I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [342] Suppression

From a cosmic perspective, every planet is extremely small.

The energy controlled by humans is nothing at all.

Even the energy of a star is only a drop in the ocean from the perspective of the entire universe.

Although Situ Shibai is powerful, the energy accumulated by all his abilities is at best similar to that of a Big Ivan, although he is more durable and stable than the Big Ivan.

The energy that Dragon Dragon Master can utilize is provided by countless stars, and a full attack can even reach the level of exploding stars. The energy levels of the two sides are too different.

No matter what abilities Situ Shibai uses next, Dragon Dragon Master will deal with them all with one shot.

However, Situ Shibai also has an advantage, that is, he is extremely mobile. No matter how many times Dragon Dragon Master shoots the beam, he can dodge and avoid the attack. No one on either side can do anything to the other.

It's not that Zhang Ping doesn't want to intervene in the battle between the two sides.

The problem is that he can't keep up.

The attacks launched by Situ Shibai were all at the speed of light, and his movements directly used space capabilities, which were even faster than the speed of light.

As soon as he thought about it, Situ Shibai appeared in another location. As soon as he changed his mind, he ran away again.

Therefore, for five minutes of fighting between the two sides, Zhang Ping had no chance to intervene. It was just Dragon Master Mao and Situ Shibai who were fighting each other.

"I'm still too weak."

Zhang Ping stood there, no matter what angle the beam of light shot at him, it was all blocked by the black screen.

He even had time to reflect on himself.

It turns out that Situ Shibai's strength is so terrifying.

If it weren't for Dragon Dragon Lord, he would definitely not be Situ Shibai's opponent. Even if the Gold Swallower was at its peak, he could transform into a thousand-meter giant, and he would probably be just a relatively big target in front of Situ Shibai.

Situ Shibai had almost no weaknesses in a head-to-head confrontation. The only way to deal with him was to be faster and stronger than him.

At this moment, Situ Shibai also felt in trouble. He actually used many attack methods. The light element attack on the surface was just a cover, and his real attack was invisible and traceless.

Fate line manipulation, space cutting, time exile, 10,000 times gravity field, atomic disintegration, quantum strike...

Situ Shibai tried all kinds of abilities, but was blocked by Longmao Zun in an understatement. The whole process was uneventful.

"Damn, damn, damn, how could this little beast block all my attacks?" Situ Shibai avoided the passing light cannon.

, the mood gradually became violent.

Suddenly, his countless abilities sounded a danger alarm, the eyes of the dragon-producing group emitted bright red light, and a huge black screen suddenly appeared in the sky, and at the same time, a black screen also appeared in front of the Dragon Lord's mouth.

When Dragon Dragon Master fired a beam of light at the black curtain, the black curtain in the sky immediately shot out dense beams of light. Countless beams of light bombarded the ground and began to move at the same time, forming an airtight beam network.

Seeing this scene, Situ Shibai ran away without saying a word, but as soon as he teleported a thousand meters away, he bumped into invisible energy. He looked at Zhang Ping in disbelief, and then beams of light fell on him. His skin melted away in an instant, and then his bones disappeared little by little in the beam of light.

Until his death, he never thought that Dragon Lord was just teasing him. In fact, he had been secretly setting up a dragnet to make him have nowhere to escape.

Next, Situ Shibai was reborn in the void again, but was hit by a beam of light again, and his body was destroyed before he could be resurrected.

Zhang Ping remembered that Situ Shibai said that it would take about a year to completely kill him.

"Do I have to wait here for a year?"

Zhang Ping was a little troubled. One year was not actually a long time. The question was, should he really kill Situ Shibai?

He actually hasn't figured out the situation yet. Situ Shibai wanted to kill him because Pearl City was destroyed, but why didn't Situ Shibai stop Zuo Xiangming before?

Judging from Situ Shibai's current strength, Zuo Xiangming is no match for Situ Shibai.

As long as Situ Shibai is willing to take action, Pearl City will never fall.

There were too many contradictions that Zhang Ping couldn't understand, so he wanted to understand the situation before making a decision, but Situ Shibai obviously couldn't communicate with him.


Zhang Ping watched Situ Shibai dying and finally let out a long sigh.

It's too late to say anything now.

Zhang Ping could only slowly investigate the truth of the matter afterwards.

If he made a mistake, he would take responsibility for his mistake. If Situ Shibai did have a problem, then Situ Shibai in other worlds would be very suspicious.

"I hope I'm not overthinking everything."

Zhang Ping used his mind power to lift himself up, sat cross-legged in the air and simply started meditating.

He was not going to open the sewer, nor was he going to interfere with Dragon Master Guo's actions. Situ Shibai's ability was very terrifying. It would be bad if he opened the sewer channel and the other party escaped.

Moon King Ke

To easily crush Situ Shibai, that's because the Moon King's ability is exactly the type that Situ Shibai is not immune to. Zhang Ping does not have this ability, so every time Situ Shibai is resurrected, he will definitely resist, even if he is killed the next second. Zhang Ping couldn't guarantee whether Situ Shibai would be able to escape even though Dragon Master Guo was killing him.

Therefore, his best choice was to do nothing and wait for Situ Shi to run out of oil.















"It's over!"


Situ Shibai was reborn again and again, and was killed again and again. Then he realized that Zhang Ping would always be like this, so every time he was resurrected, he tried to speak immediately.

So he spoke a complete sentence intermittently.

But Zhang Ping just wanted to laugh about it.

Because he was a little bored, he picked up a pebble on the ground with his telekinesis and asked, "Little Stone, do you think he can kill me?"

"Aba Aba..." Little Stone did not answer, but just made meaningless sounds.

Zhang Ping's communication with all things is indeed very useful, but the premise is that the other party is willing to communicate with him. He can ask all living things and dead things, but it does not mean that he will answer all questions.

For example, the corpses of Zuo Xiangming often make meaningless sounds after death, and you can't ask anything.

Of course, there are many different people.

In fact, as long as Zhang Ping is patient and asks more corpses, maybe some corpses will be willing to answer his questions.

Zhang Ping threw the stone away, then picked up another stone and asked, "Little Stone, do you think he can kill me?"

"Are you asking me?" Little Stone asked doubtfully.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up, and he finally picked up a better stone. He nodded and said, "Yes, I'm asking you."

"What are you asking me?" Little Stone asked curiously.

Zhang Ping patiently repeated, "I'm asking, Little Stone, do you think he can kill me?"

"You ask me such a profound question, how can I know, I'm just a stone!" Little Stone said unhappily.

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