I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [346] Healing the White Tiger

Sky-eating toad.

It’s not that this toad can swallow the sky, but it’s a toad that successfully swallowed a swan.

Zhang Ping felt that this ability was a bit cheating. After thinking about it, he resisted the temptation and did not activate the sky-swallowing toad. After all, it is best for marriage to be consensual. Relying on ability is too cheating.

Then he continued to look at other summoned beasts, not paying attention to the outside world at all.

Dragon Dragon Master didn't care about the metal virus attack at all, and still killed Situ Shibai again and again, but his eyes glowed red from time to time, and he had already locked onto the targets hiding around him.

far away.

Zhu Chengmian and Zhu Zhaotian did not know that they had successfully set up an enemy.

The two of them witnessed Zhang Ping swallowing the metal virus. They only felt their scalp numb and it took them a while to come back to their senses.

Zhu Chengmian let out a long sigh and smiled reluctantly: "You are worthy of being called an infinite-level ability user. Situ Shibai is scary enough. This mysterious boy is even scarier than Situ Shibai. It seems that he wants to deal with him. It needs to be considered in the long term.”

"Maybe he was just passing by?" Zhu Zhaotian wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Zhu Chengmian with one eye, and said with a wry smile.

Zhu Chengmian smiled and said: "It would be great if we were just passing by, but I have an intuition that he might not leave so easily."

He turned around and said: "Let's go, stay here, if the other party finds out, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

With that said, he and Zhu Zhaotian left quickly.

They didn't dare to use their abilities to teleport to the nearest base until they were far away. They were obviously frightened by Zhang Ping's 'brutal' behavior.

[Treasure Squirrel: It can be activated by spending 2000 good karma points. After summoning it, it will open up an exclusive treasure hiding space for you. The treasures stored in it can never be taken out. 】

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and expressed that he was no longer surprised.

It can never be taken out, but it is actually not useless. At least he can put the dark history that he does not want to be discovered into. If it were still in his previous life, he would definitely put his computer in it.

When he thought that after his death, his browsing history on his computer might be seen by his family, he had the urge to crawl into a crack in the stone.


Zhang Ping thought for a moment, and then activated the treasure squirrel.

After activating it, he consumed physical and mental energy to summon the treasure squirrel.

There is basically no difference between treasure squirrels and ordinary squirrels. The only difference is the tail. The tail of ordinary squirrels is fluffy and furry, while the tail of treasure squirrels is

The front part of the tail is still furry, but there is a key-shaped bone at the tip of the tail.

After it came out, it sniffed Zhang Ping, and then inserted its tail into the air. A keyhole seemed to appear in the air. As it twisted its tail, a crack slowly appeared.

When the crack opened, a small space appeared in front of Zhang Ping.

"Is this the treasure hiding space?" Zhang Ping asked the treasure squirrel.

The treasure squirrel nodded right away.

"Okay, but I don't have anything to put in right now, so just close it." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

The treasure squirrel suddenly showed an angry expression and stared at Zhang Ping without blinking, obviously very dissatisfied with Zhang Ping's choice.

"You mean you have to put something in?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise.

Although the treasure squirrel seems not to want to talk, it can still communicate through its expression, which is also a way of communicating with all things.

The treasure squirrel continued to glare at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping scratched the back of his head helplessly, then simply cut off one of his fingers and put it into the treasure hiding space, and said, "Is this okay?"

The treasure squirrel nodded with satisfaction. It swept its tail towards the space. The next moment, the treasure space closed and it quickly dissipated into a burst of white smoke.

"So that's it. Every time a summoned beast is summoned, it will dissipate after completing its mission." Zhang Ping saw this scene and seemed to have some enlightenment.

He was a little curious. If another treasure squirrel was summoned, would the treasure space that would be opened be the same treasure space as before?

And what's going on with his finger now?

Originally, he wanted to transfer his consciousness to that finger after the treasure squirrel closed the treasure space to see if there were any changes in the treasure space. As a result, after the treasure squirrel closed the treasure space, he could no longer contact that finger.

"Come out, treasure squirrel!"

He held down the page, and the next moment he summoned a treasure squirrel again.

This treasure squirrel looks exactly the same as the previous treasure squirrel, but it obviously does not recognize Zhang Ping. After sniffing, it opens the treasure space again with its tail.

Sure enough, there was nothing in this treasure space, and it was not the treasure space he had before.

Zhang Ping already understood when he saw this scene. The summoned beasts in the Book of Good Karma were probably just like the summoned beasts in the game. They were just summoned objects without a self.

Although they look very flexible, they are actually just a set template.

Zhang Ping placed a stone into the treasure space,

The treasure squirrel closed the treasure space with the same satisfaction, and then turned into smoke and dissipated.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to read the book of good deeds.

The settings of many summoned beasts in the book are very interesting. Although they have no combat effectiveness, they have various functions and are quite comprehensive.

For example: there is a courier that can deliver letters no matter where the target is, there is a rhinoceros that increases mutual understanding and communication, and there is a small flying dragon that changes the weather and creates rain.

From a functional perspective, these summoned beasts are indeed useful.

Zhang Ping activated the summoned beasts he thought were useful while watching. Anyway, he had more than 10 million good karma points, and he was so rich that he didn't worry about not being able to activate them.

He even felt like he was shopping.

[Fertilizer Boar: It can be activated by consuming 5,000 good karma points. After it is summoned, it will poop for you. Spreading the feces on the plants can accelerate the growth of the plants. ]

[White Cloud Blue Ox: It can be activated by consuming 9,000 good karma points. After it is summoned, it will lie on its side next to you. Sleeping with it will greatly increase the speed of mental recovery. ]

[Healing White Tiger: It can be activated by consuming 20,000 good karma points. After it is summoned, it will allow you to touch it. During the touch, your troubles, stress, and negative emotions will disappear. ]




Zhang Ping waved his hand and activated many more summoned beasts.

Then he couldn't wait to summon the healing white tiger. In a blink of an eye, a tall and handsome white tiger appeared in front of him. The white tiger looked majestic but kind. It walked gently to Zhang Ping's side, rubbed Zhang Ping with its head, and then lay down beside Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping gently stroked the white tiger, and all the negative emotions disappeared quickly.

In fact, he was a person who liked freedom. Although he understood and could accept the fact that he had to stay here for a year, it didn't mean that he wouldn't feel bored, irritable, or even depressed.

It's just that these emotions usually don't interfere with his choices. He will still do what he should do.

But these negative emotions and pressures are like a big stone pressing on his heart. There are still some negative effects, such as a slightly more irritable temper and a more direct and domineering communication.

Now that all the negative emotions have been eliminated, he feels like he has put down a heavy burden, and the whole person is refreshed.


He simply lay on the white tiger, rubbing his face constantly, and then raised his head, his whole face was radiant.

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