I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [339] City of Zombies

I have to say that Chen Weihua does have her own strengths.

She controls a large amount of information in Pearl City, and can restore the truth through clues.

Although she was unable to prevent the disaster at the moment when the zombies attacked the city, she used the intelligence she had and some information she obtained afterwards to deduce why the Pearl City fell.

Because of the threat of corpse-eating dogs, Pearl City has always implemented cremation, so if Zuo Xiangming wanted to get the body, he could only steal the body through the family members to commemorate that period.

Some time ago, more than ten corpses were stolen in Pearl City, and the problem arose with those ten corpses.

Zuo Xiangming must have obtained a rather remarkable corpse, so his strength was greatly improved, and this was the scene where the living corpses captured Pearl City.

"It's a pity that I didn't pay too much attention to who those corpses were, otherwise I could know what abilities Zuo Xiangming had obtained through the data in his brain." Chen Weihua said as she walked.

There are always missing bodies in Pearl City.

As far as Chen Weihua knows, these missing corpses generally go to three places. One is the secret laboratory of some business alliances, the other is the secret room of some awakened people, and the third is being secretly transported outside the city by external forces.

Because this situation is relatively common, Chen Weihua doesn't take it to heart.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "Didn't anyone come out to stop Zuo Xiangming?"

"Of course there is. On the day Zuo Xiangming attacked the city, many strong men took action, but they all died in Zuo Xiangming's hands. The four kings under him were too strong!" Chen Weihua replied.

Zhang Ping still felt strange. With Situ Shibai's strength, couldn't he suppress Zuo Xiangming?

And is there no Tianchang Fox in this world?

He wouldn't be used to it if Tian Changhu didn't show up!

Zhang Ping felt that there must be something wrong with the world. It was best not to act rashly now and wait until the investigation was clear before making a decision.

After all, Zuo Xiang Mingdu rules the Pearl City. Will the Beast Controlling Zhu Family and Li Aoxue really remain indifferent?


Chen Weihua took Zhang Ping into a cave with a very hidden entrance.

"Okay, I have been hiding here these days. It is relatively safe for the time being." Chen Weihua sat on the hay floor and said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping sits cross-legged with Chen Weihua

On the other side, he asked: "How many survivors are there in Pearl City?"

"I don't know. Many people escaped in the end, but I felt that following them was too big a target, so I separated from them midway." Chen Weihua replied.

Zuo Xiangming would definitely not let those people go, and she didn't know how many people would survive in the end.

At this time, Chen Weihua heard a sound from her stomach. Zhang Ping immediately took out some barbecued meat from his belt and said with a smile: "I only have barbecued meat here, don't dislike it!"

"Thank you, I haven't eaten decent food for several days." Chen Weihua took the barbecue without ceremony and said gratefully.

Zhang Ping also took out a few pieces of meat to eat with her, and then simply spread his mental power around, spreading bit by bit to the surroundings.

The sweep of his mind power was basically like a radar. He knew everything wherever he passed.

There are actually many living corpses hidden in this sparse forest. These living corpses all hide themselves in the trees, almost as if they are dead, and cannot even move unless a living person comes close.

If it were a horror movie, it would be really scary if a living corpse suddenly fell from the sky.

After Zhang Ping thought about it, he directly crushed all the living corpses to death and then compressed them into small balls.

After finishing dealing with the living corpses, he gathered his telekinesis and formed a line to sweep in the direction of Pearl City.

Living corpse!

The closer his telekinesis came to Pearl City, the more living corpses he found.

"Could it be that...all the people in the city were turned into living corpses by Zuo Xiangming?"

Zhang Ping's expression gradually became serious, and his eyes contained murderous intent. If Zuo Xiangming really dared to do this, he would never let Zuo Xiangming go.

His telepathy soon extended to Pearl City. When his telepathy scanned the living corpses hanging on the city walls, he already knew the answer. However, he continued to go deeper and found that the living corpses in Pearl City were not only human beings, but also various kinds of corpses. Alien beast, Tianchang fox.

Although Changhu is still attached to human skin these days, all of them have been infected and turned into living corpses. Under the control of Zuo Xiangming, they are transporting various corpses.

The entire Pearl City is full of corpses, including those of humans, alien beasts, and marine people...

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and continued to control the power of his mind to spread in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. As expected, Zuo Xiangming's palace was in the garden behind the City Lord's Mansion, and Zuo Xiangming himself was not in the palace. After looking around, Zhang Ping discovered that Zuo Xiangming's palace was in the garden behind the City Lord's Mansion. Xiang Ming is actually at Mingzhu Ability Academy,

And there was a row of living corpses standing next to him.

"Jingyao, Prince Yue, King Moon...and...my corpse?" Zhang Ping's eyes suddenly widened as he scanned these living corpses.

The body of Zhang Ping in this world was not cremated, but still fell into the hands of Zuo Xiangming! ! !

Could it be that Zuo Xiangming's strength increased dramatically because he obtained Zhang Ping's body in this world?

The next moment, Zhang Ping immediately used his telekinesis to grab the body of 'Zhang Ping', and simply crushed 'Zhang Ping's' head. The next moment, his body was compressed into a small ball by his telekinesis and thrown towards the mountains in the distance.

On the playground, Zuo Xiangming reacted quickly and immediately escaped under the cover of the living corpses, but since Zhang Ping had taken action, he would not let him go.

Several kilometers apart, Zhang Ping's telepathy was still strong.

He first crushed the bodies of Prince Moon and King Moon to explosion, then gritted his teeth and crushed Su Jingyao's corpse to explosion, and then began to crush the corpses around him indiscriminately.

"Damn it, form a formation!"

Zuo Xiangming's body was also constantly pinched, but he couldn't kill them before all the zombies were killed, so he roared hoarsely after noticing that the number of zombies was rapidly decreasing.

A large number of zombies quickly gathered and formed a human wall around Zuo Xiangming. At the same time, the translucent blue shield opened, forming a semicircular blue shield under the superposition of countless abilities.

Zhang Ping tried to attack the shield with telekinesis, but found that the shield was slippery and his telekinesis had nowhere to go.

"Zuo Xiangming now controls too many zombies. If you want to kill Zuo Xiangming, it is basically equivalent to killing all the awakened people in Mingzhu City. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to achieve this goal alone." Zhang Ping saw that things were impossible, so his telekinesis spread to other directions and gave up attacking Zuo Xiangming.

In fact, Zuo Xiangming did think about counterattack.

The problem is that the enemy doesn't know where they are at all. The reconnaissance zombies he placed in all directions of Mingzhu City did not respond, which means that the attackers either have a very strong ability to hide or have a very long attack distance.

In either case, he had to find the other party's body to have a chance to kill him.

"It seems that the other party has discovered my secret. We must speed up the pace of the attack and take down Li Aoxue's forces first!" Zuo Xiangming waited for a while and saw that the attack had stopped, so he let all the zombies disperse.

He narrowed his eyes and decided to ignore the sneak attacker for the time being. Anyway, time is on his side now!

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