I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [345] Is there such a good thing?

At this moment, Zhang Ping finally enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight.

He was already looking forward to seeing the monsters made of metal viruses looking at him, so he covered his body with a metal coating and waved to all the monsters, signaling them to attack.

There is no doubt that his defiance worked.

In an instant, all the monsters roared and charged, and even the red carpet on the ground spread toward Zhang Ping's location. Then the monster closest to Zhang Ping jumped up suddenly and hit Zhang Ping like a meteorite.

Zhang Ping opened his mouth, and then his teeth were pushed out by the monster's knee. Blood rushed from his nostrils, but the monster was directly sucked into his mouth, and in the blink of an eye, it was transformed into metal elements by the gold swallower.

"Enough, come again!"

His nose and teeth quickly recovered, and he laughed.

Next, endless monsters came and drowned him in an instant, but after a while, with him as the center, a vortex seemed to appear in the red ocean, and the area of ​​the carpet quickly shrank.

Both Zhu Chengmian and Zhu Zhaotian showed solemn expressions.

They had witnessed the tyranny and terror of the metal virus with their own eyes. Although there were no powerful creatures in this area due to the war between Dragon Dragon Master and Situ Shibai, many of the alien beast groups did not leave.

These alienated beast groups are very weak alone, but when acting in groups, even the top alienated beasts must avoid them.

But under the attack of the metal virus, all alienated beasts were transformed into monsters, completely defenseless.

Zhang Ping and Metal Virus, who will be the final winner?

"The metal virus seems to have gotten smaller."

Zhu Zhaotian's one eye narrowed slightly, and he said in a panic.

"It's not like, but... it's really getting smaller."

Zhu Chengmian closed his eyes, rubbed his temples with one hand, and said helplessly.

In this trial, he spent a lot of money, even his dearest son. Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, the metal virus is no match for the mysterious boy.

Next, they watched helplessly as the metal viruses became less and less, and eventually they were all devoured by Zhang Ping.

"So full!"

Zhang Ping finished eating all the metal viruses, wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and said with a smile.

He scanned the distance, but unfortunately he did not find anyone from the Zhu family who controlled the beast.

But he knew that the other party must be hiding in the dark and observing.

"Um...thank you for the food you sent. If there is still more, I hope to have another...no, ten servings. If there is more delicious food, please send it to me!" He shouted with a smile. road.

Although he doesn't know if the people of the Zhu family will listen to him, but now he has regained enough metal elements and can transform into a giant at any time.

Of course, because the metal virus didn't brew long enough, the giant wasn't as big as before.


Suddenly, Zhang Ping felt a new ability within his body.

He immediately tried to activate his ability, and in the blink of an eye a book appeared in his hand. It was a hard cover book with the cover saying: "The Book of Good Karma".

"Safety first, let's see what's going on first."

Zhang Ping originally wanted to open the book and take a look, but he felt uncomfortable putting his hand on the cover. The main reason was that some abilities must be executed once they are activated, and the side effects are particularly serious.

For this inexplicably acquired ability, it would be safer to first look at its attributes.

He immediately used the identification technique on himself and found that he had been upgraded again, from the original level 20 to level 21.

Because he was too physically strong and had just eaten a lot of metal viruses, he didn't even notice that he had upgraded.

Although his attributes will be improved every time he upgrades, in fact, except for large-level upgrades, ordinary small-level upgrades are of very, very little help to him.

Then he continued to look down and found a new ability at the end of his talent:

[Book of Good Karma: Consume physical strength to condense a book of good karma. The book of good karma records the user's good karma value. Consuming the good karma value can permanently activate the summoned beast in the book of good karma, and can consume physical strength and spirit. Power, summon the activated summoned beast to drive. 】

Fortunately, the side effects are not serious.

Zhang Ping turned off the attributes, and then opened the cover of the book of good karma. The first page not only had his mug shot, but also displayed his good karma value below: 14228265.

More than 14 million good karma worth!

Zhang Ping wiped his eyes, a little unbelievable. How could the good karma value be so high after he had just obtained this ability?

He also thought that the calculation of good karma started after gaining the ability.

"The book of good karma can tell me why my good karma is worth so much."

Is there more than 10 million? "He thought for a while, and decided to communicate with the Book of Good Karma for peace of mind.

The Book of Good Karma opened his eyes for a moment and replied: "Because the user has done a lot of good deeds and saved many lives, these 14,228,265 good karma values ​​are all your past." There is no error in the accumulated values.”

"In other words, good karma can be gained by doing good deeds?" Zhang Ping's eyes lit up. He kind of liked this positive energy ability.

The Book of Good Karma replies: “Only the good deeds you subconsciously recognize!”

"What if I modify my subconscious?" Zhang Ping discovered the loophole.

The Book of Good Karma replied: "I don't know, or the user can give it a try."

"Forget it, I don't lack good karma anyway, so it's better not to do anything." Zhang Ping was decisively scared. After all, if you change your subconscious mind, it's easy to turn yourself into a madman.

He turned to the second page, and a white crane stood on the page, as if it could fly out of the book in the next second.

[The white crane that delivers children can be activated by consuming 2000 good karma points. After summoning it, it will bring you good luck! ]

Zhang Ping looked at the explanation of the white crane, and was speechless the next moment. What's the use of this ability for him?

Then he took a deep breath, turned to the third page with a solemn face, and a little bird appeared on the page, seeming to be looking up.

[Gossip Sparrow: It can be activated by consuming 2000 good karma points. After summoning it, it will bring you the latest gossip news. ]


Zhang Ping wanted to complain a little, but he didn't know where to start for a while.

Could it be that the whole book of good karma is a summoned beast of this style?


In fact, he seems to have no shortage of powerful abilities, but rather fewer strange abilities like this.

So, the Book of Good Deeds is not completely useless. At least it makes up for his shortcomings in ability and takes another step towards omnipotence.

His mood suddenly improved, and he turned to the fourth page with a smile. A toad was lying on the page, as if looking at the sky.

[Swallowing Sky Toad: It can consume 2000 good deeds to activate. After summoning it, it will bring you peach blossom luck and will be able to catch up with the target 100%. ]

There is such a good thing?

Zhang Ping's eyes widened suddenly. This is much better than Yue Lao, Eros, and Cupid.

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