhong Zhicheng for a few words, and then found an excuse to sneak away. The main reason was that Zhong Zhicheng was too enthusiastic, as if he couldn't wait to prove himself with his life.

He understood Zhong Zhicheng's mood. After all, he was originally just useless. Because of the emergence of the rescue team, not only did he have

He has found a place to stay, and his abilities are also likely to continue to improve. As long as he comes into contact with enough parallel worlds and finds enough 'selves', his abilities can be continuously strengthened, and in the future he will not even be weaker than a protector-level ability user.

If it were him, he would be more enthusiastic than Zhong Zhicheng.

Back on the top floor of the office building, Su Jingyao was processing documents. Zhang Ping walked into the assistant's office, looked at the thick documents, and asked curiously: "Is there so much going on now?"

"Well, although we only control one Pearl City at present, there are many problems that we need to deal with. In addition, in a few days, the people from the investigation team should return to the city. You may need to suppress them and let them They obey our command!" Su Jingyao nodded.

In fact, she has been very busy during this period, almost running between the rescue team and Pearl City. However, no matter how busy she is, she will always find time to take care of Zhang Ping and find opportunities to spend more time with Zhang Ping.

"Don't worry, I know all the people in the investigation team. There are only two people who need to pay attention, one is Shi Jun and the other is Bai Yating. Bai Yating shouldn't make things difficult for us. What Shi Jun said... is a piece of cake!" Zhang Ping listened to Su Jingyao. If so, he couldn’t help but laugh.

During this period, I don’t know what happened to the investigation team in World Zero.

World Zero is now too calm, giving people a feeling of tranquility before the storm. The Pearl City controlled by Zhang Ping and his rescue team is more interesting. It is calm on the surface, but secretly there is an undercurrent surging. There are many people looking for Zhang Ping. flat.

At present, the situation in World Zero has gradually become clear. Zhu Chengmian killed his biological father Zhu Taihao and forcibly ascended to the position of the head of the Zhu family. If he wants to establish his own prestige, he will definitely take action against Pearl City, and even find a way to deal with Situ Shibai. .

In World No. 3, Zhu Chengmian died together with Situ Shibai.

Although Tian Changhu helped, it was enough to show how terrifying Zhu Chengmian was, so Zhang Ping decided to continue playing the dead man in World Zero and would not appear until the critical moment.

The current situation in World No. 3 is a bit wrong. Although many people are looking for him, it is a bunch of small characters who issue orders.

Zhang Ping can be sure that something big will happen in World No. 3.

The problem is that although they control Pearl City, they are severely short of manpower, so they cannot get more detailed information at all. For the time being, they can only let the situation continue to ferment.

"Maybe, I should find a way to go to a new parallel world!" Zhang Ping took back his thoughts and thought

Li couldn't help but think to himself.

Then he did not disturb Su Jingyao's work. After leaving the assistant's office, he first made a large number of contract gems, Chu Deeds, and Wu Deeds in the lounge.

With his current physical and mental strength, he can already produce a large number of contract gems and other gems. Each time he makes hundreds of them at one go, and now the storage capacity of various gems in the sewers has reached tens of thousands.

These gems, as well as the contract gems he used to seize the ability with the linker, are all stored in the storage room of the office building. All use requires conscious registration.

In the future, when there are more people in the rescue team, the storage room will definitely need dedicated personnel to take charge of recording.

Zhang Ping took a nap in the lounge and put all the gems in the storage room when he woke up.

Then he left the office building, opened the sewer manhole cover directly outside, and instantly appeared on the black earth.

"This place is really unpleasant!"

Zhang Ping looked around, and after confirming that there were no monsters, he immediately flew to high altitude and released the dark mist in his body with all his strength to attract the King of Dark Mist.

The last time he arrived in the parallel world by chance, the passage was opened with the help of the King of Mist. Now that he wants to go to a new parallel world, he naturally needs the help of the King of Mist to open the passage first.

The problem is that Zhang Ping actually has no way to contact the King of Mist, and the King of Mist found him last time.

"I don't know if it's useful. If the King of Dark Mist doesn't appear, how can I go to other worlds?" He controlled the Dark Mist to form a huge arm above his head and waved it constantly, while thinking in his mind.

What if the rescue team is ready, but he is unable to go to other parallel worlds...

This society must die!

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva, and the next moment he waved the palm of the dark mist harder, diluting part of the dark mist into a mist, and spreading it around.

Time passed little by little.

Zhang Ping's expectations gradually turned into disappointment. At the same time, his mind was filled with images of society's death.

Of course, in fact, social death is nothing. The most important thing is that he can't go to the parallel world, and naturally he can't save anyone. Can he only run back and forth between the two worlds in the future?

When he was about to stop his hand, a flash of black suddenly appeared in the distance, and then the black color quickly grew in size and turned into a huge claw falling down.

The King of Mist looked down at Zhang Ping with his panda face and asked, "Is something wrong?"

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