I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [341] Destroy the city with one strike

When Dragon Dragon Master showed his presence, Qiu Qiang and the others suddenly felt tremendous pressure.

"Are you sure you have..."

Qiu Qiang took a deep breath, lowered his posture and was about to ask Zhang Ping how confident he was. Before he could finish speaking, Dragon Dragon Master suddenly moved.

This is not Zhang Ping controlling it.

In fact, the most Zhang Ping can do is let it show his presence, and there is no way to control its actions.

Zhang Ping felt bad whenever Dragon Dragon Master moved.

Without waiting for him to stop him, Dragon Dragon Master slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of Pearl City. When it opened its mouth, Qiu Qiang and others all fell down in unison without Zhang Ping's reminder.

The next second, a ray of red light shot out from Dragon Dragon Master's mouth, and everything in its path was wiped out.

Moreover, the red light it sprays is scattering light. It is only more than ten centimeters at first, but the further it goes, the wider it spreads.

Pearl City.

Zuo Xiangming is arranging the latest deployment.

He has placed a living corpse on the four walls of Pearl City that can withstand telekinesis. The next time the sneak attacker comes and wants to enter Pearl City with telekinesis, he will definitely disturb these four zombies first.

Although with the attacker's level of telepathy, these four living corpses would definitely not be able to stop each other, but they could serve as a warning.

No matter which direction the opponent attacks from, he will react quickly.

"Little thief, you'd better not let me find your location!"

Zuo Xiangming slowly walked towards the city lord's palace surrounded by several living corpses, thinking darkly in his heart.

If he can catch the sneak attacker, he will not let the other party die so easily, but will let the other party experience the feeling of life being worse than death. Finally, he will transform the other party into a living corpse bit by bit and serve as his bull and horse for eternity!

Just as he was thinking about the eighteen kinds of torture, Zuo Xiangming suddenly felt something was wrong. He suddenly raised his head and looked outside the city. The sky outside the city was filled with red light, like the sun falling outside the city.

not good!

Zuo Xiangming's expression suddenly changed, but the next second the city wall was reduced to ashes, and then a terrifying light swept across the entire Pearl City, turning everything in its path into ashes.

There is no doubt that Zuo Xiangming became the only survivor in the red light.

As long as there are still living corpses that are not dead, he can use other living corpses to replace the dead. But the more this happens, the more desperate he becomes, because the entire Pearl City has

It was reduced to ashes, and only he was left alive.

The living zombies in the wild are dying at an extremely fast speed. When all the living zombies are dead, he will die too!

"I will never die in a place like this!!!"

Zuo Xiangming struggled wildly, his small body moving in the huge red light. Finally, his face suddenly changed, and he only had time to let out one last scream, and his body turned into ashes.

Although Zuo Xiangming hid many living corpses outside the city, he completely underestimated the power of Dragon Dragon Master and used those living corpses to die for him. Each living corpse could only withstand damage for him for 0.0001 seconds at most. No matter how powerful it was, The living corpses do not last longer than 0.0002 seconds. You can imagine how quickly these living corpses are consumed.

Unless he could teleport out of the red light's attack range, he would only be able to survive for a few more minutes at most.

On the other side, Dragon Dragon Master stopped attacking. It closed its mouth and slowly returned behind Zhang Ping. Its eyes began to dim.

Everyone was stunned at the huge dent in the ground at this moment. The burning smell exuded in the hot air, irritating everyone's nerves.

Qiu Qiang took a while to react and stammered: "Where...is that...Pearl City?"

"Pearl City... is gone?" the woman behind Qiu Qiang said in a trembling voice.

Zhang Ping knew that Dragon Dragon Master was very strong. After all, Dragon Dragon Master's previous attacks were very exaggerated.

But this time was definitely the most exaggerated one by Dragon Dragon Master. He launched an attack on Pearl City from his position and directly wiped Pearl City off the ground. This was too terrifying.

"It seems like I went a little too far, sorry!"

Zhang Ping came back to his senses and could only bear everything. After all, Dragon Dragon Master was his, and he was naturally responsible for the consequences caused by Dragon Dragon Master.


What can Qiu Qiang and others say?

Of course only forgiveness remains.

After all, the strength that Zhang Ping showed was beyond the reach of small characters like them.

Zhang Ping sighed, knowing that everyone dared not speak out even if they dared to get angry, so he promised: "Don't worry, I will rebuild Pearl City later. What you need to do now is to get all the survivors first..."

Before he could finish speaking, a black screen suddenly appeared on his left, and then dense rays of light hit the black screen from a distance, all of which were blocked by the black screen.

The originally dull eyes of Dragon Dragon Master once again glowed red.

of light.

A golden light flashed.

Situ Shibai appeared on a rock next to Zhang Ping, glared at Zhang Ping from a high position, gritted his teeth and said: "Little beast, how dare you destroy my Pearl City!!!"

"I'm sorry, but I can guarantee that there was no one alive in Mingzhu City at that time. No... there was no one alive except Zuo Xiangming!" Zhang Ping apologized quickly when he saw Situ Shibai.

But if an apology is useful, why do you need strength?

Situ Shibai's face was distorted, and a terrifying black energy appeared behind him. This black energy slowly opened his eyes and screamed hoarsely: "Destroy my Pearl City, spoil my big things, I want you to die!"

In an instant, lightsabers appeared in the sky, and in the next moment, swords rained down!

Chanlongzun opened his mouth and shot a beam of light directly at Situ Shibai's position, but Situ Shibai flashed away directly, and the beam blasted a mountain in the distance, and then Chanlongzun swept to the other side, and Situ Shibai easily avoided it again.

Zhang Ping did not participate in the battle, but controlled the dark fog to form fog balls to protect Chen Weihua, Qiu Qiang and others.

He pressed the ground and directly opened the manhole cover, threw these people into the sewer, and then quickly closed the manhole cover.

After doing all this, the whole mountain stream was devastated.

"This old man Situ seems to be a little bit wrong. His ability carries a sense of evil, and he is completely not as upright as the captain Situ I know."

"Could it be... the biggest problem in this world is with him?"

Zhang Ping looked up and quickly found Situ Shibai sitting on the light ball, and couldn't help but guess in his heart.

Because Situ Shibai himself has the ability to shield identification, he can only guess according to past experience, and he doesn't know what happened to Situ Shibai.

After the lightsaber attack, Situ Shibai raised his hand, and dense balls of light appeared.

"Little beast, die!"

The energy behind Situ Shibai screamed, and the overwhelming balls of light hit Zhang Ping.

However, Zhang Ping was a small target, so these balls of light would inevitably move to a point below during the movement, and eventually gather together.

When these balls of light gathered into a larger ball of light, Chanlong Zun directly blew up the ball of light with one shot, and the beam of light went straight through the sky.

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