I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [356] The Man Who Sees God

"Doctor, my dad's illness seems to be getting worse again!"

In the picture, a young and beautiful girl has tears in her eyes and her mouth moves as if she is talking.

Zhang Ping used his mind and lip reading to roughly guess what the girl was saying.

There was a doctor sitting in front of the girl. He wore glasses and his hair was meticulously styled. He was writing something with his head down. After a while, he raised his head and muttered to himself: "What did he write again?"

"I haven't written anything anymore, it's just... I've been saying that I saw God recently, and thought I was a painter, scribbling in the house every day, and... I also said that the paint must be wrong, and I've been looking at me more and more lately. Strange." The girl became more and more frightened as she spoke, and couldn't help but hold on to her handbag.

The doctor comforted him: "Don't be afraid. Our hospital is the most formal mental hospital. According to you, your father's delusional disorder has indeed worsened again."

"What should we do?" the girl asked.

The doctor pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said seriously: "Then send him out of the hospital. What if he really has talent as a painter?"


Zhang Ping understood what the doctor said through lip reading, and a question mark suddenly popped up in his mind.

Then the scene slowly shifted to the doctor's perspective. There was a scrawled notebook on his desk, filled with strange symbols and patterns.

Zhang Ping felt uncomfortable all over after just one glance, and felt like vomiting.

It's probably like eating steak and drinking wine, and suddenly the steak goes bad and is covered with maggots, and the wine suddenly tastes like water.

“There’s something wrong with these symbols and patterns!”

Zhang Ping closed his eyes, but the picture still continued in his mind. He couldn't stop these symbols and patterns from entering his brain.

Fortunately, the screen turned to the girl. The girl nodded happily and said, "Is it really possible? Thank you, doctor. I think my dad will be very happy to hear this good news."

After saying that, she got up and walked out. Only then did Zhang Ping realize that the girl was not wearing pants, and there were two strange patterns painted on her buttocks.

From the style of the pattern, we can guess that the person who drew this pattern and the owner of the notebook should be the same person.

The screen moves with the girl.

When the girl walked out of the consultation room, there were many strange people around, some of whom were wearing doctor's clothes.

, but they are no different from mental patients. On the contrary, some people wearing hospital uniforms have very natural expressions and behaviors, almost like normal people.

The girl greeted several doctors, then turned and walked up to the third floor. She came to a ward and opened the door of the ward.

The walls of this house were covered with messy graffiti, and Zhang Ping felt intense discomfort when he saw the graffiti.

Obviously, these were suddenly all the same as the symbols and patterns in the notebook. They had some strange power and could even affect him from a distance.

"Dad, I'm back!" the girl said happily at this time.

Zhang Ping scanned the screen and did not find the girl's father. The girl walked to the bed and sat down, lifted the quilt and picked up a white snake. He whispered: "Dad, the doctor said that your illness has indeed become more serious, so he I also think you have the talent to be a painter and agree to let you leave the hospital and go to the city to try it."

After she finished speaking, she kissed Bai She, then stood up and walked aside, humming a song and began to modify the graffiti on the wall.

Just when Zhang Ping thought that these graffiti were originally painted by a girl, the snake lifted the quilt, and an unkempt man got up from the bed, stared at the girl with cross-eyed eyes, and said angrily: "Don't touch my paintings, or I will kill you." , use your blood as paint!”

The man's body is very weird. One of his arms has been completely replaced by a white snake, and the other arm is covered with eyes. He has no clothes, so you can see a large number of baby heads growing out of his abdomen, and his back is covered with mouths.

When Zhang Ping saw the man, his scalp was numb and he felt a strong physical discomfort.

"Dad, I didn't touch your painting." The girl said coquettishly.

The man ignored the girl. He slowly walked to the wall opposite the door, knelt down with a plop, raised his hands and murmured to himself: "God, please let me see more, I want to know more, Truth, truth, please allow me to lift the bottom of your skirt, hey, hey hey hey..."

He smiled, and suddenly a large amount of blood gushed out from his nostrils. As if he was stimulated, he smeared blood on his hands and began to draw crazily on the wall.

However, Zhang Ping didn't see what he drew because the scene had moved outside the hospital.

A large number of troops are stationed outside the hospital. Judging from the tents, deer villages, and horses in the picture, these troops have been blocking the hospital for quite some time.

Several soldiers walked slowly accompanied by an old professor.

"Judging from the current situation, extraordinary power does exist. Unfortunately, the price required to obtain this extraordinary power is too high." The old professor sighed.

A female soldier nodded and said: "Professor Zhou is right, but as the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Since those runes do have extraordinary effects, one day we will master this extraordinary power."

"One step at a time, one step at a time. In the past, we suffered the disadvantage of falling behind. If we fell behind... we would be beaten. Therefore, no matter how high the price is, we must control this extraordinary power." Professor Zhou nodded.

Next, scenes of Professor Zhou using death row prisoners to conduct experiments appeared on the screen. At first, the death row prisoners only needed to watch a rune.

Without exception, all the prisoners on death row who watched the runes became mentally ill.

However, their bodies did not undergo any special mutations. Neither did their entire arms turn into white snakes, nor did they grow any disgusting organs.

So, the experiment entered the second stage.

The second stage was to let ten death row prisoners look at multiple runes at the same time, but the arrangement of these runes was different.

After a period of time, four of the death row prisoners died on the spot, and their heads exploded, a strange and terrifying way of death. Among the remaining six death row prisoners, five of them became mentally ill, and only the last death row prisoner was left. A gun grew out of his head. After the gun grew to a certain length, it slowly bent, and finally the muzzle was aimed at the prisoner's eyebrows.

Just when everyone couldn't understand this scene, the gun fired a bullet, and the death row prisoner was shot in the head by the gun that grew out of his head on the spot.

This scene was even more bizarre than the head explosion, and all the researchers were dumbfounded.

But there was one person who was ecstatic, and that was Professor Zhou.

Although the death of the death row prisoner was weird, it was definitely a supernatural power, and the purpose of their gathering here was to thoroughly study Chen Changqing's runes and master this supernatural power.

Next, a large number of death row prisoners began the second round of experiments. They watched the runes that the prisoner who was shot in the head by a gun grew out of his head was watching.

The same runes began to show different effects.

Some death row prisoners grew new heads, some grew human faces on the back of their heads, and some grew various horns. Of course, some death row prisoners still died from headshots.

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