I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [347] A moment of pleasure in petting cats

Sunfire Base.

Zhu Chengmian found Zhu Taihao and said, "Father, I hope I can use the flare cannon once!"

"For that infinite-level awakened person of unknown origin?" Zhu Taihao's eyes were cloudy. After a while, he slowly looked at his most proud son and asked.

Zhu Chengmian nodded and said, "Well, father, he is in greater danger than Situ Shibai."

"Cheng Mian, how many times have I told you that you are too eager for quick success and quick success when facing big things." Zhu Taihao sighed slowly.

Zhu Chengmian remained silent and just looked at Zhu Taihao.

After a moment, Zhu Taihao said: "The flare cannon can be used, but it must be used after Situ Shibai is killed!"

"Yes, father!" Zhu Chengmian responded immediately.

He knew what Zhu Taihao meant, which was to protect one against the other. Even if the flare cannon could not kill Zhang Ping, it could at least guarantee the death of Zhang Ping and Situ Shibai.

If the flare cannon is used now, once Zhang Ping is not killed by the flare cannon and Situ Shibai takes the opportunity to resurrect and escape, it will be like a chicken flying over the egg, and it will be of no benefit to the beast-controlling Zhu family.

You should have a Monday attitude on Monday. If you have anything to do, talk about it on Tuesday.

You should have the attitude of Tuesday on Tuesday, and discuss anything on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, you should have the attitude of Wednesday. If you have anything to do, talk about it on Thursday.

Zhang Ping felt that he had become a useless person.

When he gets up every morning, he eats breakfast and then summons the healing white tiger.

Suck the pussy!

No, it’s about stroking the white tiger and sucking the white tiger.

Cure White Tiger is really super healing. Not only is it chubby, but it also has a very docile and clinging personality. If you lie down on it and suck on it for a while, all your worries will disappear. Even if your mood is cloudy one moment, it will turn into clear skies the next moment.

Ever since he got the White Cure Tiger, Zhang Ping has stopped exercising and is no longer in a hurry to improve his super powers. He lies on top of the Cure White Tiger every day, carelessly stroking and sucking cats.

"Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping, you can't degenerate like this anymore."

Zhang Ping rested his head on Cure Baihu's soft belly, and suddenly felt that he had been a little too relaxed during this period, so he sat up, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself.

Countless worlds are still waiting for him to save, and countless suffering people still need the leadership of the rescue team.

he must have

A more powerful force suppresses all dissatisfaction in the world to ensure that the rescue team can carry out their work smoothly.

"Forget it, let's work hard tomorrow."

Zhang Ping persisted for a second, and then lay on Cure White Tiger's body for a while.

In fact, Cure White Tiger does not have any negative side effects of addiction. The main reason is that it is so healing. It probably means that sucking cats feels good for a while and keeps sucking cats.

Zhang Ping finished sucking the cat, then lay down next to Bai Hu's chubby side, watching the white clouds in the sky move slowly, feeling extremely calm in his heart.

Now let alone being trapped here for a year, even for eternity, as long as the healing white tiger is with him, he feels that he can accept it and even enjoy it.

When Zhang Ping became a useless person who sucked cats, a team was heading towards his location a few kilometers away.

This is a five-person team, consisting of three men and two women. Two of the three men control a large amount of water to wrap themselves. There is also a young man who is carrying a huge sword with an extremely exaggerated shape and walking in The front.

The two women were both young. One of them had double pupils in her eyes and her mouth was sewn shut with fine threads. The other woman was holding a doll and would not let go. She had a very dark and gloomy temperament.

"The distance is almost there, Ma Qi, use your ability to observe the target, don't scare the snake!" The young man carrying the giant sword said at this time, while looking at the woman holding the baby.

Ma Qi responded vaguely, and then placed the doll in his arms on the ground. At the same time, he took off one of his own eyeballs and installed it on the doll's face. The doll suddenly came to life.

"Go!" Ma Qi said gloomily.

The eyes on the baby's face scanned the crowd, and then quickly floated towards Zhang Ping's location, penetrating through a big tree like a ghost.

It was very fast, and it only took a few minutes to float to a distance not far from Zhang Ping. It fell into the ruins of trees nearby, and its eyes were fixed on Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping lay on Cure White Tiger and sucked for a while, then raised his face with a silly smile on his whole face.

This scene happened to fall in the doll's eyes. Its eyes flashed, and the picture was transmitted to Ma Qi.

Ma Qi saw the scene of Zhang Ping sucking a white tiger and said with disgust: "The target is kissing a tiger, it's so perverted."

"This is good news. Maybe we can target that tiger and contain him, or even

Taking the tiger as a hostage...the tiger hostage and giving him orders? "The young man with the big sword said with a smile.

Ma Qi looked at his captain and said with disgust: "Sure enough, men are not good at all."

"This is called a war that never tires of deceit!" The young man with a big sword said with a smile.

One of the two men soaking in the water smiled and said, "Ma Qi, are you still a virgin?"


Ma Qi remained silent, too lazy to talk to the ocean man.

The young man with the big sword put away his smile and said seriously: "Okay, now the mission officially begins, everyone should cheer up."

He took off the big sword from his back, held the long handle, and said seriously: "This time, the goal of our cannon fodder team is to find out as much about him as possible before he dies, and... Your Majesty needs Situ Shibai’s power must save Situ Shibai before he dies!”

The cannon fodder team is a special operations team under Li Aoxue. Each member has two lives every year and has a chance to be resurrected at a fixed point after death.

Therefore, the tasks performed by the cannon fodder team are often extremely dangerous, or even fatal tasks.

This time, the cannon fodder team performed a fatal task!

"Your Majesty doesn't hate Situ Shibai very much, and even has the intention to kill Situ Shibai. Why did you save him this time?" Ma Qi asked gloomily.

She didn't want to save Situ Shibai, and thought that Situ Shibai was just a stumbling block for Li Aoxue to ascend the throne.

The big sword youth said indifferently: "Execute the mission. If you criticize your Majesty's mission again, I will personally enforce the team rules!"


Ma Qi lowered his head slightly, his long hair covered his eyes, and the whole person became more gloomy, but he didn't dare to say another word.

Next, the big sword youth arranged everyone's tasks. The two ocean people were responsible for attracting Zhang Ping's attention, he was responsible for rescuing Situ Shibai, and Ma Qi and another woman were hiding in the dark for support.

"Who has any questions?" The big sword youth finished speaking and looked at everyone and asked.

The two marines raised their hands quickly, and one of them asked, "If we succeed in rescuing Situ Shibai, can we retreat?"

Although they have two lives, they don't want to waste this life if they can survive.

The young man with the great sword said calmly, "No, after successfully rescuing Situ Shibai, everyone must join the battle and find out as much as possible about the other party. This mission is a death-level mission, so get it clear!"

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