I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [348] Cannon Fodder Squad

Mortal level means that no matter whether this mission succeeds or fails, they must die in this mission and are not allowed to retreat or survive.

Everyone nodded to express their understanding, and at the same time, they were mentally prepared to die.

The young man with a big sword smiled and said: "Okay, let's carry out the mission. See you in Haicheng!"

"Goodbye Haicheng!"

The two ocean men fist bumped with the young man with a big sword, and then left quickly.

The young man with the big sword nodded slightly to Ma Qi and the other woman, then turned around and ran quickly to the other side dragging the big sword with one hand.

"Let's go!"

Ma Qi saw that the young man with the big sword and the two ocean people were gone, so he said to the woman whose mouth was sewn shut.

They only had to hide in the dark to help Young Sword and the others, so they deliberately stayed one step behind and waited for Young Sword and the others to leave before finding a place to hide.

This is mainly done to protect against certain enemies that can read minds.

Now Big Sword Youth and the others have no idea where Ma Qi and the others will be hiding. Even if the enemy has the ability to read minds, it will not be easy to find and kill them.

When the cannon fodder team was in action, Zhang Ping was still lying on the Cure White Tiger. Even though the Cure White Tiger looked chubby, it was actually very strong. With Zhang Ping lying on its body, it didn't feel uncomfortable, and it still looked like one. A leisurely and contented look.

"I wonder what Fatty and the others will build into the rescue team headquarters in one year. I'll let the Cure White Tiger heal them later." Zhang Ping thought with a smile, and suddenly two figures appeared in his mind.

He sat up from the white tiger and saw two ocean men rushing towards him from a distance.

The two marine humanoids are both covered with a layer of water, and one holds a shield, the other a trident.

"The visitor is evil!"

Zhang Ping yawned and thought to himself.

He scratched the back of his head and felt that he was too worried. An inexplicable enemy appeared and he should be nervous.

The problem is that he really can't get nervous now. He waited for the two ocean men to rush forward and then said calmly: "Wait, don't rush to start a fight. I am a pacifist. If there is anything between us, It’s a misunderstanding, it’s completely reasonable.”

"Who are you?" one of the two ocean people asked as they rolled their eyes.

Zhang Ping gently stroked the healing white tiger with his hand and said with a smile: "How can you let the guests stand?"

The principle of talking, come on, let's sit and talk, you should be able to see this tiger, it is not aggressive at all, it is very friendly! "

"Could it be a trap?" The shield-wielding ocean man whispered.

The halberd-wielding ocean man whispered: "I'm going to meet him. If something happens to me, don't nag him and just kill him!"

Their mission this time was to rescue Situ Shibai and find out Zhang Ping's details. If they could find out Zhang Ping's details through exchanges of tricks, they didn't want to fight.

The halberd-wielding ocean man took a deep breath, and then stepped on the body of the healing white tiger. He found that the touch of the healing white tiger was very good, and it was like walking on the clouds.

When he walked up to Zhang Ping, he had already put down his guard. He simply sat cross-legged in front of Zhang Ping and said, "My name is Xu Haize, and he is Xu Wanglu."


Why did I say my real name?

Xu Haize regretted it after saying this. He quickly kept his mind tight and said with a forced smile: "I wonder what I call you?"

"Zhang Ping, with a long bow and an ordinary appearance." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Xu Haize nodded and said: "This name is indeed unremarkable, too ordinary, and a bit unworthy of my little brother."


Why did I express my thoughts again?

Xu Haize quickly checked his body, glanced at the bracelet on his right hand, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not mind-controlled, nor did he exert any mental influence on Zhang Ping. In other words, the mistake just now was indeed caused by his carelessness.

"Are you Li Aoxue's subordinates?" Zhang Ping asked suddenly.

Xu Haize was surprised: "How do you know?"

Alas! ! !

Why did I just admit it?

Xu Haize jumped up from Bai Hu's body and took several steps back before looking at Zhang Ping in surprise.

"Do you have the ability to make people tell the truth?" he asked doubtfully.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "No, I can swear to God, I don't have this kind of ability."

"Then why do I always say everything I can't say?" Xu Haize asked.

Zhang Ping yawned, simply lay on Cure Baihu's body, and said lazily: "Wednesday will be like Wednesday. If we have anything to say, let's wait until Thursday.

Well, I'm sleepy. "

After saying that, he fell asleep and didn't really care about Xu Haize.

Xu Haize clenched his fists, unable to tell whether Zhang Ping was teasing them or really sleeping.

He turned around and jumped down to heal the white tiger, and suddenly felt a subtle change in his mood. Although he was a little nervous a moment ago, it was actually natural. He was only nervous for a second at most, and then he recovered and his mentality became calm again.

Only now did he feel that his mood was gradually getting worse, and he was even a little irritable.


Xu Haize reacted and his eyes fell on Cure White Tiger. He happened to be licking his paws and looked at him for a second unintentionally.

In this short second, he finally understood what gentleness was.

He hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked to Xu Wanglu and whispered, "He said we can talk tomorrow if there is anything. Do you think we should start fighting directly or wait?"

"Captain Chen is waiting for us. Once we take action, he will find a chance to save Situ Shibai." Xu Wanglu said lightly.

Xu Haize took a deep breath and nodded, "I understand. Let's start. Be careful of the tiger. If possible, don't hurt it!"


Xu Wanglu immediately looked at Xu Haize with a question mark on his face.

"Is there a problem?"

Xu Haize saw Xu Wanglu looking at him strangely, so he asked.

"That's the opponent's summoned beast!"

Xu Wanglu nodded and then said seriously.

It is so possible that the summoned beast will not attack the enemy in battle. Generally, when awakened people fight, they must kill the opponent's summoned beast first and then deal with the enemy.

"It's different. I can guarantee that it won't hinder us. Go!" Xu Haize explained seriously.

Xu Wanglu said noncommittally: "I will judge for myself, go for it!"

After that, he clenched the shield tightly, roared, and his whole body grew dense scales. At the same time, the shield and his hand merged into one, forming a blade shield full of spikes.

Desperately, Xu Haize had to activate his ability. His whole body grew from 1.8 meters to more than 4 meters tall. His head had turned into a shark. At the same time, he grew a long tail, the end of which was just right to be embedded with the trident.


Xu Wanglu shouted, immediately put the shield in front of him, and rushed straight towards Zhang Ping.

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