I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [352] Free

Zhang Ping was not optimistic about Situ Shibai's plan.

So far, Dragon Dragon Master has only used two abilities.

One is a black screen with spatial attributes, and the other is a light cannon with exaggerated power.

With just these two moves, Dragon Dragon Master is enough to deal with most of the awakened beings, and no one can force it to use more methods.

Zhang Ping also doesn’t know if Dragon Dragon Master has hidden abilities. This may depend on Situ Shibai’s efforts. If Situ Shibai can force Dragon Dragon Master to use more abilities, he will definitely be happy to see it happen, because he I also want to know Dragon Dragon Master’s trump card.

Next, the tail of the large python made of water rotated at high speed, stabbing at the Dragon Lord in the air like a drill.

However, Dragon Dragon Master still didn't take it seriously, and opened the black curtain at the moment when the python's tail attacked. When the python's tail entered the black curtain, it closed the black curtain.

The tail of the boa constrictor was cut off directly, and it was unknown where the tail was transported.

The rain was still falling, and the big python quickly replenished its water. Suddenly, its body split wildly and turned into densely packed small snakes. These small water snakes were like whips, attacking Dragon Dragon Lord from different directions.

At the same time, Situ Shibai's flesh and blood grew out of thin air, and his skeleton, muscles, and nerve fibers regenerated in an orderly manner, quickly building his body.

Dragon Dragon Master was suddenly in a dilemma. If it attacked Situ Shibai, it would definitely be hit by the small water snake. If it attacked the small water snakes around it, it would give Situ Shibai a chance.

At this moment, Zhang Ping looked at Dragon Dragon Master intently, wondering what it would choose.

The sun suddenly appeared in Dragon Dragon Master's eyes, his red body turned black, and there were countless stars dotting the period.

It opened its mouth suddenly, and suddenly it split widely. If it originally gave people a majestic and domineering impression, then the moment its mouth split open, it was terrifying and terrifying.

And it didn't just split a little, but the entire body split in half starting from the mouth, leaving only the tail that was not completely split.


In an instant, Dragon Dragon Master's split body suddenly closed and cut into the void like scissors.

When its body re-closed, the surrounding time and space was distorted. Whether it was Situ Shibai, the water snake below, or even the muddy earth and the dark clouds in the sky, they were all sucked in by it.

In the mouth, everything was gone in the blink of an eye.

Then, a big crater appeared on the ground, and the sky seemed to be missing a section, with ripple-like vibrations...

Dragon Dragon Master got into the shady scene, and then emerged from the shady scene behind Zhang Ping, wrapping around Zhang Ping, his eyes gradually dimming.


Zhang Ping didn't understand, but was shocked.

He rotated his head 180 degrees and looked at Dragon Dragon Master's gradually recovering body. He had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

Now one-third of Dragon Dragon Master's tail has turned back to red, but the rest is still black, with a large number of star-like light spots dotted at the same time.

Zhang Ping was very familiar with this scene.

Isn't this the space in the Great Sun's Demarcation Needle?

He suspected that Dragon Dragon Master had just cut out a part of the space and sucked it directly into that space.

As a result, it was almost impossible for Situ Shibai to escape. After all, Situ Shibai's potential had been exhausted.

Moreover, if Dragon Dragon Master sends him into the core of the sun, no matter how many times he is resurrected, he will end up in ashes.

"Wait, that means I don't have to stay here anymore?"

Although Zhang Ping felt that Dragon Dragon Master was scary, Dragon Master Dragon Master had not done anything to harm him so far. After thinking about what happened, he suddenly realized that he was free.

There is a saying that Zhang Ping himself had no intention of starting a war with Situ Shibai, nor did he think of destroying Pearl City. All of this was done by Dragon Master Guo on his own initiative.

The rain clouds have been cut away by Dragon Dragon Master along with everything in the space, and the sun shines on the earth.

Zhang Ping controlled the dark fog to slowly fall to the ground thousands of meters away. After retracting the dark fog, he looked back with the Cure White Tiger. Because the earth was cut away, there was a bottomless abyss behind him.

He healed the white tiger by gently stroking it with his hands, and the pressure in his heart was immediately relieved. He couldn't help but smile and said: "The boat will naturally straighten up when it reaches the bridge, let's go!"

Then, he headed towards the direction of Pearl City.

Because he had seen the strength of Mao Longzun and Situ Shibai, he now felt a sense of urgency, so he simply carried the Cure White Tiger on his shoulders and jumped forward the whole way.

Both Dragon Master Duo and Situ Shibai were much stronger than him.

Although he is equivalent to the smaller Situ Shibai, if he really faces Situ Shibai, he may survive.

It only lasts for a second, and facing Dragon Dragon Lord, he may not survive even 0.1 seconds.

Of course, it would not be that easy for Situ Shibai to kill him completely. He at least had the means to guarantee his resurrection, but there was no doubt that he could not be defeated.

Two hours later.

Zhang Ping stopped in front of Pearl City. He put down the Cure White Tiger and looked at the ruins in front of him and couldn't help but take a breath.

The main reason is that the Pearl City was so completely destroyed that even the foundation was wiped away, leaving only a piece of charred soil. The huge Pearl City has become a thing of the past on this land.

Zhang Ping asked himself, although he also has the ability to destroy the Pearl City, he must at least transform into a giant form and continue to trample on it without sleep. It will take about four or five days to destroy the entire Pearl City.

There is a huge difference between him and Dragon Dragon Lord in terms of destructive power.

Next, he stepped into the ruins of Pearl City.

Although the entire city had been flattened, he could still feel the location of Guilou by following his senses, and then calculate the location of other buildings through Guilou.

Without Mingzhu City, the value of this world is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

The walls of Mingzhu City are made of special materials, and are blessed with various abilities by generations of awakeners. Ordinary alien beasts have no ability to destroy the walls at all.

Because of this, Mingzhu City itself is actually a priceless treasure.

This is also the reason why the Beastmaster Zhu family is unwilling to give up Mingzhu City and Li Aoxue is eyeing Mingzhu City.

However, now Mingzhu City has been destroyed by a cannon of the Dragon Chanzun. It is estimated that both the Beastmaster Zhu family and Li Aoxue have lost interest in this land. Although they will still fight for it, they will definitely not fight to the death like before.

Zhang Ping stayed at the location of Guilou for a while, and then continued to move forward. His eyes have become perspective eyes.

Mingzhu City is so big that there must be countless rare treasures. What if there are some special equipment that can withstand the attack of the Dragon Chanzun?

Zhang Ping was sure that any treasure that could withstand the attack of the Dragon Lord must be worth a lot of money, so he came here not only to see the situation of Mingzhu City with his own eyes, but also to pick up bargains.

Suddenly, a ball of green energy that looked like a slime emerged from the charred ground.

It locked onto Zhang Ping, who was ten meters away, and quickly rushed towards Zhang Ping's location.

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