I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [338] Zuo Xiangming's Counterattack

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Zhang Ping looked up at the panda face of the King of Dark Mist, narrowed his eyes, and said hello with a smile.

He found that the King of Mist's emotions were always in a calm state, giving people a sense of calm at all times.

But after getting familiar with it, you will find that the King of Mist is actually a bit dull and very forgetful.

After Zhang Ping explained his intention, the King of Mist simply opened a passage and said: "Other worlds!"

If you want to send Zhang Ping back to the world where Zhang Pingyuan came from, you still need to take Zhang Ping a long way. But if you want to send Zhang Ping to another world, and there is no requirement to which other world, it will be much simpler.

"Thank you. Is there anything you want? I can bring it to you next time!" Zhang Ping glanced at the passage and then asked.

The King of Dark Fog shook his head to express no, and then motioned to Zhang Ping to quickly enter the passage.

"Okay, bye then!"

Seeing this, Zhang Ping had no choice but to nod, and then jumped into the passage.

He fell rapidly in the passage, and suddenly the eyes of Dragon Master behind him glowed red. A black protective film quickly unfolded from Zhang Ping's head, wrapping Zhang Ping in a blink of an eye, forming a black sphere.

Then the black sphere hit a piece of space debris, causing ripples in the black sphere, and finally crushed the space debris directly.

Then, the black sphere quickly fell towards the exit.

Pearl City.

Countless zombies are repairing the city walls, turning the entire city into a zombie fortress.

Some weak corpses were hung on the city wall, forming a layer of corpse walls. Any creature that wanted to climb up the city wall needed to deal with these corpses first.

There is no doubt that this city has been captured by living corpses, and there are no survivors left.

And all this stems from one person's thought a few months ago!

In a forest a few kilometers away from Pearl City, Chen Weihua ran quickly, using the trees as cover, hoping to get rid of the living corpses following closely behind.

She didn't expect that she would be so unlucky. She just went out to pick some fruits and met a living corpse.

What's even more disgusting is that these living corpses are not wandering in the woods, but hanging themselves on a leafy tree and using the leaves to hide themselves.

As she approached, the living corpse suddenly fell from the tree.

Although she reacted very quickly and immediately turned around and ran away, the living corpse had already locked onto her and was following her.

Her physical strength was almost exhausted, and hunger made her dizzy. The more she ran, the more desperate she became. She really didn't want to die, especially after she died, she would turn into a disgusting living corpse.

She had discovered before that there were many female living corpses who would often become ragged or even lose their clothes completely during activities.

"I don't want to die, I want to live!"

When Chen Weihua thought that she would strip naked after becoming a living corpse, she immediately clenched her gums, squeezed her body and continued running.

But the next moment, a living corpse suddenly fell from the tree not far away...

"It's over!"

Chen Weihua was desperate when she saw this scene.

There were living corpses in front of her and living corpses behind her, and she knew she couldn't escape.

At the moment of despair, her energy dissipated, and she suddenly fell down weakly. She could only watch helplessly as the living corpse approached.

She really didn't want to die, but what could she do?

Although she is a high-level awakened person and has stronger physical strength than ordinary people, the problem is that her ability is only a mere knowledge and memory, and she has no direct combat ability at all.

If the enemy were ordinary humans, she might be able to fight with her skills, but facing these living corpses who were awakened people during their lifetimes, she didn't even have a one-ten-thousandth chance of winning.

The two living corpses looked at Chen Weihua on the ground with cloudy eyes, and then quickly rushed to Chen Weihua.

Zuo Xiangming's order was to turn all humans encountered in the wild into living corpses, so after they approached Chen Weihua, they immediately stretched out their hands, preparing to leave a scratch on Chen Weihua's face.

In just one click, Chen Weihua will naturally transform from a living person into a living corpse after being infected with the corpse poison.

But at this moment, a big black ball suddenly fell from the sky. The living corpse felt the danger and immediately instinctively retreated. The big black ball fell straight down, and the landing point was exactly where Chen Weihua was sitting paralyzed.

Although these living corpses have no self, they still retain the fighting habits of their lives. Therefore, they retreated and retreated under the pressure of the big black ball without daring to act rashly.

When Chen Weihua saw the big black ball falling toward her, she immediately wanted to get up and run away, but she was unable to get up because her legs were weak.

In an instant, the black ball hit her head.

She could only cover her head with her hands, close her eyes and wait for death.


For a moment, she realized she was still alive.

She slowly opened her eyes, and then she found that the black ball was floating above her head and did not really hit her.

Suddenly, the black ball rippled, and then starting from the bottom, the black curtain spread quickly.


So...are we at the station? "

Zhang Ping opened his eyes and saw Chen Weihua, and then saw the living corpses surrounding him from both sides.

What plot is this?

Zhang Ping blinked, and the next moment the living corpse attacked again.

Zhang Ping originally thought that Dragon Dragon Master would attack the living corpse, but when the living corpse ran in front of him, Dragon Dragon Master did not show any sign, so he quickly used his telekinesis to immobilize the living corpse.

Then a living corpse rushed behind him and was frozen in mid-air by him.

Everything happened so fast that it was dizzying.

After all the living corpses were controlled, Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua and asked, "Hello, can you tell me what happened here?"

Although he knew Chen Weihua in World Zero, Chen Weihua in this world definitely didn't know him, so after thinking about it, it was better to pretend that he didn't know him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Weihua came back to her senses, suddenly stood up and hugged him, her body was shaking constantly, and there were faint sounds of crying.

"It seems...human beings in this world are not having an easy life!" Zhang Ping gently patted Chen Weihua's back with one hand, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Although Chen Weihua's ability is not a combat ability, because she has a lot of information, she will not easily put herself in a desperate situation.

Judging from the current situation, if he hadn't suddenly appeared, Chen Weihua would have been transformed into a living corpse.

A shrewd woman like Chen Weihua is like this. You can imagine how bad the situation in Pearl City is.

"It seems that the world needs rescue teams very much!"

Zhang Ping thought silently in his heart. The next moment he thought, the body of the living corpse he had immobilized was compressed into a small ball. If the living corpse can be resurrected like this, then they are considered awesome.


Chen Weihua finally recovered. She let go of Zhang Ping's clothes and said gratefully.

God knows how desperate she was just now, she really thought she was dead.

"My name is Zhang Ping, what's yours?" Zhang Ping said with a slight smile.

Chen Weihua introduced herself: "My name is Chen Weihua."

"This is not the place to talk. Let's find a safe place first and then talk in detail." Zhang Ping tossed the small ball compressed into a living corpse and continued.

Chen Weihua agreed: "I know where there is a safe place, come with me."

The two talked quietly as they walked. Zhang Ping did not reveal his identity immediately, but said that he was an adventurer from another city.

Under his questioning, Chen Weihua immediately told all about the situation in Pearl City.

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