I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [351] Situ Shibai's resistance

Zhouyou Bluebird looks a bit like the cutest bird on earth, the Silver-throated Long-tailed Tit.

Except for a section of emerald feathers on its back and wings, the rest of its feathers are all pure white.

Zhang Ping summoned it, and it landed on Zhang Ping's palm, with no intention of leaving. Zhang Ping teased it with his fingers, and it immediately pecked Zhang Ping's fingers angrily.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to go to Zhouyou Taixu?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile.

Zhouyou Bluebird's cute fat face bulged, and he said in a dissatisfaction in a loli voice: "Big bad guy, dry food, I want dry food!"

"Ah, you still want to eat?" Zhang Ping said in surprise.

Zhouyou Bluebird said as a matter of course: "Of course, and when I meet new friends, I have to have gifts to show off!"

"Okay, then let me see what I have here." Zhang Ping opened his belt and took out various barbecues and fruits in a moment.

The wandering bluebird picked a few fruits and said with satisfaction: "That's enough. I'm leaving now. I'll be back in a week!"

After saying that, it spread its wings and flew high, disappearing in a space ripple in a blink of an eye.

"Really unique!"

Zhang Ping smiled and put away the barbecue, and then continued to read the "Book of Good Deeds".

Time flies in leisure.

Probably because the beam of the Dragon Chanting Lord will burst out huge heat every time it appears, the surrounding water vapor has condensed a large number of rain clouds in the air. .

Under the influence of the wind, a large number of dark clouds gathered in the sky in a short time.

Zhang Ping looked up at the sky, put down the Book of Good Deeds in his hand, and immediately built a small house on the spot with the dark mist.

"Not bad, it's good to have poems and books on the pillow, and the scenery in front of the door is good when it rains."

Zhang Ping rested his head on the healing white tiger, watching the wind and rain outside the house, and couldn't help laughing and talking to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck directly on the Dragon Chanting Lord, but the Dragon Chanting Lord blocked it with a black curtain the moment the thunderbolt fell.

The black curtain condensed by Chanlong Zun out of thin air is similar to a wormhole. Generally, when one side opens an entrance, there must be an exit on the other side.

Zhang Ping then saw that just as Situ Shibai was resurrected, a lightning bolt fell from the black curtain above and electrocuted Situ Shibai half to death. Then, before Situ Shibai could fight back, a beam of light fell down and he was once again reduced to ashes.


It's so miserable."

Zhang Ping shook his head and lowered his head to continue reading "The Book of Good Deeds".

The lightning in nature could not cause harm to Chanlong Zun, nor could it cause harm to Situ Shibai. However, the lightning just now was not formed naturally, but was a hidden hand left by Situ Shibai's previous death.

In fact, Situ Shibai did not sit and wait for death. He had been resisting, but most of his means were defeated by Chanlong Zun before they could take effect.

Chanlong Zun did not need so many fancy abilities at all. It was just a simple shot, and Situ Shibai was helpless.

In the final analysis, it was still that Chan Long Zun was faster than Situ Shibai, and the power of his attack was incredible. All of Situ Shibai's abilities could not withstand Chan Long Zun's pure shot.

Zhang Ping understood a truth from the battle between Chan Long Zun and Situ Shibai. The more abilities the better, but if the abilities are not comprehensive enough, then there must be a sufficiently outstanding advantage.

"By the way, my advantage is..."

Zhang Ping then fell into deep thought. He found that he seemed to have a little bit of everything, but if he really wanted to talk about his advantages, he really couldn't say it.

The main reason was that the performances of infinite-level ability users were actually very similar.

The abilities he had, other infinite-level ability users also had similar abilities. He was difficult to kill, and Situ Shibai was also difficult to kill.

In short, he was actually equivalent to a smaller Situ Shibai.

Zhang Ping realized this, and then looked at Chan Long Zun bombarding Situ Shibai, and suddenly he couldn't laugh anymore.

In fact, he had never really been at ease with Chan Long Zun.

Although he could slightly influence Chan Long Zun through the stone tablet in his spirit body, he couldn't control Chan Long Zun's behavior at all.

Whether it was Chan Longzun who destroyed the Eight-story Building with one shot or the Pearl City with one shot now, it was not his intention, but Chan Longzun's own action.

The question is.

Is Chan Longzun protecting him or the stone slab in his spirit body?

He didn't know the answer.

External objects are external objects after all, and the iron must be hard.

Zhang Ping simply got up from the healing white tiger, then carried the healing white tiger and started squatting on the spot.

General exercise is indeed difficult to work, but carrying the healing white tiger to exercise, there is still some

exercise effect.

The weight of the healing white tiger is twice that of a normal tiger, close to one ton.

It did not resist, but let Zhang Ping carry it leisurely, looking at the rain outside from time to time, licking its big meat paws, still elegant and leisurely.

Outside the house, the rain kept falling.

Under normal circumstances, rainwater would flow to lower places, but now the rainwater began to accumulate and even spread to the outside of Zhang Ping's house, but was blocked by the threshold.

However, with the current speed of rain accumulation, it is only a matter of time before it crosses the threshold.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the rain broke through the threshold and flowed into the house.

Zhang Ping had no choice but to control the dark mist to float up, put down the healing white tiger, and walked to the door to observe.

The rain is now almost ten centimeters high. If it continues, this place may become a vast ocean.

"Is this another back-up plan of Situ Shibai?"

Zhang Ping looked up at the sky, which was still covered with dark clouds, and had some guesses in his mind.

Situ Shibai has a lot of abilities. Although he still uses a few abilities frequently, he has a lot of backup options when he needs them.

Situ Shibai probably understands that he can only rely on some abilities that can be activated quickly and try to escape slowly.

Although he has spatial abilities, spatial abilities often require a coordinate. It takes at least 0.1 seconds for him to determine the coordinates and activate his abilities to escape, which is enough for Chanlong Zun to kill him more than ten times.

No matter what his plan is, he must first ensure that he has enough time to activate it.

The next moment, Situ Shibai was resurrected again. His eyes instantly emitted blue light, and then he was hit by a beam of light, and the whole person was turned into ashes.

But the rain below suddenly bulged slowly, and a huge python made of water quickly took shape.

The big python raised its head and sprayed a high-pressure water column directly at Chanlong Zun. A black curtain immediately appeared on Chanlong Zun's body. The water column passed through the black curtain. At the same time, the same black curtain appeared on the top of the big python's head. The water column passed through the black curtain and fell on the big python, but it did not cause any damage to the big python, but merged into the big python's body smoothly.

Zhang Ping understood that Situ Shibai was forcing Chanlongzun to take action.

Once Chanlongzun dealt with the giant python made of water, as long as the timing was right, Situ Shibai should be able to buy enough time to escape.

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