I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [343] Who is he?

That makes sense!

Zhang Ping couldn't refute it at all.

But he actually just wanted to find someone to kill time, so he soon stopped worrying.

He looked at the stone and smiled, "What questions can you answer for me?"

"I'm just a stone, why do you always want me to answer questions? I don't even have a brain!" Little Stone asked back.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up and he smiled, "I think what you said is very reasonable, just like the brilliant insights that only people with great knowledge can say, which shows that you are naturally wise, maybe you are smarter than you think!"

"Really?" Little Stone said happily.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "I never lie!"

"So I'm so smart, then don't talk to me anymore, lest I be infected by your stupidity." Little Stone said proudly.

Zhang Ping then tried to chat with it, but it didn't reply, as if it was really afraid of being affected by it,

"Haha, it's really unique!"

Zhang Ping laughed dryly and then threw the stone aside.

He then gave up the idea of ​​chatting with Shitou, holding his cheek with one hand, watching Situ Shibai constantly dying and coming back to life, the sun in the sky gradually setting, and then the moon slowly rising.

Under the bright moon, many animals came out to look for food.

Zhang Ping used telekinesis to grab a water-eroding bullet rabbit, pulled it directly from a distance to his side, bled it and skinned it skillfully, and then he sprayed a ball of flames and used telekinesis to slowly roast the rabbit meat on the fire.

Gradually, the rabbit meat became golden and shiny, exuding a charming aroma.

It was about 90% cooked, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Zhang Ping was not afraid of the heat, and started to eat a lot, and he finished a rabbit in a few bites.

He simply closed his eyes and floated in the air to rest.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Ping opened his eyes, yawned, and smiled: "The rest is over, so let's do 10,000 push-ups to warm up!"

Although he had to stay here, it didn't mean he couldn't do anything.

In fact, because of his experience in the space inside the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, he felt that he was very free now.

At least he still has a body to exercise, and he can use telekinesis to observe the surrounding situation and catch some animals for a snack.

This is already countless times better than being in the spirit state before.

He fell to the ground, supported the ground with two fingers,

and quickly did push-ups. With his current body, 10,000 push-ups are really just a warm-up.

After doing push-ups, he started to do sit-ups again.

"Sure enough, the exercise effect is almost equal to nothing."

After doing 10,000 sit-ups, Zhang Ping floated in the air with his legs crossed, thinking helplessly.

This ordinary person's exercise method really has no effect on him. He needs a more efficient and better exercise method.

Subconsciously, he thought of Wu Tian from the Qilin Martial Arts Hall. That guy's Qilin Fist is very powerful.

"Alas. It would be great if Wu Tian was here."

Zhang Ping is willing to be a sandbag. No matter how Wu Tian hits, he will never resist.


In fact, there are other ways!

Zhang Ping immediately created a dagger-shaped contract gem, then covered the dagger with dark mist, and simply cut his thigh.


It hurts a bit!

Zhang Ping slowly pulled out the dagger, and the blood quickly repaired the wound, and the wound healed in a blink of an eye.

"The effect... is almost equal to nothing!"

Zhang Ping felt it for a while, and finally sighed helplessly. Sure enough, self-mutilation is useless.

"God, please give me a strong man!"

Zhang Ping was bored, so he simply shouted at the sky, and then he waited for a while and found that no strong man fell down, so he was slightly relieved.

If a strong man really fell down, it would probably be very embarrassing.

Zhang Ping took out a piece of barbecue from his belt, and while eating, he thought about it. This year must not be wasted like this.

The question is what can he do?

Exercise, the effect is very poor.

Then the only thing left is to develop ability.

At present, he has more than 30 abilities, most of which are very low in practice. Only the abilities he often uses are a little better.

He may be able to find a way to improve his practice without training.

In the past, he would worry that his potential would be exhausted, but now he can make more contract gems. As long as he eats contract gems frequently, he doesn't need to worry about the potential at all.

The only thing he needs to consider is how to improve his practice.

He can even get practice without paying his potential!


Pearl City.

Li Aoxue looked at the dents on the ground and took a while to accept the reality.

The city she ambitiously wanted to conquer was directly wiped out by a powerful existence.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Guan Hongying asked in a low voice.

Originally, their strategic goal had always been to occupy Pearl City, use Pearl City as a base camp and radiate to other cities, and finally conquer cities and unify the country.

But now Pearl City is gone.

"For the time being..."

Li Aoxue hesitated to speak, and suddenly she felt a familiar breath.

Although the aura only appeared for a second, she was sure that it was Situ Shibai's aura!

"Situ Shibai, you are such a failure. You can't even protect your own city!"

A cold light flashed in Li Aoxue's eyes, and the next moment she quickly moved towards the location where Situ Shibai's aura appeared.


At the same time.

After knowing that Mingzhu City was destroyed, Zhu Chengmian also appeared near Mingzhu City.

But he was more cautious than Li Aoxue and did not approach Mingzhu City directly.

When he sensed Situ Shibai's breath, like Li Aoxue, he quickly moved to the location where Situ Shibai's breath appeared.

They all needed an answer.

Although Mingzhu City had been destroyed, the land still belonged to humans. If they wanted to rebuild Mingzhu City, they had to first figure out why Mingzhu City was destroyed.

After all, they didn't want to just build a new city and be inexplicably destroyed the next moment.

With the speed of Li Aoxue and Zhu Chengmian, they rushed to Situ Shibai's vicinity in just a few minutes, and then they saw a beam of light blasting Situ Shibai's just condensed body.

When the two saw this scene, they immediately chose to hide, looking at Zhang Ping who was sitting cross-legged in the void, showing a fearful look.

"Who is this person?"

Neither Li Aoxue nor Zhu Chengmian recognized Zhang Ping.

The main reason is that Zhang Ping's current face is actually very different from the original Zhang Ping. The original Zhang Ping died, and his appearance will not change, but he has been growing up, and both his height and temperament are very different from the original Zhang Ping.

If it is an acquaintance like Su Jingyao, maybe he can still recognize him.

But Li Aoxue and Zhu Chengmian are both "big shots", and they have never paid attention to him as a small role in the past, so naturally they don't know his identity.

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